CH. 31

Confrontation: The Invention is Revealed!

Instead of a quote, here's a question…--You bring home a baby mouse from the pet store one day after it is born. This type of mouse matures and gives birth one month after it is born. If each mouse gives birth to twelve babies once a month, (Each one will give birth each month, over and over again.) how many mice will you have after 10 months? (Answer at bottom. Try solving it before looking it up!)

Hey guys…sigh…I'm sad today. As I am writing this, it is my second day of school. (Aug.8) I have ZERO of my friends in any of my classes, and I hate everything that I have to take this semester. But, I won't bore you with my life story any more than I already have, so…

Hey, are there any readers out there who haven't reviewed? I read through my earlier chapters, and noticed that a lot of you have gone missing!

sapphirechamp--Well, (If you don't like it, tell me) remember that old dude who played the Poke-Flute back in season one? You would be his granddaughter and inherit a Snorlax related ability. One that cancels any and all forms of violence toward you. (You'd be one of those low emotion characters.)

ChaseNirvs—I feel your pain dude. Anyway, your power would probably involve a poker deck, with one different style of attack for each card. That's 54 (Counting Joker) types of attacks! (Hearts would be support, spades attack, etc.)(Seeing as how there are so many Eevees, I thought of that) I was thinking either that, or use that power for Unknown.

Cem—HESPHA! Gooshtin makie nowsum piu monki! Ha! Translate that! (Don't download it if you feel something bad will happen to your computer!) Anyway, if you can download it, send me some creations. (If you have already, I've been using my laptop instead of my computer for a while now and haven't been able to check my e-mail…sorry) Oh, what power do you want in my next story? I plan to make a race of half Pokemon, half human. (They would be experiments by a scientist for the evil organization…which I still haven't come up with a name for…) You could be the leader of them or something…(And all of them would have a body part of the Pokemon they were fused with. Ex: someone fused with Azumarill would have its ears or its tail. Since you're a fox lover, you could have Vulpix traits.)

Anyway, I've recently gotten into papercrafts. (Google it. They're cool.) I'm an amateur right now, but I will get better at it! And I will learn how to make my own soon enough. (I've made a Majora's Mask already! And a Chuchu!)

Start the story.


As Misty had learned how to use a key last chapter, the group of three headed into the giant door. Once inside, they noticed that they were in a dead end, meaning that this had to be the last room. Evidently they were right as Cassidy and Butch were just standing there in the back.

"We finally caught you two!" Ash said.

"It's payback time." Misty said as her mallet came out.

"You'll pay for what you did to me." Matt said as he cracked his knuckles.

Cassidy and Butch looked at each other. Then, they started to laugh. A creepy laugh that would make small children cry if they heard it.

"You really think you can beat us?" Cassidy smirked. "This is our hideout!"

"That's right." Butch said as he reached behind his back. "We rule in here." Butch pressed a big red button (Always a bad sign) on the remote he pulled out, this caused a loud rumble to be heard from behind him.

A hidden door opened up, (Well, not exactly hidden, it had the big red "R" painted on it.) and revealed some type of machine…it looked…oddly familiar…

Although, Matt knew what it was…

"Gasp!" He gasped. "That's-!"

"What is it?!" Misty asked, frightened of the horrible machine that it could be.

"A coffee maker!" Matt yelled, everyone else in the room fell over. (Anime style!)

Cassidy looked at Butch's remote. "You idiot!" She yelled. "That's the Break Room remote!" She said as she slapped the back of his head.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" He said as he rubbed the spot where she hit.

"For bein' an idiot!"

This time, Butch grabbed another remote and pushed a big black button with a large skull on it. (An even worse sign.) The door closed, and then opened again after about 10 seconds.

This time, Misty recognized the device.

"Eek!" She eeked. "A toilet!" Again, everyone fell over.

Completely frustrated by now, Cassidy ran over to the door, forcibly closed it, then YANKED it open. This revealed the actual evil devices they were trying to reveal: The robot and cloning machines they stole from Duplica.

"What do you two plan to do with those?!" Ash asked.

"This!" Butch said as he flipped some switches on the machines. They started to make a few whirring sounds, and a robot plopped out of the bottom of the robot machine and into the cloning machine.

"Behold!" Cassidy laughed. "Now an entire army of robots will destroy you!"
"In 6 minutes!" Butch suddenly added.

"What?" She said as she turned around to Butch. He pointed at a small screen that read: WARMING UP. TIME TO CLONING:6 MINUTES. PROGRAM—uTWOareidiots ATTEMPTING TO LOAD.

Everyone stood there. An awkward silence stayed in the air for a few seconds. What would you do in this situation?

"So…" Cassidy said slowly, attempting to break the silence. "How's it going?"

"How's it going?" Ash said as he walked up to her. "You stick me on this (increasingly large) island with a bunch of crazy girls and this guy, (Points to Matt. Matt waves.) I get eaten alive by Sharpedo, stuck in a closet, and repeatedly knocked out and YOU ASK ME "HOW'S IT GOING"?!" He screams at her.

"Pretty much." She says.

"…Can't complain really." Ash says as he walks back over to Matt and Misty.

"How about you two?" Butch asks the two mentioned above.

They looked at each other.

"I'm OK…" Matt said. "You Misty?"

Misty looked over at Ash, who was busy tying his shoe. "I enjoyed being on this island…" She said blushing.

Suddenly, Ash popped up in front of her.

"Misty? Are you all right? Your face is all red." He said as he leaned in toward her, causing her blush to turn from "red" to "molten lava red".

"Do you have a fever?" He said as he put his forehead to hers, causing "Molten Lava" to change into "Blazing Inferno". Misty didn't like (Well, she did. But she won't admit it.) Ash's face so close to her own. A fact which was made clear when he was sent flying into orbit, courtesy of Mallet Airlines. (He waved to astronauts on the way down!)

OK. This is getting tedious. Let's use the magic of (Cue Spongebob) imagineaaaaaaaaation to skip ahead to the future…

The Future…

"Ash!" Some woman's voice called from a kitchen. "You'd better get going! You'll be late for work!"

A grown-up Ash came running down some stairs, pulling a jacket on and a piece of toast hanging out of his mouth. "I know!" He said as he gulped down the toast.
"I had to wake you up again…lazy!" The woman said as she pointed at him. "You should get up earlier! You know what they say: "The early bird gets the worm!""

"Yeah, the worm was early too, look what happened to him…" Ash started to say that, but the woman had a skillet in her hand, so he resisted.

He smiled and walked over to the girl and gave her a hug. "Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without you, my beloved wife-"

Woah! Stop! That's too far in the future! Let me try this again… (What? Did you expect to find out who his wife would be? Well…TOO BAD!! BWA HA HA HA! I'm evil aren't I?)

6 Minutes into the future…

(There we go)

WARMUP COMPLETE. CLONES DISPENSING. The machine said. About 50 robots all came out at once, many of them armed with high-tech weapons.

"You're going to kill us?" Ash said looking over at Cassidy and Johnson.

"IT'S BUTCH! And yeah, we are. So?"
"It's just, ever since the 4th season, no one on Pokémon has ever said the word "Kill" or "Die". The sensors block all of that out." Misty said. (Seriously, the current anime is REALLY bad compared to the first few seasons…)

"Fine." Cassidy said. "This is a lie, but so we can get past the sensors…these weapons won't kill you! They just prevent you from moving or breathing…forever…" She said quietly as she turned her head and scratched it. "Now, GO ROBOTS!"

When she said that, the robot's many eyes started to glow red. They began to advance…very slowly.

"Alright guys," Matt said. "Ready to kick some robutt?"

"Roger that." Misty said as she took out her mallet.

"What am I supposed to fight with?" Ash asked. Matt just smiled. He took out the brown box that he had magically made vanish.

"Use this." He said simply. Ash started to unwrap the box.

"What the-?" Ash sweatdropped. "THIS is your almighty invention?!"

Ash lifted it above his head for all to see. They all (Minus Matt) yelled the same thing: "A WiiMOTE?!" They screamed at Matt, his arms folded and a smile on his face.


"Simple!" Matt said. "Hit them with it!"


"Just try it." He said.

"Fine…" Ash said timidly as he walked up to one of the slow-moving robots.

Ash lifted up the WiiMote into the air and swung it downward. As it fell, a thin beam of energy, about six inches wide, came out and sliced right through the robot, cutting it in half.

Needless to say, Ash was surprised. He looked at the WiiMote and then at Matt.

"That's the beauty of this invention." Matt beamed. Anything you would use the WiiMote for, you can use this for in real life. (Real life? If he only knew…)

"Really?" Ash said as he looked at the object in his hand. "Then what if I…" Ash reached into the brown box again and pulled out the wireless nun chuck attachment and stuck it to the WiiMote. He then put the nun chuck outwards and pulled the Mote in towards his body. This created what looked to be a bow and arrow stance. Sure enough, when he pushed a button on the Mote, an energy arrow flew out and speared two robots.

Ash retracted the nun chuck and hung his head. Then, he started to laugh.

"…Heh…heh heh heh…HA HA HA HA HA!!" He chortled. (weird word) "This…is…AWSOME!!" He said as he pumped his fist into the air. He then turned to the rest of the robots, who had just installed some fear into their motherboards.

Ash then leapt over at a group of robots and started using the WiiMote as a hammer, magic wand, microphone, (His singing is REALLY BAD) and a fishing rod. (Don't ask.)

Matt and Misty stood there, silent.

"Should we do something?" Matt asked her.

"In a minute." Misty answered. "He should tire out in a few-"


"There we go." (In case you were wondering, that was the sound of Ash hitting the floor, asleep.)

Misty and Matt ran into the fray (After waking up Ash) and an intense battle occurred. However, it is too violent to show our younger viewers. Instead, please enjoy…waiting…








"Agh! The robots merged!"




OK, looks like the battle's over, let's get back.

All of the robots were in pieces, and the trio was covered in bruises and scrapes. Cassidy and Butch were backed into a corner.

"Wheeze…we've…Cough cough…got you now!" Ash grimaced.

"Just…give up!" Misty said.

"Never!" Butch yelled as he pulled out a yellow remote from behind his back. (How many does this guy have?) And pushed a blue button, causing a big steel cage to fall from the ceiling onto our heroes.

"Oh COME ON!" Matt grabbed the bars. "Why is there a cage in the ONE SPOT that we were standing in?!"

"It's a common thing in TV shows Matt…" Ash sighed. (Seriously, there always seems to be a trapdoor or cage in the only spot someone is standing…)

"And now…" Cassidy said as she walked over to a large computer in the corner of the room. "Ah ha ha ha ha! Using this computer, our plan to launch Drowzee into space and take control of all the Pokémon will finally-"

Evidently, Cassidy had forgotten to take away the groups weapons, as Ash had just shot an arrow into the computer with the WiiMote.

"…" Cassidy had that stone-face look and a very large sweatdrop on her face. Thoughts of "stupid, stupid, stupid!" ran through her mind.

"Don't worry Cas." Butch piped up. "I have a backup plan!"

"Let me guess…" Cassidy said to herself.

Butch started to pull multiple remotes from wherever he pulls multiple remotes from.

"Let's see…garage door…TV…robotic monkey head…electric bed…AH! Here it is!" He said as he lifted what looked to be a golden snail in the air. (See One Piece. It's called a Den Den Mushi. Odds are, I spelled that wrong, and by the way, that's pronounced Moo-she, not Mushy!)

He pushed a large button on its side, and the snail opened its mouth (If it has one) and started talking.

Countdown to rocket launch. Commencing in 30…




"Ash!" Misty yelled in his ear. "We have to do something!"

Ash rubbed his sore ear and turned to face Misty.

"No we don't." He said.

Matt ran up to him. "What are you saying?! If we don't stop them, they'll take over all of the Pokémon in the world, and you have a plan don't you?" Matt said, as Ash just stood there smiling.

Ash held up the WiiMote. However, the nun chuck was missing.

"What did you do?" Misty asked him.

"I changed the nun chuck into a gooey bomb from Smash Bros and stuck it onto the rocket." He said. "Then, I used the WiiMote to make it so the countdown would cause it to explode!"

"What?!" Cassidy yelled. She overheard the entire conversation. She then tried to run over to Butch to stop him from detonating the bomb.

In Butch's eyes however, she looked like she was running in slow motion towards him, and that really freaked him out.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" He yelled as she chased him around the room.




Countdown Complete. Commencing launch. Commencing detonation. Bye-bye.


As hinted by the large boom above, there was an explosion. Bits of the room the trio was in were flying through the air, and two tiiiiiny dots were seen flying out to the distance.

"Looks like we're blasting off again!" (If you're wondering about Drowzee, it's fine. It actually wasn't on the rocket. It got tired of waiting and got off to get a soda.)

Ash lowered the big shield that he created to protect them all from the blast, and looked around at the carnage of the lab.

"Wow…your invention saved us all Matt…Matt?" Ash looked around. Misty was behind him, but Matt wasn't.

"Where is he?" Misty asked Ash.

"Dunno…" Ash cupped his hands to his mouth. "MATT-Y DOO! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"O-over here…" A weak voice answered. By the looks of things, Matt had gotten blown away from the shield and hit with some of the blast. He was on the ground and burnt black, and had also landed on the Drowzee.

"MATT!!" Ash and Misty yelled as they ran up to him. "Are you all right?"

Matt just looked at them.

"Oh, right, guess not…"

"It's OK." He said. "It'll take a lot more than this to finish me off." He said as he stood up.

"Well what do we do now?" Misty asked.

"Well, now that I have my invention back, I can stop chasing Cassidy and Zac. (My name)

"Its Butch…"

"Guess you're right…let's get out of here." Ash said as he turned to face the door.

"OK." Matt said. "Ash, can I have my invention back now?" Matt held out his hand to take his invention back.

"Sure." Ash put the WiiMote into Matt's hand. However, it was charred black and many of the buttons were falling out.

Matt looked at it for a second. Ash started to fear for his life.

"It's all right Ash." Matt said. "I can fix this up in no ti-"

That was the sound of the WiiMote practically exploding.


And that was the sound of Ash being chased all over the island by Matt. Matt had a chainsaw. And a flail. And May's marshmallows.


And THAT was the sound of Matt being chased by May. Who had Casey's baseball bat.


I think you see where this is going.


Things settled down on the island after that incident. Allow me to tell you what is going on now… (Before you read this, go to imeem and listen to Turnabout Sisters Theme while you read this. It should be the one that has a picture of Phoenix Wright next to it and should say "Magical Trick Society" on it. Also, it should be posted by M Chu. I think it ties in with this very well…)

Duplica continued her research on some of the strange plant life on the island. She hopes to discover a new species of carnivorous vine. She already discovered some cool things, like a giant fly that spits acid from its nose, and a weird looking mushroom that causes hallucinations to anyone who comes into contact with it. (She tested it on animals. And by that, I mean the other girls.) This is off topic, but May tried to eat my arm after she touched the mushroom.

Casey's still going strong with the Electabuzz team. In fact, she wrote a new song for them and sent it into the box office. And you know what? They liked it! It's becoming the new theme song for the team! The song itself is called "Catch the Buzz!" …We all wish that she wouldn't sing it 24/7 though…

Melody was able to find a hidden cave on the island. According to her, the stalagmites and stalactites are hollow, allowing her to play a wide arrange of musical notes on them. We went to one of her concerts last night. It sounded great! She's now working on a way to train the bats to whistle…

May teamed up with the chocolate bunnies to find the legendary "City of Caramel". According to legend, the Caramel 

King buried a huge amount of marshmallows with his treasure. May immediately took control of the dig from that point on. (They dug into my tent last night while I was sleeping…May said it was an accident, but I dunno…)

I don't know what's going on with Misty…it seems like every time I turn around, I see her duck into the bushes and hide. Aside from that, she's learning to channel her destructive force into her own brand of "Mallet Kung-fu". I walked in on her while she was training yesterday, and she sent me flying farther than usual…guess she is getting better…heh…a LOT better.

Matt's busy fiddling with some new invention that he's building with the scrap metal from the explosion. I guess he's forgiven me for breaking his last one. He says this new one will be able to let us leave the island…if it's a catapult, I'm staying here. But who knows, it might not be so bad to stay here…right?

That's just about everyone here I guess. As for me though-

"He's over here!" Melody yelled suddenly. Ash was using a laptop he found in the base to keep a sort-of diary of his time on the island.

"Aha!" Casey appeared next to him and grabbed his arm. "You just HAVE to hear my theme song again!" She squealed.

"WHAT?!" Melody hissed. "He's going to listen to MY song!"She said as she grabbed his other arm.

"Not a chance flute girl!"

"Ashy!" May popped up from underground under his feet. She had a digging helmet and a shovel. "We may have found something!" She beamed as she grabbed his feet and tried to pull him into the tunnel.

"ASH!" Misty yelled as she ran up to him. "Catch!" She said as she tossed a small mallet into his hands. (A hard task, seeing as how his arms are restrained.)
"What's this for?" Ash asked nervously.

"I've been needing a good sparring partner lately, but I have to settle for you." She sighed. "Besides, I need to practice my "Killer Blow" technique on something other than trees." She said as she slammed her mallet into a nearby tree, causing it to burst into small toothpicks.

"Ashy Boy!" Duplica said as she warped onto his back, causing his entire body to be weighed down. "Can I borrow you for a second? I found a plant with teeth, and I need to see if it's dangerous or not."
"So I'll be your bait?!" He shouted.

"Hey Ash?" Matt said as he walked up to him. "I need you to test my latest invention for me."

"Let me guess, It's too dangerous for you to test right?" Ash said sadly.

"No, because it's too dan-wait, how'd you know?"

"Call it an intuition."

"So Ash, who are you going to go with?" Casey said as her grip tightened.

"Yeah Ashy? Who?" May said as she did a FAILED attempt at a puppy dog look.

"Uhhh…" Ash uhhed as all the girls leaned in, Matt just stood off to the side, wishing he was watching TV.

"LOOK!" Ash shouted. "A giant marshmallow-mutant-rock star with an autographed Team Electabuzz Mallet!"

All the girls released their various grips on Ash and spun around, only to see the horrible disappointment that is Matt.

When they turned back to Ash, they saw that he was long gone.

"GET BACK HERE!!" They all yelled simultaneously, breaking into chase to try and catch Ash again.

Ash eventually got tired and stopped to rest against a nearby tree. That…was a bad idea.

"ASH!" All the girls squealed as they all dog piled him, causing him to crash into the ground.

"…Yep…it's all going normally again. My life here on the island may not be so bad after all…" Ash thought as all the girls smiled at him. And for one of the first times…he smiled back.

Read this A/N!

Waaah! Sappy ending! Well, this is the last chapter of this story. A lot of you have been with me from the start, so I thank you for that. (If you ARE listening to the song mentioned earlier, this makes a much better effect) OK guys, I want you all to give me THE BIGGEST HOOPLAH YOU CAN MUSTER in your reviews this time, all right? Call it, a last request sort of thing. It's been awesome writing this fanfic, and I hope to see you all in my next one! (The answer to the question at the beginning of this chapter is: One. If you don't get it, ask yourself this: What does a mouse need to get pregnant?) I may write some oneshots before posting the AURA fic (Ideas still welcome) so look for them. I had fun with this, and I hope you all did too, so remember: HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!