Love is but a Feather Duster

A/N: Hi there mmm. First OHSHC ficcy. A bit nervous but we'll see how this goes, ne? Oh and a note, when I was editing this story, the ruler button didn't work for me so the x's are just like... seperators... xD But I guess you can figure that out...

Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club but I must say, Bisco Hatori is a genius!

Summary: Haruhi needs a summer job. Tamaki needs an extra maid. Ooo, the chaos, the mess, the love? TamaxHaru

x x x x x

Dammit. Where am I going to find a part time job at this time? Haruhi was in a mess. She couldn't sleep and went to the kitchen for a glass of milk only to hear her father on the phone.

"No. It can't be due soon. Please! Please give me a couple more weeks. I can do it really! . . . But the… the bank won't lend me anymore money."

Haruhi was distraught. The household chores were her area and she had forgotten about the monthly bills that had to be paid. But with what money? Dad's been working himself to pieces and I'm the one who keeps asking money to buy groceries. She slapped her forehead thinking, I should've bought the clearance bread loaf! It was 100 ¥ cheaper than the regular priced ones!

But she was no typical girl. She would do what it takes to help her family. Even if it meant taking precious study time away. Haruhi cringed at the thought. Though, she was determined, it was almost summer time and all the jobs that were available had been snatched up by other kids who also needed the money.

x x x x x

"OH HARUHI! YOU'RE JUST THE MOST PERFECT DAUGHTER EVER!" Ranka exclaimed, hugging Haruhi until she was sure her face was as purple as the eggplant she had for dinner.


"Oh, Daddy's so sorry! But I never wanted you to find out---" He paused for a minute and looked up at the ceiling, "about… our problems!"

"… er… Well, it's a fairly common problem in many households so you don't have to be so … dramatic about it." Haruhi stated but Ranka seemed to be imaging his own soap opera so she went to wash the dishes.

"Dad… the thing is, I don't know if I can find a job right now."

"Oh Haruhi! Don't worry! Daddy will find you the perfect job!"

"-- Dad… let go."

x x x x x


Tamaki, a young charming man, stood in the Chairman's(AKA Dad) office as he complained about the new maid that continued to feed Antoinette (the beloved dog) leftovers.

"I HAD A SHOPPING LIST ALL WRITTEN OUT! Premium Chow Chow Best for Doggy food is the ONE that Antoinette loves!" Tamaki grumbled some more as the Chairman just sat in his… chair with a happy smile.

Finally, after 10 long minutes, Tamaki stopped for a drink of water. Talking makes you thirsty. He should know.

The Chairman cleared his throat and said, "I guess what you're really saying is that you need a new maid, huh?"

"Well… yes."

"What's wrong with 29 maids?"

Tamaki looked at his father in unregistered shock. "IT'S NOT AN EVEN NUMBER!"

The Chairman just looked at him.

Tamaki looked back.

Tamaki took a drink of water while looking back!

The Chairman cleared his throat again and said, "Well, your little friend, Fujioka, needs a job for the summer. I heard she's used to the cleaning and washing. Does she meet your qualifications?" He asked him slyly with an evil glint in his eyes.

Tamaki's face suddenly went from flushed to 911 red!

"Wh-what? How did you even hear of such a thing?"

"Oh well! It turns out that Kyouya is in contact with her father and he told Kyouya and Kyouya told me! Someone has trouble paying the bills! " The Chairman suddenly didn't seem so high and mighty. Suddenly he seemed like another gossiping girl at Ouran… or any other school for that matter.

Tamaki's face went from 911 red to bleached white.

"HARUHI'S IN FINANCIAL TROUBLE? I MUST SAVE HER! I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! I HAVE TO---" but the Chairman stuffed a book into his mouth before he could say anymore.

"No. No. No. From what I hear from Kyouya, of course, is that she's not that kind of girl. Do you think she would take your… cough MY money?" the Chairman inquired and smiled as Tamaki shook his head softly.

"Well… she starts next week, when school is really over. But be careful, Tamaki."

"What? I won't do anything indecent to her!"

"What? Oh no, I was thinking that she'd kill you for ruining her vacation."

x x x x x


"… Well, do what you want, Mr. Suoh is quite generous with the pay." It was a sunny afternoon and Haruhi was cleaning the furniture while talking to Kyouya on the phone. She still couldn't believe her father had asked Kyouya for help. And it had led to this!

"Now… regarding your father's relationship with Tamaki, I think it would be best if you didn't tell him you were working at Suoh Mansion #2… it would upset him. And it may be the death of Tamaki."

"It can't be that of a big deal for dad… I mean it's just work. 8 hours later, I'll have made good money and I'll come home and make dinner."

"Uh… no, no, no, Haruhi. You're working for 12 hours. 10-10."

"Wha… wha… WHAT!"

"Well Tamaki… he likes to be tucked in."

And so it shall be. Haruhi told her father that she was going to be working at a mansion with very important people. She had made up a story about the family but it was just wasted time. Ranka was so happy that he told Haruhi to take the rest of the night off.

"… Dad… I live here."

"Well, how can I tell? You're the one who's always cooking or cleaning or studying in your room." Ranka wailed dramatically, "I FEEL LIKE I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU ANYMORE!"


x x x x x

Monday came sooner than Haruhi wanted. Then again, Haruhi wanted forever so, no can do.

The petite girl arrived at the door in a light pink uniform that made her look ever-so-girly! All except her expression, which was worn as sour as vinegar. She stepped into the room, her little polished shoes tapping against the marble floor. Rich bastards.

"Ahh… you must be the new maid. Hmm. A little on the skinny side don't you think? How will you ever do work without breaking those fragile bones?" Was her greeting from Shima, the head usher. All the other maids in matching pink uniform just greeted her friendly. Like any normal person would.

"There are rules, as I know you've gone over." Haruhi could only think of the thick book of what not to do as a maid. It was really called, "The Happy Busy Bees". "You must call the master by Tamaki-sama and be on your best behaviour. I teach him the ways of the elegant people, the rich, the important, the influential. You, on the other hand, will have to do everything he says."

Left eye twitch. Twitch. Twitch. Twitch. EVERYTHING!

"Yes. Well, go wake him up now and tell him that he has an etiquette class in 20 minutes."

"Uh… yes, m'am!" Haruhi said hurriedly. She thought she was going to have introductions with the other girls but they seemed like clones. All the same smiling faces. Did they really enjoy working here?

Haruhi got to Tamaki's room quickly. She had studied a blue print of the giant house that she would have to call her second home. 12 hours here, 12 hours at home. Would she survive?

Tamaki's room was larger than life. Meaning, larger than Haruhi's life. Which means, larger than Haruhi's apartment life. If that made any sense…

Haruhi took a moment to observe the delicate chandelier on the ceiling, the large view of the garden, the large mirrors Tamaki must have stood in front of every morning admiring himself, the beautiful painting that hung above the bed. And Tamaki, sleeping in his king sized bed, clutching Beary to his chest.

The new maid sighed. Haruhi walked over to Tamaki and said, "WAKE UP!"

More like screamed, but you get the picture.

"AAHHH!" Tamaki jumped up, still holding Beary to his heart. His head slowly turned to Haruhi's, only a few centimetres from his face. Haruhi. In his house. In his room. In a maid's outift. And all he could say was…

"I think I've had this dream before."

x x x x x

A/N: Well, I originally wanted it to be one shot. But there are a lot of stuff that will happen so it fits better as a chapter story. Arg! I did not want this to be a chapter story. I never finish chapter stories. It's a horrible curse. I just can't finish them. I've been on for years and I have only ever finished one chapter story and it was horrible. A very horrible ending it was! So this will be a really short chapter story, about 5 or 6 chapters, I'm estimating.

RxR :3?