Chapter 3-The Day Has Come

Disclaimer: Do Not Owe Naruto!

notes: The final chapter! Here it is...


"Happy birthday sensei!"

Once again, the rookie nine along with Team Gai and some of Kakashi's closets friends were at the Ichiraku restaurant celebrating the 26th birthday of the copy ninja.

"Open mine first sensei!" Sakura said smiling as she pushed her gift towards him.

Kakashi opened it as he beamed, "it's a Pakkun wallet," he said as Sakura smiled.

"Where did you get that Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked annoyed as Sakura sighed.

"I found it at an store. That was the last one technically," she said.

"Why don't we put some music on?" Sasuke asked as he hated the quitessness in the room as Anko nodded.

The room was suddenly filled with music as the owner of Ichiraku didn't mind since it was the jounin's birthday along with his daughter Ayame as the two cooked ramen since Anko, Kurenai and Sakura were all paying for everything.

"Ah, old man! One more for me!" Naruto exclaimed as he held out his bowl, he had already eaten at least five as he was going to his sixth one at the time.

"Naruto, you'll get fat if you eat this much!" Hinata exclaimed as Naruto smiled at her.

"Ah, but I need food for all I could get for training!"

"Just don't throw up."


"Huh? Have you've seen Gai-sensei anywhere?"

"His outside with Kakashi," Genma replied as everyone looked out the window and sure enough, the two were at the bridge where team 7 usually meets for meeting or training.


"Long night huh Gai?"

Gai looked over his shoulder and he saw Kakashi standing behind him.

"Shouldn't you be with your party?"

"They don't know that I'm missing."

"Oh? Your team misses you."

Kakashi shrugged, "what are you doing out here? You should be bored by now."

Gai laughed, "I'm never bored Kakashi. You should go back to your party."

"There's something that I want to tell you Gai."

Gai blinked as he looked over at Kakashi.

"If it's the one that you love, I don't want to hear about it," he murmured.

"Oh? You don't want to know that I love that person?"

Gai snorted, "just be happy and I'll accept that."

"What happens if I kiss that person?"

Gai groaned, "look, I don't care what you do! Whoever that person is..." he didn't finished as he felt Kakashi's lips kissing his own lips.

Gai moaned as he deepened the kiss as the two battled for one another.

The kiss was long and passionate as the two had to come up for air.


Kakashi smiled as he had put back his mask without Gai seeing his face, "the person that I love the most is you," he said.

Just then they heard whistling as the two turn back and saw that everyone came out from the Ichiraku restaurant to see them.

"Go sensei!"

"I wanted Gai-sensei to confess!"

"At least they are together now Lee!"

"Oi, let's go back to the restaurant and finish the party," Kakashi suggested as everyone cheered and everyone went inside accept for Gai who hunged back as Kakashi turn to look at him.

"Aren't you coming?"

Gai nodded slowly as he looked back in front of him and gasped, Kakashi looked and the two saw fireflies flying around everywhere at the night.

Kakashi chuckled happily as he brought Gai's hands towards his as the two walked hand-in-hand back to the Ichiraku restaurant.



gai: how did you guys like it?

kakashi: finally my birthday huh?

naruto: we'll be onto the next story soon!

sakura: review and update!