Sara: Oh My God. I haven't updated since August. I apologize readers. See, I've had writers block for the last couple of months…


Sara: With the exception of Rane's story…

In the corner of the room a large door opened, followed by several gumdrop-resembling elves holding baskets of confetti. They held a large colorful, sparkly sign that said, 'ADVERTISING TIME!' All the elves screamed those words and began squeaking and giggling as they left the room through a door on the other side.

Sara: (Rubs hands together) (Announcer-like) The Misadventures of Rane!A new story of mine! Was supposed to be a parody of how authors enter a story and make themselves a Mary-Sue, you know the deal. But I got cold feet, so I sent in Rane!

Rane: (Smiles)

Sara: In the first chapter he comes in wearing bunny feety-pajamas and gets beat up by Raimundo!

Rane: LIAR! They were SLIPPERS!

Sara: I apologize. Bunny pajamas with matching slippers.

Rane: Shouldn't you start writing this long-awaited chapter?

Sara: I should, shouldn't I?

Readers: (Nod eagerly)

Sara: (Announcer –like once again) the long awaited chapter! The end of Models are Overrated!

Rane: They really are overrated.

Sara: Review!


You Make Life Worth Living

"You did it?" Kimiko asked excitedly. Raimundo smiled brightly.

"Yep! Ripped off the outfit right then and there and walked out!" Kimiko raised her eyebrow.

"You ripped off your clothes? What are you wearing?"

"My boxers." Raimundo responded bluntly. Kimiko buried her face in her hands. She continued walking down Main Street and looked up; discovering Keiko was hovering over her.

"What's he saying?" Keiko whispered loudly. Kimiko shoved the phone into Keiko's face. "Hear for yourself." Keiko took the phone and lifted it up to her ear. "What's up Rai?" She asked cheerfully.

Raimundo continued walking down another street himself. Multiple people stopped and stared at the male model, watching him strut by famous shops. "How's it going Keiko? I'm fine. I'm outside Giorgio Armani and all the salespeople in the window are staring at me."


"It might be because he's in his underwear." Kimiko grumbled. Keiko almost choked on the air she was breathing in.

"Why the hell are you in your underwear Raimundo?" she asked. Raimundo took the time to tell her how he told off Genevieve and ripped off his designer clothes in the middle of a fashion show. "That was smart." She commented. Raimundo shrugged.

"I have to go, guys. I really have to call my limo and ask him to pick me up. As fun as it might sound, walking around Paris in your underwear isn't really the best idea." After that word of advice, Raimundo hung up.

Keiko handed the phone back to Kimiko. "Let's go back to the hotel, Kim. It's a place where he can find us." Kimiko nodded and turned on her heel, walking the other way. "So you never answered my question," Keiko began. "What's all this with 'I love you?'" Kimiko couldn't help blushing.

"You remember when we were at the airport and Raimundo was taking that plane to France?" Keiko nodded eagerly. "I sort of screamed across to the plane that I loved him."

Keiko gaped. "How come I'm hearing this now?" she asked angrily. Kimiko shrugged.

"I guess I forgot about it."

Keiko shook her head. "Honey that is not something you forget about." Kimiko looked at her and smiled.

"Being in love is such a wonderful feeling, Keiko." She gushed. "I can't believe that bastard Mark ruined it for you." Keiko dismissed the thought with her hand.

"I don't want to talk about that. As we speak he's on a plane to England, regretting what he's done." She narrowed her eyes. "And with my best friend. That evil, cheating mother-fucking…"

"Yes, I know." Kimiko cut her off. "And that is why we sent him off to England and shall never see him again!" she added cheerfully. Keiko wrapped her arm around her friends shoulder.

"This is why I love you Kimiko." She told her friend. Kimiko wrapped her arm around her friend too.

"I love you too."


Raimundo strode down the streets of Paris rapidly dialing numbers on his cell phone. "Luc?" he talked into his cell phone. "I need you to get the limo to me immediately. I'm in front of "Coach" on Main Street. I'm the guy in his underwear." Luc, on the other line, raised his eyebrow.

"In your underwear, sir?"

Raimundo nodded. "That's right. Now start wondering why I want you here so quickly." And he snapped the phone shut. Raimundo plopped down onto a nearby bench, examining his surroundings and sighing. He rubbed both his arms. Man, its cold. Maybe taking off all my clothes wasn't the greatest idea.

Raimundo looked around at all the French natives. He looked at all the designer shops, the five-star restaurants: the city of lights. He sighed. It was getting dark, and he was starting to see how Paris got its famous name. Looking around once more he heard someone running. He heard their heavy breathing.

It was a woman.

A heavy woman.

A heavy French woman.

He looked closer and his eyes widened.

A heavy French woman named Genevieve.

Raimundo hopped off his seat and whipped out his cell phone once more, calling Luc as he rushed through the thinning crowd of Parisians. "I'm practically there, Monsieur." Luc answered the phone.

"Forget Coach, man! Do you see Genevieve anywhere?" Luc looked around in his vehicle and spotted the heavy-set female lumbering along the sidewalk. "You see here?"

"I see here, Monsieur. But where are you?"

"In front of her, running the hell away!" he exclaimed. The huffing and puffing of Genevieve became more and more audible. 'I see she didn't take the time to get a cab.' Raimundo ran faster. "You see me, Luc?" he breathed loudly. "YOU SEE ME?" he was getting more panicky every second.

"I see you, Monsieur!" Luc swerved in the street towards Raimundo, nearly running over the sidewalk. Raimundo leaped into the car and got a sudden sense of Déjà-vu as he uttered those three words.

"Drive, Drive, Drive!!" As Luc was just about to jam the accelerator Genevieve arrived at Raimundo's window and continuously beat it with her hands, screaming in French. Luc stepped on the pedal and the car drove off. Raimundo wiped the sweat off his forehead, glad that adventure was over.

Now all he had to do was see Kimiko. He looked down at the limo's floor. The last time he saw her was when Genevieve pulled them apart. And Chikino threatened to have her boyfriend beat him up. And when he held her in his arms…

But whatever happened to Kiree? I suppose she didn't follow them to France, she had too much pride for that. He missed Joey, too. His agent of how many years? Four? Five? And that Mark character, Keiko's boyfriend. 'I swear I saw him on the way to the fashion show. He was crying.' Raimundo told himself.

All this recapping made him sick to his stomach. Especially knowing that there were two attractive boys back at the hotel Kimiko was staying at. How fast was Luc going? Raimundo peered over to the driver's seat and sat back immediately.

102 miles per hour; 'At this rate by the time we get to the hotel I'll be grateful I'm alive.'


Kimiko and Keiko arrived at the hotel just as it got dark and the city began to light up. Derek and John sat up immediately as soon as the two girls entered the hotel. "Aw," Keiko commented. "They're like little dogs. Look Kimiko, see how their tongues hang out?" Both boys closed their mouths when those words were uttered.

"Where'd you guys go?" Derek asked, sitting back down in the leather chair, John doing that same.

"We just went for a walk." Keiko explained. "Raimundo called, and he's coming back to the hotel very soon." She eyed both boys as one grabbed one of the arms of the chair and was about to get up. "So paws off, John." John sat back down like the obedient little puppy he is.

Kimiko strode over to the elevator with Keiko by her side. "Let's go back to the room." She suggested. Derek and John got back up as the two girls entered the elevator.

Keiko turned around swiftly, "Sit!" she commanded. And they did as they were told. Keiko turned back to her friend, "So how was it?" she asked. Kimiko turned to her.

"How was what?"

"How was the kiss?" Keiko didn't look very happy. Kimiko expected that she knew she hadn't kissed Raimundo yet.

And she was talking about Mark. "When Mark…?" she asked quietly. Kimiko inched towards her friend and gave her a hug. "I'm so sorry about this Keiko. I know how much you loved Mark." She sympathized as Keiko broke into hysterics.

"Why?" she cried, hot tears streaming down her face. "I did everything for him. I… he…" she gasped loudly to draw in air to her lungs. Kimiko glanced at Keiko's red tear-stained face.

"Cry your heart out, Keiko. You need to release whatever your feeling." Keiko hugged Kimiko tighter at the moment the elevator door opened.

Jack Spicer looked at the two girls hugging and licked his lips. "Why can't you see this every day?" he asked himself and walked away. Kimiko raised her eyebrow and Keiko turned around.

"Who the hell was that?" she sniffed. Kimiko gently turned her head around and patted her shoulder.

"Just a hobo, sweetheart."


Raimundo raced through the hotel's revolving doors, look around for Kimiko. He spotted Derek and John sitting by the lounge and rushed towards them, thoroughly scaring the two boys with his eager red face.

"Where is she?" he yelled.

"Chill!" John tried to calm down the model. "I think she went up…" He was cut off when Raimundo grabbed his shirt collar and slammed him against the pillar behind his chair.

"You kissed her, you fucker! You're the bastard who kissed her back in Brazil!" He sneered. "If that fucking rock hadn't paralyzed me you would be DEAD right now!" Derek grabbed Raimundo from the waist and pulled him off John.

"Dude! Raimundo!" Derek yelled. Raimundo took a deep breath as John slid down from the pillar and into his seat, fear overwhelming his bright blue eyes. Derek turned the model around and grabbed his shoulders, inconspicuously massaging him. "Chill, alright? Calm down." Raimundo took another deep breath.

"Kimiko is upstairs with Keiko. They went up there only a couple of minutes ago. They probably went…" A strong wind whipped around Derek, which is what Raimundo left behind when he sprinted to the elevator. "Raimundo?" The elevator was already closing.

Raimundo tapped the floor impatiently, not able to wait. When the elevator doors opened he raced into the hall and ran as fast as he could. He arrived at a door and opened it harshly. He looked inside and realized that these surroundings where strangely familiar.

Oh yeah.

This was his room.

This is probably the wrong floor.

I should go downstairs and find her room number, shouldn't I?

Raimundo sighed and shook his head at his stupidity. He looked up and widened his eyes, as he is staring into the eyes of the last person he wanted to see. "Dennison." He gulped. "Hi."

Dennison cracked his knuckles and walked towards Raimundo. "Shove my girlfriend to the ground, will you? Strike her with your fist? And then rape her?" Raimundo looked at Dennison, fairly confused.

"What the hell? Did she tell you that? Dude, I never did any of that stuff." 'I MAY have shoved her…'

Genevieve yanked Raimundo away from Kimiko. "What are you doing?" he asked. Genevieve threw Raimundo over to Chikino, who grabbed his right arm firmly.

"You will stay away from Raimundo." Genevieve told her threateningly. "Or I will see to it that you will never work in Paris again!'"

"Genevieve!" Raimundo protested. "You can't do that!" The large woman cast him an annoyed look. "You just can't!" He shoved Chikino to the ground so his arm would be free.

"You're not going to get away with any of this, man." At that moment Dennison chose to rush at Raimundo, who summoned some wind and swept it under the large boy's feet, causing him to fall to the ground. Raimundo leaped over him and flew down the stairs, arriving at the hotel clerk's desk within seconds.

"Kimiko Tohomiko's room, NOW." He demanded. He didn't even give the clerk anytime to respond one he heard Dennison charging down those stairs. Raimundo placed his hands firmly on the desk and jumped over it.

"What are you doing?" the clerk screeched. Raimundo went onto the computer and typed in Kimiko's name hastily, watching the multiple results pop up instantaneously. Room number: 411. That's four flights of stairs.

Speaking of stairs, Dennison just arrived. Raimundo ducked behind the desk and heard Dennison's heavy footsteps pound throughout the lobby. He didn't dare look up, but he could tell that idiot was looking around and didn't know where he was. "Hey dudes, did you see some Spanish kid run through here?" he heard him ask John and Derek.

I'm from Brazil, you loser. Raimundo thought. "No man." He heard Derek respond.

"I didn't see anybody." John replied. Dennison huffed and looked under a couple of chairs and tables. He opened the elevator and went to check if he went back up to his room. Raimundo took his chance and looked up from the desk and saw no Dennison. He gave an arm pump and thanked the hotel clerk, running to the elevator.

Raimundo stopped to look at Derek and John. All three boys exchanged smiles before Raimundo got to the elevator and pressed four. The doors closed and the music began. This was his time to think of what he was going to do once he saw her. Oh, he couldn't wait. He repeated the words in his head. 411, four-eleven, four hundred eleven, four-one-one…

The elevator door opened; this was the fourth floor.


"Maybe I should give him another chance." Keiko looked up. "Maybe I just, you know, wasn't fulfilling my duties as a girlfriend. Maybe it was my fault." Keiko sniffed when Kimiko gave her friend her umpteenth hug.

"It's not your fault Keiko." Kimiko told her. "How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"You tell me that until Mark comes back." Keiko told her, the steamy tears dripping onto the carpet. "I should call him. Shouldn't I call him?" Kimiko patted her back.

"No, don't call him. You'll find a new guy, I know you will. You're beautiful Keiko, you know that? Boys will fall at your feet." Keiko smiled and pulled away, dropping into a nearby chair.

"You're right. I'll find a new guy." Keiko sunk into the chair and sighed. "I will get through this. I will."

"That's the spirit!" Kimiko encouraged. "Let me get you a snack, okay?" Keiko nodded while she dried her face with a suede jacket Mark had left behind.

Kimiko opened the refrigerator and took out tons of fruit. She searched the cabinet and got out a huge bowl and poured all the fruit into the bowl. Returning to the fridge she took out a carton of orange juice and emptied half of its contents into the bowl.

Kimiko took the giant fruit salad and handed it to Keiko. Keiko looked at the bowl curiously. "No ice cream?" Kimiko shook her head.

"How are you supposed to get a new man if you ruin your beautiful figure?" she patted Keiko's stomach. She shrugged and dropped her head into the bowl, eating the fruit with her face. "Let me… get you a fork, okay?" Keiko nodded and continued to eat.

Kimiko entered the kitchen once more right before she heard a loud pounding on the door. Fruit flew from Keiko's face when her head jolted up. They exchanged glances and Kimiko squealed. She raced to the door and flung it open.

And there, standing in the door was the person she couldn't wait to see. With no ugly bitch to pull him away. With no obsessed fan girl to take over.


Kimiko spotted a white square out of the corner of her eye. It had large brown eyes and a mouth, legs and arms. It walked towards Kimiko and shook her hand politely. "Hello Kimiko, I've heard a lot about you." It said with a thick British accent. "My name is Leslie - how do you do?"

Raimundo raised his eyebrow. "Leslie? All this time your name has been Leslie?" This pillow glared at Raimundo and beckoned him to come near him.

"Come here, Raimundo. I need to tell you something." Raimundo complied and bent down, nearing his face near the pillows. The pillow raised his hand and struck Raimundo's cheek, causing the teenager to fall to the ground. "I can't believe you fell for that, you sissy." The pillow sneered.

Kimiko blinked, not having any idea what was going on. Instead of pondering on why a pillow was walking and talking she bent down and looked at Raimundo, cupping his face in her hands. Raimundo used her shoulders as support to help him sit up.

They both sat there on the ground, staring into each other's eyes. Raimundo couldn't take it anymore and reached his hand over to Kimiko and gently pushed her so her lips would touch his. He snaked his hand through her hair, gently bringing more force into the kiss. His tongue entered her mouth, unable to control himself.

Kimiko let out a soft moan and pulled back from him for a moment to catch some air. She then kissed him hungrily, running her hands up and down his back and noticed that he had put on a shirt. She dismissed this thought at she gently sucked on his bottom lip. He smelt like French pastries, hot Parisian air, and so, so good.

He tasted so good, like a mix of oranges and sugar. She ventured her tongue to his throat as Raimundo clung to her hips. Kimiko's eyes fluttered as she pulled away and smacked her lips together. Raimundo took lunged towards her and gave her a large embrace. "I missed you." He kissed her ear lovingly.

Kimiko ignored the hot tear sliding down her cheek. "You have no idea how happy I am." She whispered. Raimundo kissed her neck and stared at her glassy blue eyes.

"Yes I do." He breathed, kissing her once more lightly on the lips. "Oh yes I do." A tear of his own dropped onto the carpet. He watched it melt into the fibers, staring downwards for a while. He never wanted to let go of her.

Keiko let out a soft squeal and the pillow slowly sidled over to her. "A beautiful couple, aren't they?" he commented. Keiko nodded. Leslie looked up at the pretty girl and outstretched his hand. "The name's Leslie babe." Keiko blinked and her lips parted for a second, her mind racing.

Keiko had read dozens of books on men, dating and the like. None of them bothered to mention what to do when a pillow hits on you. "Ahh…" she began. "I'm Keiko…" she shook his hand. The pillow smiled and leaned back on the beanie-bag chair Keiko was sitting on. I think there's a door on the other side of the room. Keiko looked at Raimundo and Kimiko. Oh, they'll be fine.


Keiko silently slid out of the elevator and checked for any signs of the pillow. She stepped into the lobby and saw Derek and John playing a game of patty-cake.

"Coca-cola went to down, Hi-C knocked 'em down. Dr. Pepper picked him up, now we're drinking 7-up! 7-up caught the flu, now we're drinking mountain dew…" She heard them chant. Approaching the two boys, Keiko's hand picked up a Vogue Magazine. She casually sat down next to John and pretended to begin reading.

Derek peered over at Keiko and noticed that all the text in Vogue was in French. He nudged John lightly and whispered what he just discovered in his ear. Keiko noticed the whispering and asked, "What's with the secrets boys?" John looked at her.

"I didn't know you could read French Keiko." He said. Keiko looked at him curiously.

"I can't. Where did you get…?" she looked down at the magazine. "…Oh. Heh." She looked up and smiled, throwing the book across the room. "Anybody want to teach me that sick rhyme you guys were just doing?" Derek moved John and sat next to Keiko.

"Sure! It goes like this, Keiko." He took her hands gently and lifted them, making them touch each other like she was praying. He took his own hands and hit them on both sides. "Coca-cola went to town…"

All the while this lesson was going on Keiko couldn't help thinking about how cute Derek actually is. And single. A cute single boy was in front of her, teaching her a version of patty-cake. If she willed it to happen, they could be doing something much more interesting…

"Hey Derek, come with me." She took the boys hand and led him off the couch. Derek's forehead wrinkled.

"Where are we going?" he asked curiously. Keiko turned around and gave him a mischievous smile.

"To the bathroom."

"To the bathroom?" he asked curiously. Keiko then took both his hands and led him to the ladies room. It was never to soon to start getting over Mark. And Derek was just helping her.

"Yes Derek, to the bathroom."


Kimiko didn't want to stop staring into his eyes. There were a lot of unresolved problems in Paris. In Brazil. In China.

But they could all wait.

Because she finally found him. She found Raimundo, and she didn't want to let him go.

And she never was going to. And you know why? Because life was good.

And he made it great.




Rane: Finally, god. 20 chapters. Took you a freakin' year.

Sara: Totally worth it. I might just write a sequel.

Rane: …

Sara: I –


Sara: But what about Kiree? Dennison? Joey?

Rane: They can all wait?

Sara: For how long?

Rane: (bluntly) Forever.

Sara: … Anyway readers do not forget to read the rest of my stories! And if you want a sequel, just say the word!

Rane: What word?

Sara: Shut up. Hey, guess what I'm going to say next?

Sara & Rane: (In unison) REVIEW!

Sara: Oh, and I've had some people say the review button isn't working.. so PM me! Theres a 100 chance I'll respond! (And if you can review, I'll respond to that too)

Rane: Just for saying that I don't think they'll PM you now.

Sara: ...