Sorry this chapter is short. 1)I wanted to update and 2) I couldn't get rid of the page break near the bottom and it was starting to frustrate me.


Chapter 23: The Church

"Andrea said that Lucas didn't draw like that until his father died," Dean said as they drove along a road.

Sam held the most recent drawing in his hand as Amber leaned forward, arms resting on the front seat. She rested her chin on the back of the seat, looking at the drawing.

"Well, there's a chance that going through a traumatic experience could make certain people more sensitive to premonitions…psychic tendencies," Sam said, looking at the drawing in his hand of a white church with pointed tower.

"Well, whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow?" Dean asked, periodically looking over at Sam from the driver's seat, "I mean it's only a matter of time before it gets someone else."

"I guess we have to go house hunting again," Sam said.

"The only problem is that there are over 1000 year old two stories in this county alone," Dean said, frustrated.

"You see that church?" Sam pointed to the church in the drawing, "I bet there are less than a thousand of those."

"Ohh, college boy thinks he's so smart," Dean said with a funny accent, causing Sam to laugh and roll his eyes and Amber just to roll her eyes, leaning back in the seat.

Sam hesitated for a few moments, trying to find the right words,

"You know," Sam began, "what you said about mom back there," Sam turned his head to look at Dean, "you never told me that before."

Dean kept his eyes on the road, playing the tough guy,

"It's no big deal."

Sam questioningly raised his eyebrows and after a few moments of silence, Dean turned to face Sam,

"Oh, God, we're not going to have to hug or anything, are we?" he said in disgust.

Sam smirked and Amber laughed to herself. She knew he was capable of being more caring, especially after what happened the night before, but she also knew that he was trying to be strong for his younger brother. Amber leaned back in her seat and looked out the back window of the Impala. Trees passed by and eventually the trees turned to homes and soon they were in a small town. She turned her head to the left and saw a large white church like in the drawing that Lucas had made for Dean.

"Hey guys, look," she said, leaning forward over the front seat and pointing to the left.

Dean turned his head and followed her slim finger and saw what she was pointing at. He made a sharp turn into the parking lot, causing Amber to fly backwards and slide across the seat. He stopped the car suddenly, causing Sam and Amber to fly forward. When he stopped the car, he turned to both of them and smirked,

"Sorry, almost missed the turn."

"Oh, you liar!" Amber pointed at Dean.

"You did that on purpose!" Sam opened the car door.

"Who me?" Dean asked, pointing to himself, pulling the keys out of the ignition, "Never!" he said, opening the car door and winking at them before climbing out.

"Son of a bitch," Amber shook her head, "How do you put up with him?" she asked Sam.

"Good question," was his reply as he climbed out of the car.

Amber climbed out and closed the door behind her, walking up to Sam and Dean, who both held the drawing up in front of them.

"Looks like the church to me," Amber said, walking up behind Dean, placing a hand on his shoulder, "but who's that?" she asked, pointing to the little kid in the picture standing next to a bright red bicycle.

The kid was drawn wearing a baseball hat and he and the bike were in front of a yellow and green home with a wooden fence. Trees and bushed rose over the light wooden fence and surrounded the home he stood in front of. Sam looked up from the drawing first and looked across the street from the church and saw the same exact house. He looked over at Dean then proceeded to look up at the church.

"This is really starting to freak me out," Amber said from behind them.

Dean looked back at her,

"More than the wendigo?" he asked, grinning.

"Now that you mentioned it, no, not more than the wendigo," Amber said, looking over at the house, Dean continuing to watch her for a few moments more, she looked back at him and saw that he was still staring at her. She smiled at him and blushed lightly, looking him in the eye,


"Nothin'," he shrugged.

Amber stuck her tongue out at him playfully before following Sam across the street.

"Oh no you don't!" Dean ran over to her and grabbed her upper arm; he turned her towards him and quickly kissed her lips.

"Not here, not right now," she whispered, "later. We've got work to do."

"I'll hold ya to it," Dean said, proceeding to follow his brother to the house.