Alright new story time. This time it's with my main OC that I made up for this particular show I was just hesitant to post it but I hope it turns out okay.

Edward and Alphonse Elric sat on the train that sped closer to Central with each passing minute. They had decided to accept Lt. Colonel Roy Mustang's offer and take the state alchemy exam. State alchemist's had access to rare publishing's as well as funds to help along their research. Only then could they regain what they had lost. Ed opened his mouth to say something when he was interrupted.

"Hi, um can I sit with you guys?" A young girl asked. Ed and Al both turned their gazes to be met with the smiling face of a girl who appeared to be the same age as them. Her hair was bright blonde at the tips but gently faded into a dirty blonde and seemingly had dull red highlights. Her eyes sparkled brightly accompanying her flawless peaches and cream complexion along with her rosy apple cheeks. Ed stared at her his eyes wide.

"You're beautiful." He whispered softly. The young girl's smile faded and her eyes widened before giving way to embarrassment.

"Um, thanks. So may I?" She asked pointing to the seat next to Alphonse.

"Of course." Al stated cheerfully amused at his brother's reaction to this girls sudden appearance.

"I'm Alphonse Elric and this is my older brother Edward. It's nice to meet you." He said offering his hand. She accepted with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Alphonse, Edward; my name's Sayla, Sayla Hosner." She said.

"Sayla, huh? That's a new one." Ed said his tawny eyes shining brightly. Sayla nodded.

"Yeah well I think my parents just made it up." She said.

:"If you don't mind me asking, where are you heading?" Al asked politely. Sayla shook her head.

"No, not at all. I'm headed to central to visit my father." She replied.

"Your parents don't live together?" Al asked. Sayla shook her head.

"No but its okay because it gives me a change of pace for a couple months out of the year ya' know?" She said. Al nodded the best that he could while Ed simply stared at this girl. He had never really been interested in girls before except when it came to pranks and torture, mainly on Winry, but Sayla was different. Her voice was soft and carried melodically almost as if every sentence she spoke was a verse to a song. Her warmth captured him chipping away at his guilt and depression that he sought out desperately to hide from his brother.

Ed yawned loudly as the trio sat on the bench at the train station.

"What time does the next train leave for central?" Al asked.

"Not until tomorrow." Ed replied. Sayla rubbed her eyes placing her head against her shoulder.

"We should try and get some sleep." She said. Ed placed his hands behind his head shutting his eyes when a scream sounded.

"Somebody stole my purse!" A voice yelled a little further down the platform. Ed reopened his eyes as did Sayla.

"Break's over." Ed said motioning for his brother to follow him as he stood up quickly.

"Ha that was too easy." The purse snatcher stated triumphantly only to find him self standing in the center of a transmutation circle. Alphonse quickly put his hands to the ground transmuting a cage around the thief.

"Wow." Sayla exclaimed.

"Pretty impressive, huh?" Ed asked turning to her proudly.

"I must say that was quite impressive." The train conductor commended. "Alchemists at your ages, imagine that. We don't get too many alchemists around these parts except for old Majahal." He continued.

"Majahal, huh?" Ed asked interested.

"Yeah he lives in the next town over but I wouldn't go over there right now." The man said almost in a whisper.

"Why is that?" Sayla asked curiously.

"They say the dead are rising from their graves and sending the villagers to them." He said. Ed, Al and Sayla stared at him for a moment. Al trembled, Sayla smirked and her eyes widened as Ed scoffed.

"Yeah right but maybe we should go check it out anyways." Edward said.

"I'd advise against it but you kids can catch the coach there. It should be arriving fairly soon but won't come back for a couple of days." He said.

"Nah, that's fine. We don't have anywhere important to be." Ed stated before turning to Sayla. "Wanna come for the ride?" He asked trying to mask the hopefulness in his voice. Sayla nodded once hesitantly.

"I just have to make a quick phone call." She said running off to the nearest pay phone.

"I'm surprised that you actually want to go there brother." Al said.

"I remember seeing that name Majahal pop up in some of dad's old letters. I want to go see this guy just to check him out." Ed stated grabbing his suitcase passing by Sayla on the way.

"The code is zero, nine, four, two, eight, seven, zero." She whispered into the phone wary of Ed and Al as they approached her. Ed leaned against the wall next to her while Al hovered over her. The other line picked up.

"Hello." The brisk voice from the other end answered.

"Hi dad. How's it going?" She asked cheerfully.

"It's about time you called. So tell me, have you met up with the Elric's yet."

"Yes I have." She said.

"Are they near by right now?"


"Good, make sure they stay that way don't let them out of your site and don't forget to stay out of the way unless their unconscious or dead."

"Got'cha. Listen there's been a slight delay so I should be in Central three days from now." She replied.

"If that's the earliest you can get here then fine just don't dilly-dally."

"I won't."

"See you in Central then."


"See ya kid." The line went dead and Sayla hung up as well. She smiled up at Edward and Alphonse.

"All settled." Ed asked. Sayla nodded.

"Yep." She said picking up her bags.

"Good. Let's get going then." Al stated as the carriage noisily pulled to a stop.