Disclaimer:I do not own Xiaolin Showdown... I wish

Dragoon182: I hope you're enjoyed the prequel. I hope you'll enjoy this one too.

Chapter 1

Winter takes over

A cold wind blew over the now snow covered landscape, snow falling slowly from the light gray sky the leave-less trees swayed from side-to-side as the chilly wind moved through. Only a few people were out walking through bundled in warm clothing, coats, boots, gloves, scarfs and other winter clothing. Most people drove during this time of year to keep warm, other people stayed inside their homes refusing to leave. But there were a lot of people out and about as Christmas approached quickly, people buying gifts for family and friends. The malls were packed with many people, you could find yourself lost in the mall if you got side-tracked.

The temple was in the middle of the snowy landscape also, but you didn't see any people walking by in warm clothing, the temple was cut off from the city. Though Christmas was fast approaching they didn't buy gifts they made gifts by hand every year since they got there, now their second Christmas at the temple they would be soon leaving in the summer to return to their homes.

Though they would separate in summer they made every day a remember able one, they would get up earlier in the morning to finish their chores earlier so they could hang out longer.

Now though, Omi and Raimundo sat at the table in the sitting room as Kimiko weeded the indoor garden and Clay was in his room.

" How are we going to do this Raimundo?" Omi asked

" I can't tell you little buddy, you never know who is listening." Raimundo replied

" You are very smart." Omi said

" I don't like to brag." Raimundo said

" You'll do it anyway." Kimiko commented coming into the room

Raimundo smiled to himself, his plan was safe he would soon take down the cowboy before Christmas.

" So what are you boys up to?" Kimiko asked

" Just teaching Omi slang." Raimundo replied

" Good luck." Kimiko said leaving the room

Clay sat on the floor of his room digging through his book bag. He pulled out some thread and began his work, he couldn't wait to see Kimiko's reaction when she got her gift from him. He felt something tug at the end of the thread he pulled at it finding Maya's collar at the other end. Only a week before Christmas and Maya goes missing, what was strange was that she went missing two weeks ago.

He held Maya's collar in his hand he could feel tears coming to his eyes, he loved the wolf like she was a furry sister but she disappeared without warning. Clay put the collar on his knee as he continued working on Kimiko's gift.

Clay loved to make things for people, Texans loved to make things by hand they enjoyed making people smile and laugh. Texans felt proud to be different by not just going out and buying a gift. It was true that you feel better about yourself if you make a gift. Clay smiled to himself as he looked at the gift, he knew that Kimiko would love it, she loved the blanket so she would love her Christmas gift just as much.

Clay cut the thread placing the gift in a box hiding it under a loose floor-board, he knew it was only place safe enough to hide it. He picked the collar back up, he sighed as the silver tag shined in the light of the room.

In his mind he could picture Maya chasing her tail as the silver tag of her collar jiggled a happy tune as she ran in circles. He could picture her golden eyes looking up at him, the golden orbs filled with many emotions and thoughts. They could see what each other was thinking, but Maya could read Clay a lot better, she would look at him once and know what was wrong right off the bat.

Maya was like an older sister to the cowboy, he had his sister Jesse back in Texas but he hasn't seen her in over a year. Maya looked to Clay as a younger brother who could defend himself to a point, then she could jump in with teeth and claws ready to fight.

But the golden eyed wolf disappeared two weeks ago and Clay was determined to find her, but he something told him that something bad would happen if he left the temple. He was so confused of what to do, he couldn't think straight, a sudden noise disturbed him from his thoughts.

" I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in such deep thought." Kimiko said

" It's alright." Clay replied

Kimiko sat next to the cowboy putting her hand on his left hand seeing Maya's collar in his right.

" We have to find her, before it's too late." Kimiko said

" I know, but I feel that somethin' bad will happen if I go out lookin' for her." Clay replied

" Don't worry I can handle Omi and Rai, they know better not to mess with me." Kimiko said

Clay smiled at his girlfriend ( yes you read right) he knew that she was right, he would look for his friend.

" I'll leave in a bit, I'll find Maya and bring her back." Clay said