Readers of Relak

In all honesty, I started every one of my stories with the understanding that they would one day be finished. Maybe not immediately, nor in a couple of months, but when I had the time and creativity to spare.

I'm afraid I've let myself down, and quite probably more importantly I have let you down. In the past 4 years I haven't spared more than a couple of thoughts to the stories on this site; to me they are riddled with mistakes and open ended ideas, they are outdated, and frankly I don't really mind what happens to them.
But I do know that to some of the people who've stumble upon them, they're at least a little interesting and engaging; rather they're at least interesting enough to warrant a review or an alert. To those people, I am sorry. I know the frustration of reading a fanfiction only to find it half-finished, resting on a cliff-hanger. And though this apology has no means of fixing that wrong, I feel it better to explain my intentions.

In the next few months, and possibly the next couple of years, I have no plans involving these stories. There may come a time when I do an overhaul, and reconstruct each one of them with a proper story line, but it is highly unlikely that any of my stories will be updated as is.

I'm sorry for not following through with my assumptions.