Just a quick drabble I wrote...

Abi x.

"Charlie?" Charlie looked up to see Bernard stood above him, his brows furrowed in concern. The boy was laying on the sand with his hands rubbing his ears.

"Are you ok?" Bernard added as the rock star struggled to sit upright. "What?" Charlie pointed to his ear and scowled.

"I said are you ok!" Bernard almost shouted at the boy and Charlie nodded.

"I'm cool" he shouted back, seemingly thinking he was talking at a normal level although many around him stared as his voice was raised. Bernard shook his head and continued on his way. He couldn't understand it, Charlie must have been in that same spot all night, and what was with his hearing.

"Are you alright dear?" Rose saw her husband coming up the beach towards her, he was deep in thought.

"Yeah" Bernard stopped in front of her scratching his head. "Do you know what's going on with Charlie"

"How do you mean dear" Rose looked past her husband down the beach at Charlie, he was frantically rubbing his ear, his eyes screwed up in pain. She could now see the bright red stain along his arm.

"I mean" Bernard went to answer. "He can't hear properly and he's got so many cuts, bruises and burns he hasn't told anyone where the hell he's been"

Rose looked on and thought for a moment, Bernard was right. He had turned up yesterday and had barely said a word to anyone.

"I'll talk to him" she said quietly. "don't worry" she gave Bernard a reassuring pat on the arm and headed towards Charlie.

Rose patted the boys arm as she sat next to him showing her presence. Charlie stopped rubbing his head and looked at her waiting to figure out the sentence she was about to deliver.

"What happened?" Rose asked gently, she pronounced her words slowly and clearly making sure that Charlie had picked all of them up.

"Nothing" Charlie said quickly, trying to ignore the question.

"How did you get this" Rose pointed to Charlie's gashed arm. the rock star picked his arm up and looked at the ugly wound and poked it painfully. He stared forward trying his best to remember the events of the past 24 hours.

"I hardly remember?" Charlie's face contorted with worry, "I remember getting dynamite for Eko, and a fireball?" Rose sat patiently as Charlie tried his best to remember things, but they were only in bits and pieces and muddled. "there was everything flying around?" he looked back a Rose who seemed just as concerned as he did.

"Were you in the hatch with Eko?" She asked. Charlie's brow furrowed and he looked into the distance in deep thought.

"I think so" he said finally. "Yes we were" he finished seemingly tired trying to remember details. "I'm sorry" tears welled in his eyes "I can't remember"

"Its ok" Rose said softly although Charlie didn't hear her, "I'm sure you will remember soon" she stood up slowly and smiled at him.

"I'll be back soon" she cried, "When the doctor gets back I get him to take a look at you"