Calculus was Jeremie's easy class compared to the others. Political science was a little too opinionated, sometimes his professor would dock him a few points because he had a slightly different opinion. It was still an A granted, but Jeremie felt he deserved an A plus. Also, none of his friends were in political science, but in Calculus he at least had Eloisa to keep him company.
Jeremie would sit up right, carefully paying attention while Eloisa was sagged into her chair with her feet propped up on the top of the empty seat in front of her. She was still paying attention, but she was also comfortable. All of the questions the professor asked Jeremie answered without the slightest doubt, and was always right. When he answered the question, Eloisa would giggled under her breath, and occasionally play with her braid.
The professor ended the lesson and everyone packed up their things. Eloisa let her feet drop and stood up, placing the strap of her bag on her shoulder as Jeremie threw his binder into his. As Jeremie stood up she straightened her shirt and side stepped down the aisle of seat and started to walk upstairs to the door with Jeremie following in suit.
"Emile and Christian want to go the bar tonight, you in?" Eloisa asked Jeremie who shook his head.
"I have to research for the political science term paper," Jeremie said, Eloisa rolled her eyes at his usual answer.
"It's due in three weeks."
"And I'll have it done two weeks ahead of time," Jeremie said to Eloisa who shrugged and turned to face him, stopping in the hallway with her braid whipping around.
"All work and no play makes Jeremie a dull boy," Eloisa said with a smile.
"I'm already dull," Jeremie said as he tired to step around her, but she stepped into his way again.
"By choice, choose not to be tonight," Eloisa said and Jeremie sighed and shook his head.
"How about I try to do some studying, while I'm at the bar?" Jeremie asked, making Eloisa smile.
"See, now you sacrifice nothing," Eloisa said and turned around and started to walk again.
"Zillah, come on wait up!" Isabella's voice shouted from outside and the two jogged out to see Zillah run pass the door toward the dorms with Isabella in pursuit. They only saw her for a moment, but Zillah looked very upset over something, and didn't even notice them.
When they reached the outside, Isabella ran straight into Jeremie, knocking him over but herself managing to stay upright. She apologized and the girls helped him to his feet, Eloisa asking her to explain.
"I don't know, she was talking to her boyfriend a minute ago and suddenly when they were done she looked at her phone in disbelief," Isabella said and watched as Zillah reached the dorms and ran into the building.
"Do you think he broke up with her?" Eloisa asked, leaving Isabella slowly nod.
"It explains the hysterics," Jeremie said as he brushed himself off.
"I'm going to go talk to her," Isabella said as she jogged toward the dorms and Eloisa parted Jeremie with a goodbye to talk to her as well.
Jeremie walked to the his dorms and entered his dorm with his key and saw Emile at his desk typing a paper with he reading glasses on.
"Did Eloisa tell you we're going out tonight?" Emile asked and Jeremie nodded then tossed his bag on his bed.
"Yeah, but expect Zillah to be not quite herself or absent," Jeremie said as he opened his bag to place his binder on his desk and mark a few things on his calendar to keep his assignments organized.
"Why?" Emile asked, closing his laptop and turning his chair around.
"Not sure, but we think her boyfriend broke up with her via phone call," Jeremie said and Emile shook his head and muttered 'asshole', "Agreed."
"She'll definitely come then, she drinks when she's upset," Emile said and checked his cell phone for the time, "I got Literature theory for the next two hours, and rugby after that, see you tonight."
Jeremie nodded as Emile grabbed his bag and left the room, leaving Jeremie alone. Figuring it was a good time he called Milly and waited as the phone rang and eventually went to voice mail. He figured she was in class so didn't expect her to answer, so left her a voice mail telling her he was going out tonight with the gang and might not hear his phone ring.
Jeremie sat on his bed and opened his laptop on his lap and began the process of looking back and forth between notes, research, and the screen as he started the term paper outline. His subject was the Italian Renaissance and the laws and social classes that took part in that era. The paper combined two of his weakest subjects; art and sociology.
Jeremie had been typing for four hours before he knew it, and checked his phone when it made the chime indicating he got a text. It was from Emile that they're meeting at the bar in five. Jeremie closed the laptop, deciding not to work at the bar since he figured he had done more than he expected to do considering it wasn't his best subject. Locking the door behind him he walked out of the dorms and off the campus to the bar a few blocks away.
When he arrived he found Yoichi at the table with Eloisa. He waved to them as he walked passed to the bar, grabbed his drink, and sat next to Eloisa. Yoichi and Eloisa were talking about Zillah's situation, which was confirmed as a dumping. Yoichi vowed to have his Yakuza brothers cut Zillah's ex boyfriend's penis off. Eloisa agreed he deserved it, but reminded him he wasn't Yakuza.
"So it's confirmed then?" Jeremie asked Eloisa who nodded and took a sip of her drink.
"With a phone call. Then again he's still in Swindon so I doubt he'll take the trip all the way out here just to end it," Eloisa said and Yoichi looked at her.
"I thought she was English," Yoichi said and Eloisa rolled her eyes.
"Swindon is a city in England," Eloisa said and looked up over Yoichi's head to see Giacomo enter the bar with Christian. The two greeted the others as they walked passed to grab their drinks before sitting.
"So, are we taking a trip to the Isles to beat the shit out of Zillah's boyfriend?" Giacomo asked and Eloisa shrugged.
"You can if you want, but I think the Yakuza has it covered," Eloisa said while gesturing toward Yoichi who pulled his drum sticks out and started to tap on the table, chairs, and on everyone's glass.
"Is she coming?" Jeremie asked and Christian nodded.
"She should be here soon with Isabella, Emile is running late however. He got hit pretty hard in rugby, and might have pulled his ACL. They don't think he tore it, but it's definitely sprained," Christian said, raising his glass to his mouth.
Eloisa felt her phone go off, read a text and walked to the bar to grab a drink and come back.
"You haven't finished yours yet," Giacomo said and Eloisa grabbed her unfinished glass.
"Not mine, it's Zillah's," Eloisa said as she saw the girls walking in, Zillah's eyes still puffy from tears. Zillah sat next to Eloisa and hugged her tightly then grabbed her beer and drank in under thirty seconds.
"Why did he break up with you?" Jeremie asked, everyone looking at him like he was holding a match over a powder keg.
"Let's not talk about that," Eloisa said and Zillah said it was fine.
"The distance is too much for him. Creighton wants to date someone closer, and I know who she is. Fucking bitch," Zillah said and held back tears as she walked to get herself another drink.
"That's why I'm not dating right now," Eloisa said and Yoichi shrugged.
"Hard to imagine Jeremie is the only one here with a successful relationship," Christian said and Eloisa smiled.
"Why is that hard to believe?" Jeremie asked.
"I like Milly, she's good for you. When you kicked Emile out that night, did you two end your sex hiatus?" Eloisa asked and Jeremie blushed and looked down at his drink.
"That's my man," Yoichi said and drummed on Jeremie's glass.
"At least Jeremie's life is fine," Zillah said as she sat down again, "Stop drumming."
"Sorry," Yoichi said and placed his sticks down.
"I just want to black out tonight," Zillah said and Eloisa patted her head and finished her drink.
"Don't blame you, but go easy," Giacomo said and leaned into his seat
"Getting black out drunk is our job," Christian said and wrapped his arm over Giacomo's shoulder, tapped their glasses and commenced chugging.
"You two go easy too, I'm not carrying you back to the campus," Jeremie said as Christian placed his glass down and dropped his arm off Giacomo's shoulder.
"That looks bad," Eloisa said while facing the door, making everyone turn to see Emile limping into the bar with crutches. He took his seat and said hello and took an extra chair and rested his right leg on it.
"I'm out for the season," Emile said, Christian asking what the damage was, "Pulled ACL, it's bad. Lucky I didn't tear it."
"That sucks," Zillah said while downing her second.
"I'll still take my day over yours," Emile said and Zillah sighed into her drink.
"Isabella, you're awfully quiet tonight," Yoichi said when he realized she hadn't said a word since she sat down.
"I've just had nothing to contribute," Isabella said and Jeremie looked at her.
"Slow day?" Jeremie asked and she nodded.
"The boy trouble makes me glad to be a lesbian," Isabella said and Zillah softly hit her.
"Have you ever been with a boy, or have you known but just never came out?" Zillah asked.
"I've dated boys, just because I felt like I was supposed to. After the first time I had sex though, I knew I was a lesbian," Isabella said and a few of the guys couldn't stop from snickering, "Oh stop."
"I'm not judging, I'm just trying to picture the exact moment you realized," Christian said and Isabella kicked him from under the table.
"I'm on the rebound, get me drunk enough you might be in for a surprise," Zillah said Isabella turning her head with smile.
"Really?" Isabella asked and Zillah nodded. Isabella leaned over and slowly leaned in, then stopped an inch away to see the guys reaction. Talk about kodac moment.
"You're such a tease," Zillah said with a smile and left to get her third round.
"Going that far and stopping, that's just cruel," Christian said and Isabella gave a devilish grin and sipped her drink.
"Looks like Zillah's coming home to my bed tonight," Isabella said, causing Eloisa to giggle.
"Can I come?" Eloisa asked and Isabella said that would be okay.
"Can I watch?" Christian asked and Isabella kicked him again, "What?"
"Sorry, no boys in this club house," Isabella said and Christian stuck his tongue out.
One by one the group cleared out, starting with Emile and Christian who had the earliest classes. Eloisa left with Isabella, and Giacomo had Yoichi shoulder him back. The only ones left were Zillah and Jeremie who promised the others he'd make sure she got back safe.
Jeremie and Zillah had no classes the next day, so stayed still five minutes till closing and left at around two in the morning. Walking through the quiet, empty streets of the town as the college started to come into sight.
"I just don't know what I did wrong," Zillah said as they walked.
"You didn't do anything wrong. Be mad at him, not yourself," Jeremie said to Zillah who wobbled into him and Jeremie helped her level out.
"Why couldn't Creighton be more like you?" Zillah asked and Jeremie looked at her from the side.
"Why would you want him to be? Look at me. I'm not good looking, my social skills are dicey at best, and I've only had sex twice in a three year relationship," Jeremie said and Zillah smiled.
"That's why, you never pressured her to do anything. You're way too nice maybe, but at least Milly doesn't walk all over you. Creighton walked all over me. I had sex with him whenever he wanted it, didn't call him too often to the point of pestering. Wore outfits for his birthday, and he still cheats on me just because I'm too far away," Zillah said.
"Milly is the only girl who would date me anyway," Jeremie said and Zillah shook her head.
"Lots of girls would date you. Hell if you were single right now I'd ask for a one night stand," Zillah said and Jeremie looked at her.
"Sure you would," Jeremie said sarcastically and Zillah increased her walking speed to step in front of him.
"Enough with that negative self esteem Jeremie. You may have been the geekiest person in high school, but college girls know a thing or two about guys. The good looking guys in high school are assholes, and only date freshman because those girls haven't learned yet. I have, and so have a lot of other girls," Zillah said Jeremie looked at his feet then back up at her.
"One of my exes left me for a better looking guy. Worst, he was one of my best friends. I hate to say it, but he was actually better for her. I just don't think I compare to those guys," Jeremie said and Zillah looked in his eyes.
"You're better than those guys," Zillah said and held the gaze. Jeremie broke the gaze by looking at his feet, and when he looked up Zillah had moved closer.
"Don't," Jeremie said and Zillah smiled.
"That's why you're better," Zillah said, kissed him on the cheek, and turned around and started to walk again. Jeremie stood there for a few seconds before he started to walk back with her.