Author's Note: You know, there are ways to play Tales of Symphonia in which Presea is the canon pairing for Lloyd. I thought that was very interesting. I don't know.

Title: Wilder Reunion

Summary: Zelos' parties have always drawn gorgeous, audacious women. Unfortunately, Presea has never thought quite so highly of herself.

Rating: K. The worst you'll ever see is maybe some kissing later.

Soundtrack: None. Listen to a waltz, or " Baby, Look At Us Now," by Saline Paris, if you're desperate.


" Are you actually going tonight looking like that?"

Presea looked over her shoulder and the ladies in the doorway. They were typical of women that Zelos entertained—beautiful, sparkling, overdone. For all their gaudiness, however, Presea couldn't help feeling stung at the barely concealed slight at her own modest decoration.

" I thought..." she began hesitantly, " I thought the dress was enough." It was a new dress, deep green like pine. A row of green buttons trailed up to her neck, and a white sheer material draped over her arms, reaching to her elbows, lined with a green silk ribbon.

One young woman with curly raven hair laughed softly and strode towards her. " Well, first off, if you're going to wear a knee-length dress, you really ought to wear stockings as well." Presea frowned just a bit. " Oh, don't look so glum, dear." The girl smiled. " Tell me, is there someone–a young man, let's say–that you want to impress?"

A blush immediately washed over her cheeks. " Y-yes..."

" I thought so." Again, the black-haired woman smiled, this time more freely. " In that case, I'll just have to make you my pet, little country mouse. My name is Marina." She held one delicate, gloved hand in introduction. Presea shook it, wary of grasping too hard with her own strong hand.

" Presea."

Marina went straight to business, examining Presea's hand carefully. " Right, then. You seem to be a working woman." This elicited several soft titters, but most of the girls simply looked away. " Brittany, love, her hands are about the same as yours—feet, too. Why don't you send home for those gloves you wore at your sister's wedding, and...ah," She tapped her lip thoughtfully and tugged gently at the smooth fabric of the dress. " You must have shoes this color...of course, those charming little heels from the costume ball last month–the strappy ones."

Stepping back several paces, Marina scrutinized the current outfit head to toe. Presea shifted, uncomfortable under her critical gaze. The other gentlewomen waited quietly, obviously eager to see what their apparent ring leader would do with this blatantly naive girl.

Suddenly, Marina came toward Presea again, and began to undo the buttons at the top of her dress. Presea stiffened, and her hand shot up to stop the process. Marina paused, then laughed.

" It's alright, love! Don't be so modest! You've got a perfectly lovely figure, and therefore a right to flaunt." A sly, thin-lipped smirk curled Marina's mouth. Presea relaxed, still unsure.

She undid the button just several inches past Presea's collarbone, then–folding back the cloth–covered a gasp with her palm. An intricate twirl of taut white skin traced the path of where the Cruxis Crystal had been fused with her body. " I wanted to cover the scar," she murmured, just loud enough for Marina to hear.

The lady watched her eyes for a moment, before swallowing softly and composing herself with a honey-dipped smile again. " Angela, send for Sebastian. I have a few things I need from my house. Quickly now, love."


Nix: Now remember: if you happen, by some freak chance, to read this and actually like it, review. Otherwise, I won't be continuing it. This piece has one, maybe two more chapters, but I'll only put them up if there is any interest. At least five reviews saying they want more.