A/N Hello :)

This is my first fanfic

Please review, even to tell me if you hated it because it helps me make me story better. :) And yes I know this chapter is short but its only an opener.

Diclaimer: I do not own disney, Pirates of The Carribean or Jack sparrow tear I do however onw the plot and Alyssa.


She stumbled up the wooden boards, her boots occasionally catching upon a nail sticking out of the planks causing her to trip over. She giggled before taking another swig from the bottle in her hand. She managed to finally reach the deck of the large boat, anchored in the small port with its huge black sails flapping in the wind.

"A pirate ship. I love this place! It's got such tasty –hiccup- rum. Wonder how I got here?" she cried to the empty boat as she slipped upon the damp floor and opted to sit in a giggling heap. "It's like it's a history –hiccup- theme park or something. And they gave me these clothes as well! I'm gonna go find a camera." She continued to talk to herself whilst scanning the ship with blurry blue eyes. She tried to stand, gripping a large wooden beam for support but it was hopeless and she tumbled to the ground once more.

She was completely flabbergasted as to where she was. She remembered going to this psychic for a laugh after a night out and how the psychic had pulled a card out of her tarot cards with a ship with black sails upon it and had said some mumbo jumbo about destiny. Alyssa being the skeptic she was had laughed this off, paid the woman her money and had walked home to begin sleeping off the amount of alcohol she had consumed.

That was all she could remember before she had woken up in a dingy tavern in the middle of history land wearing what looked like a pirate costume. A bloke had offered her a drink to 'soothe her troubles' and she, being the little alcoholic she was had accepted and downed the drink in one go. It was then followed by another. And then another. And another. Until she was too drunk to give a crap about where she was and had decided to go on an adventure.

And that was how she ended up on the ship, drunk. She took another swig from her bottle of rum, closing her eyes as the liquid ran down her throat, a satisfied smile making an appearance upon her face. Her eyes fluttered open as she heard one of the planks creaking and they met with a pair of chocolate brown ones.

"'Ello love, mind telling me what you're doing on my boat?"