Hey it's me again (surprise, surprise!) N-E way I wrote this a while back, but I forgot about it... (doesn't that jus scream responsible?) XD Ummm, well after rereadin' this I started findin' traces of Naruto in there. If you don't see what I mean, just ask me, I'll be happy to explain my reasoning in seeing so.



Why wont they leave me alone

I've done nothing wrong to deserve this treatment of them

They watch me constantly and follow me to no end

I never sleep - knowing that, were I to make that mistake, I'd never be allowed that option again

So I simply lie there - in eternal darkness, eyes, wide and empty, betraying nothing

No emotion, no soul, just nothingness

There were some days when I just couldn't take it anymore- so I'd simply crouch in the corner of my room, motionless, and fade into the shadows

At times I'd cry and cry, until I just couldn't cry anymore

All the while their voices taunting me, like an ancient mantra of some sort or another- gruesome flashback playing in my head, clearly being actions of the past,

A past life depicted as nothing but bloodshed and hostility

At one point I lost it, my sanity I mean

Now I don't fight them anymore, cause I no longer contain the strength or energy, or even the sanity to do so

They've broken me and I've come to terms with that

Never will I escape them, nor shall they leave me- for "they" and "I" are one, and thus it remains

... One day, one day we will take our revenge, together ,and when we do... you vile creatures won't know what hit

But until then ...


'K so, it's just a bunch of jibberish, but I got bored, and well this is what I ended up with. Not sure what exactly I was goin' for (in other words, wasn't goin' for n-e thing), but it's somethin'. Prolly went a bit overboard with the last two lines, though XD