Summary: One-shot. Kenshin does something nice for Hiko's birthday.

Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin belongs to Nobuhiro Watsuki.

A/N: This is for my dad, even though he'll never see it.


By: gure

It was a bright ki, coming up his mountain. Warm and strong, touched with just a bit of shadow. Sadness. Hiko waited, and felt the ki coming closer to his home, growing stronger as the distance shrank. Setting aside the remains of his dinner, Hiko watched the door expectantly, and fought back a moment of surprise when he felt the ki stop a short distance away, rather than coming straight to the door, as he'd anticipated. Hiko waited, incredulous at his own sense of disappointment when he felt that bright ki recede.

No matter, he wasn't expecting anyone today anyway. He chose this life on the mountain, working as an artist for the specific purpose of avoiding human contact.

The ki had faded almost completely; heading back to the city, no doubt. Hiko felt the time was right to check his yard, just in case. One could never be too careful, living alone in the woods. Stepping out from his home, Hiko swept a cursory glance over the clearing, his gaze catching on the log in front of his kiln. There, neatly balanced, was a jug. Tucked just under the edge, to keep it from blowing away, was a note.

Looking around once more, to make certain he was indeed alone, Hiko made his way over to the log to inspect the jug. He picked it up, noting that it was finely crafted, and must have cost the poor fool who purchased it a small fortune. Unstopping the cork and taking a whiff, Hiko was greeted with the scent of some of the best sake he'd ever encountered. A fool, indeed. Hiko allowed himself a small smile; no one was there to see, after all, and bent down to pick up the note still resting on the log.

His smile broadened, squinting a little at the scrawled handwriting that simply stated, "Happy birthday, Shishou."

"Baka deshi," was all Hiko said as he collected the jug and headed inside to fetch a saucer.

The end.