((A/N: Thanks for all the comments, you guys are the best! And wow 525 views. That's really awesome I wasn't expecting it. I am a little disappointed that there's so many views, but only 19 comments. Oh well nothing I can do about it.))


The rest of the day, and that night all I could do was wonder if she was okay. She had run out so fast I didn't know what had come into her. And then when Zoey said she wasn't feeling well, I felt like I should go check on her. I don't get why I care so much. Im LOGAN REESE for gods sake. I don't care about just one girl. I've never cared for just one person. I don't have a large enough attention span for that. But still, I wondered if she was okay.


I woke up to an empty room. It felt so bare, I felt so alone. I looked around at my bare purple walls. They needed my own personal touch, and yesterday I hadn't felt like decorating. But I did now, I needed it to be my own, to feel more home-y. I went through my suitcase and found a couple of poster tubes with rolled up cork board in them, and a shoe box filled with pictures and other things. I unrolled the cork, which were shaped as the letters in my name, and tacked them to the wall. I then proceeded to pull out my pictures and cut them to fit onto the boards to cover the letters.

After about an hour of arranging, cutting, and tacking, I was finally happy with my creation. There were tons of pictures from PCA from my first year, and a few from France, and some from before PCA. It finally felt like my room.

I quickly changed out of my pajamas and into a pair of jeans and a red shirt, some things never change. I glanced at the clock, 9:30. Hm, everyone should be down at breakfast by now.

I walked out of Brenner hall, and braced myself for the questions to come. Everyone probably thinks im crazy or something for leaving last night. As I approached the table the others were sitting at, noone seemed to notice I was coming. I slid into a seat next to Zoey.

"Hey Dana" She greeted. Lola, Michael and Chase smiled, Logan gave me a concerned look and did one of those retarded head nods.

"Hey Dana, are you feeling better? You had us worried when you ran out of Sushi Rox last night, but Zo said you just weren't feeling well, so are you feeling better?" Nicole said, all in one breath. I swear that girl has huge lungs to be able to hold that much air. But sick? I glanced over at Zoey, and realized that thats what she told them to explain why I left

"Oh yeah, I'm feeling loads better, I was just really tired." I looked down at the table and fidgeted with my rings. "I'll uhm.. Be right back.. I'm just gonna go grab something to eat..."

I got up and walked over to one of the kiosks. I needed coffee, and bad. Too bad there were no Starbucks on campus, I had to rely on PCA coffee, and its not exactly the best coffee in the world. I ordered my coffee and a blueberry muffin when I got the feeling someone was coming towards me. I spun around to find myself face to face with Logan.

"Oh..uhm..hey.." I said.. I didn't look at him. I looked down at my wallet and turned back to face the kiosk.

"Hey yourself Cruz. What really happened last night? I know you weren't sick. You were perfectly fine outside. What's going on?"

I grabbed my coffee and muffin and turned back around. I looked up at him and my eyes immediately locked with his big chocolate brown ones. I was at a loss for words for a moment, then I snapped back into reality.

"It is what it is, I was tired, and I was feeling sick. Now if you'll be so kind as to move I want to go eat in peace."

"Dana don't be like that, tell me what's going on. Some things bothering you!"

God, why wouldn't he give up? Acting like he cares, ha! Last night was such an act, im not falling for another one of those.

"Nothing is bothering me! Dammit Logan!" I said bitterly. He was pissing me off, he needed to realize that. I guess he did because he took a step back.

"Whatever." He shook his head "After you" I walked in front of him back to the table taking a few deep breaths and counting to 10 so I didn't explode at him again.

I reached the table and sat back down next to Zo.

"Everything okay?" she whispered.

"It will be" I replied not looking up, just concentrating on my muffin. I felt his gaze on me, and I refused to acknowledge it.


I just looked at her. I can't figure her out. One minute were having a grand time, laughing and joking, and the next she hates me again! Im trying to show her I've changed. I'm not the same guy I was last time I saw her. All I want is her, but she refuses to see that. She started to open up, and I swore she felt the same. Then she went and ran out on me. I'm just so confused. I don't get her, or what she wants. Its like, one minute she realizes we could be more than just friends, and its like she gets scared. But I've never known Cruz to be scared. She's not the type to get scared and run away though! She's Danger Cruz for gods sake!


I sat in silence for most of breakfast. Trying to figure out what was going on with Dana and Logan. I knew it was more than she was letting on. I saw the way they looked at each other yesterday. They care for each other. I know they do! But of course they wont admit it. They're too damn stubborn. Go figure. I spent most of last night talking to Lola about what had happened. We soon realized though, that we couldn't meddle in this, Logan and Dana had to work this out by themselves, but Chase and Zoey on the other hand were fair game.

/FLASHBACK/ (the night before, in the girls lounge after Zoey and Dana went to bed)

"I don't get how Zo doesn't see it! Chase obviously likes her, I mean who can be that oblivious?" Lola said shaking her head. I nodded in agreement

"Oh I know! It was so obvious after the third week that Chase obviously felt something other than friendship for her. But nooooo Zoey can figure out everything else, except for the fact that her best friends madly in love with her" I sighed

Chase and Zoey would be so adorable together! But Chase was way too shy to say anything, and Zo wasn't helping the situation by being clueless. Sometimes I just want to bash their heads together hoping that maybe some sense will come to all of them. But no.

"I don't get how all of them can be so clueless sometimes! Isn't PCA supposed to be full of smart people? How can they all be lacking in common sense?" Lola asked as she braided one of her blue streaks

"Well, you know what they say.. You can't be both book smart, and street smart."


I sighed.

"So guys..." I looked around at the table, Dana was still staring at her muffin, as if waiting for it to do something interesting. Logan was watching Dana still. Lola and Chase were talking about the Drama production for the fall, and Zoey and Michael were exchanging weird glances about what was going on with Dana and Logan, both trying to like figure out what the other one knew. I coughed trying to get their attention


Dana looked up from her muffin, Logan took one last look at her then finally looked over at me. Lola and Chase stopped their conversation, and Zoey and Michael averted their attention onto me.

"Finally geeze. Anyways, Since classes don't start until Monday, and its only Friday.. I thought maybe we could all go to the beach?"

I looked around and studied their faces, all of em seemed up for it

"Yeah that sounds cool, good thinking Nic" Lola said. I smiled. Yay me

"Mkay, well how about we meet at 11 in 101? Zo you should invite Dustin, and I'll invite Quinn on my way back to the Dorm. It'll be a big thing, like a big reunion!" I said happily as I got up to throw my trash away.

"Sounds good to me. Hey Nicole are you heading back to the dorms?" Dana asked. I nodded "Alright sweet wait for me, I'll head back with you."

Dana got up and threw her stuff away. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded and waved to the others as we set off for Brenner Hall.


((A/N: so its kinda short.. I know.. Im really sorry im not feeling very well at the moment. I'll update soon though I swear im trying to get some new ideas.. If anyone has any they'd like to see in here just message me em :) ))