Disclaimer: I don't own Bambi. If I did, I would not have made that SEQUEL!

Genre: Drama/Tragedy

Summary: What if Bambi comes looking for his mother, and he finds her on the ground?


"We made it! We made it, Mother! We-- Mother?"

"Mother! Mother, where are you?"

A young fawn was running through the falling snowflakes, leaving tracks on the white snow that was covering the whole forest floor. He looked behind every tree, calling for his lost mother.

"Mother! Mother!"

There was no reply. The last time he saw her, they were running from, what do they call him? Man. He remembered her last words…

"Don't look back! Keep running!" his mother's voice ran through his ears.

Then there was that gun shot. It was so loud and it cracked like thunder, and he did not dare to look back.

Bambi was getting closer, but he did not know it. He was coming back to the place where he last saw his mother running from Man.

The snowflakes were still falling but he didn't care. All he cared about was finding his mother, safe and sound. But his hopes began to decrease slower by the minute. He was getting frightened.

Mother, where are you? he wondered. Tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Mother!" he cried what it seemed a millionth time.

Then he found her…

She was lying on the snow. But she wasn't moving. Her legs were spread out and they looked stiff. Her body WAS stiff.

Bambi didn't notice this at first because he was leaping in the air for joy.

"Mother! I'm so glad I found you, mother!" he said happily. But he stopped at his tracks when she didn't glance at him and didn't say a single word.

"Mother?" He stared at her for a while, shocked. He edged closer to inspect her. There was a pool of a strange-looking red liquid under her and it spreads out in the snow like a crimson flower. Bambi didn't know that it was his mother's blood. He bends down and took one lick. He drew back his head, disgusted by its taste.

He looked at her face and he began to feel frightened again. Her eyes were open but they were blank and they stared at nothing. Her mouth was opened as she screamed. Her face was a look of terror. A fly came buzzing and it landed on her eye. She didn't even blink.

Is… is she…? No, she can't be!

He refused to believe such a horrid thing.

"Mother? Mother, please wake up," he begged. His voice was a soft croak. "Please, you have to wake up. Mother, it's me, Bambi… Please don't lie down. Let's go home together… We're safe from harm now. Man isn't here. Everything is going to be all right…. Mother, please! Please, wake up! Answer me! Why couldn't you answer me?"

Pain was welling up inside him faster like a fire burning in a forest. He bends his head down and pushes her head, trying to awaken her. To his horror, he realizes the truth… he was now all alone.

"Motheeeeeer!" his cries rang echoed throughout the forest. Fat tears flowed down his soft cheeks and he sobbed. He whispered her name under his breath over and over again.

He heard someone coming behind him. He perks up quickly and he turns around to see the Great Prince standing in front of him. He was looking down at him deeply.

"Your mother cannot be with you anymore," he told the fawn. Bambi bends his head down and didn't say a word. He knew that his mother's death would haunt him for the rest of his life, and to all those who knew her.

Then he hears the Great Prince's voice again. "Come… my son."

He was about to leave. Bambi took one last glance at his fallen mother before joining with a stranger he hardly knew.

Goodbye, mother…


Please leave a review while I go and dry my tears.