Title: Jeeves Visits The Continent

A/N: Yes, when I see trouble, I have an inexplicable urge to go and bung Bertie into it. This, however, was inspired by Plum himself. Please, read and review!

It helped if he thought of it as hide and seek. Admittedly, the consequences would be a deal more serious if they were found, but that thought did not help at all.

"We'll be safe here, eh, Jeeves?"

Bertie began to really worry when the reply of "Indeed, sir," was several moments in coming, and was accompanied by a very slight, though definately sad, smile. He didn't let it worry him; he tried hard not to let anything worry him, ever. Jeeves was quite good at worrying, and could be counted on to take care of it for both of them.

The room was quite cramped, and dark, and generally unpleasant. It was, however, better than the rest of the surrounding countryside, which appeared to be undergoing some rather serious fighting. Jeeves, ever a marvel, had convinced some local Frenchman to hide them in a root cellar. Bertie had been all for trying to motor away, but Jeeves said the car was out of petrol, and, anyway, they were sure to be caught if they did that.

Bertie suspected he could have chosen a better time to visit the continent. It sometimes seemed as if fate was conspiring against him, and setting Bassets and whatnot on him. This was worse than Bassets.

Anyway, he'd never been very aware, politically. It seemed that Hitler chappie had more power than he'd thought. But, really, it was hard to take anyone seriously who looked so much like Spode. Not, at least, after you knew what Spode did for a living. Bertie hoped that, if they did get captured, Jeeves would know some trick like Eulalie for getting them out of trouble.

From the expression on Jeeves' face, and the general thingness of the air, he doubted Jeeves had any magic words.