Sasuke/Naruto Oneshot that I broke up in two parts of random scenes of them growing up together.

This one-shot was inspired by a picture I saw of Sasuke and Naruto's dads holding baby versions of them. It's so cute!

Warning: Fluff and oocness.

Disclaimer: I'm only borrowing these cute characters for my own enjoyment.


Over the Years

"Oh, no, honey. Don't put that in your mouth." The pretty dark-haired woman, Mrs. Uchiha, took the pen top out of the blond baby's mouth and picked him up. "You're not supposed to eat that." She spoke in a silly voice causing him to giggle cutely and gave him a pacifier to suck on instead.

"You're such a busy-body. I'm going to have to put you in here." She placed him in the large playpen with her son, Sasuke, who was about the same age as the blond baby, Naruto.

"Now play good with Sasuke for awhile." The dark-haired baby put is hands in the air, reaching for his mother for her to pick him up.

"You just want to be picked up." She gently swatted his hands away. "You're so spoiled. Here." She picked up a small stuffed rabbit and gave it to him before pinching his soft cheek and walking toward the kitchen.

Sasuke watched his mom walk away with teary eyes then started crying when she disappeared from his sight.

"Mom! Sasuke's whining again." Sasuke's older brother complained, looking annoyed at the crying child.

"I can hear that, sweety. Just let him cry. He'll get over it." She said from the kitchen.

"But he's so loud." Itachi said quietly then watched as Naruto crawled over to the crybaby and patted him softly on the back. Sasuke continued to cry crocodile tears until the blond baby pulled out his pacifier and put it in the dark-haired one's mouth.

"Wow. Thanks, Naruto." The older Uchiha boy said amazed as Sasuke stopped crying, sucking contently on the item.


Mrs. Uchiha hummed softly as she ran her fingers through her eldest son's hair while he laid his head on her lap. They were both looking at the TV and the two smaller kids played, surprisingly, quietly on the floor.

"No, no, Sassay! Me dat one!" She heard the blond say to her son, who didn't seem to be paying attention to him as he made cute beeping noises with his mouth for the little car he was playing with.

"Hey, we're back!" She suddenly heard her husband say as he came in with his co-worker, Naruto's father.

"Daddy!" Both small boys squealed happily as the men walked in the room.

"He wasn't any trouble, was he?" The blond man asked Mrs. Uchiha.

"Not at all. He's a little angel." She said standing up.

"Yeah, he's not a crybaby like Sasuke!" Itachi teased as he ran upstairs to his room.

"I could watch him again for you, if you'd like." She offered.

"Thank you very much. It'd be a big help since I have to work." He said politely then glanced at his son.

"Come on, Naruto. Time to go. Say good-bye to the Uchihas." He said, scooping up the energetic child that looked like a miniature version of himself.

"Me wanna pay wiz Sassay." Naruto whined at him and Sasuke stood up on his short legs and walked up to the blond man, lifting his arms in the air, wanting to be picked up also. Mr. Uchiha turned from hugging his wife and grabbed him instead.

"No, Naruto. We're leaving. You'll see him tomorrow. Now say thank you to Mrs. Uchiha." The blond child sniffed and rubbed his eye with a chubby hand.

"Sank yoo." He said sweetly and the three adults smiled at the cuteness.

"Thanks again. I'll see you two tomorrow." As Naruto's father turned to leave, his child leaned over his shoulder and reached out a chubby hand at Sasuke, causing the other boy to do the same. They both reached out a hand, trying to grab each other as the blond man walked toward the door.

"Sassay." The blond baby said as his eyes started to tear. Sasuke pulled out the pacifier in his mouth and held it out to Naruto. Sasuke's mom nearly melted at the scene.


"Please." The 7-year-old pleaded to his brother, holding a small basketball in his hands.

"No! Leave me alone! Go play with your friend." Itachi shooed his little brother away and blasted his headphones in his ear. Sasuke pouted.

"But you promised." Itachi just leaned back in the patio chair and put his feet up on the table, happily ignoring his little brother. Sasuke walked back into the house with his head down.

"What's wrong, honey?" His mom asked from the kitchen table. She patted the seat next to her.

"What's got my baby so sad?" She ruffled his hair affectionately and he soaked up the attention.

"Brother won't teach me how to play basketball and he promised that he would! Does brother hate me?" He asked dejectedly.

"Of course not. Your brother's just lazy." She smiled at him. "I could teach you, though." Sasuke raised shocked dark eyes to her equally dark ones.


"Of course! You're father taught me and I could even teach you to beat your brother at the game." She winked at him playfully.

"Cool, Mom! Come on let's go!" Sasuke said energetically, pulling his mother by the hand and toward the door.

"Wait! My pie is still baking and I have to change." Sasuke pouted slightly. "Just give me thirty minutes and I'll be out there."

"Okay! Thanks, Mom." He hugged his mother quickly and ran outside toward Naruto's house, but not before tossing a dirt rock at his brother's face.

"You little creep!" He heard him yell.

He ran all the way to Naruto's, whose house was just down the street, and opened the door.

"Hey, Naruto! Naruto! My mom said she'll teach me how to play basketball! Isn't that cool? Why don't you come and play with us!" Sasuke shouted through the blonde's house. He walked in the boy's room only to find it empty like the living room and kitchen area.

"Hey, Naruto?" He peeped in the master bedroom. "Mr. Uzumaki? Hey, where is everybody?" The cute little boy asked out loud. He then walked to the back porch and pushed open the unlocked door.

"Mr. Uzumaki?" He called to the blond man that seemed to be asleep with his head on his folded arms at the small table.

"Hey, Sasuke!" Naruto ran up to the youngest Uchiha.

"Hey. What's wrong with your dad?" Sasuke questioned the blond boy.

"Nothing. He's just asleep. He always does that." Naruto walked up to the table and poked his father with a stick, which earned them sleepy mumbles from the man. The blond boy then picked up a dried, brown leaf and put it in his father's hair, causing Sasuke to cover his mouth to hide his giggles. They continued to giggle and put leaves on the man's head until Naruto stopped him.

"Hey, I found something really cool this morning. Come check it out." He grabbed Sasuke by the hand dragged him around the side of the house.

"Oh, hey, my mom said she'll teach me how to play basketball. You wanna learn, too?"

"Your mom can play? Man, she's cool!" Naruto said amazed.

"So you want to learn?"

"Sure!" Naruto stopped them near a fat tree. "Look!" He pointed upward and Sasuke stepped around to look.

"Wow!" He gasped at the huge turquoise and yellow butterfly. "That thing's humongous! Think we can get it down?" He asked Naruto as he picked up a dirt rock to throw at it.

"I've been trying all morning. It won't come down." He shook his blond head. Sasuke started to throw dirt at it, but missed every time.

"Maybe we should wake up your dad and see if he can reach it." Sasuke suggested and Naruto shook his head again.

"He told me to leave it alone. Look! It's moving!" Both boys watched eagerly as the bizarrely large butterfly floated off the tree and into the air.

"So cool!" Naruto said in awe of the marvelous thing. It suddenly dropped down and landed on Sasuke's dark head.

"Look, Naruto!" He said happily as Naruto gawked at the scene.

"So pretty." He said looking more at his friend than at the butterfly that had floated off. "Very pretty."


"Now you just take the icing and make a happy face." Mrs. Uchiha said to the 10-year-old Naruto as he watched her draw the face on a cupcake. "Now you try it." She handed him the tube-like thing with the icing in it and he carefully copied what she just did.

"Yay!" She clapped her hands. "Very good, Naruto. Now do the same to the rest while I finish the cookies." She ruffled his hair playfully as beamed at her. This is fun! He thought as he moved to the next cake.

"Ha-ha! We won!" Sasuke said jumping up in his brother's face, who looked quite upset. He turned and high-fived Naruto's dad before doing a goofy victory dance. And even though Mr. Uchiha had lost the basketball game with his older son, he couldn't help chuckling at Sasuke's silly dance.

"I finally beat you!" He pointed in Itachi's face as the older men laughed.

"So you won one stinking game. Big deal." Itachi plucked Sasuke's forehead before dodging him and running in the house.

"You'll pay for that!" He ran in the house after his brother but stopped at the kitchen to steal a cupcake. His mom smacked his hand before he even touched one.

"Ow! Please, can I have one?" Sasuke begged.

"No. They're for your class's party tomorrow. You can eat one then."

"But, mom--,"

"Alright! You can have one, but after you bathe first. You smell like a wet dog." She turned to put a sheet of cookies in the oven. Sasuke grumbled about taking a bath, but stopped as he spotted his best friend mixing something in a bowl.

"What are you doing? Baking is for girls!" He teased Naruto, who pouted at him. Sasuke suddenly got whacked on the head.

"There is nothing wrong with boys baking! And just for that little comment, after you bathe, you can come down here and help us." His mom scolded, which earned her another angry grumble from her son and a grin from Naruto.

Sasuke took extra long to bathe so when he finally came downstairs, the baking was over. He cackled in triumph in his head as he looked around the kitchen and saw all the baked goods finished.

"Well, I guess I can't help since everything's already done, Mom." He couldn't help smiling at his superb plan.

"Think again, genius. Someone needs to wash all the dishes." His mother pointed at the mountain of mixing bowls, measuring cups, cookie sheets, and other utensils piled in the sink. Sasuke felt his stomach drop.

"And they better be so spotless that I can see my reflection in them." She smiled sweetly. "I'll be back later to check."

Sasuke continued to grumble angrily as he scrubbed the large bowl. His back was starting to hurt and he still had a ton of dishes to go. Crazy, heartless Mom! How could she do this to me! He almost felt like crying. This was so unfair!

"Hey, Sasuke?" He heard Naruto call him and hurriedly wiped his tearing eyes. He still didn't face him as he washed the dishes.

"Yeah?" Naruto could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I've got something for you." That got the pale boy to look at him as he pulled the nicely wrapped cupcake from behind his back and showed it to him. Sasuke turned his midnight colored eyes to the blonde's pretty azure colored ones and smiled at his friend.

"Thank you, Naruto." He said softly not missing the blonde's adorable blushing cheeks.


Just stopping here so it's not a super long one-shot.