1Stdlg: so I think my writers' block is gone I was actually excited to start writing this chapter

Zamien: she really was… maybe she's high O.o

Stdlg: you know what… throws Zamien in a closet I still can be creative with you in a closet

Zamien: . women

Stdlg: I'd take that back if you want food

Zamien: mumbles something rude

Last chapter

Hermione on the other hand was standing against the door slamming her head lightly against it.

"What the matter with you?" she asked herself out loud. " How you just kiss Draco Malfoy?" Then she suddenly stopped banging her head. " Wait he kissed you first, so then it was his doing not yours. You can go to bed with a clear conscience." With that she smiled to her self, went into the bathroom brushed her teeth and flossed then went to bed. The students were coming the next day and she couldn't wait something to keep out of the common room and away from Malfoy. She ended up falling asleep with a smile on her face.

End Chapter

The next morning Draco Malfoy was in a crappy mood. It was more than crappy, its was down right mega crappy. He hadn't slept well he was tossing and turning all night, then what happened with Granger wasn't helping him much either.

" Stupid woman, stupid bed." He mumbled to himself as he walked out of his room clad only in his silk boxers. Yawning and rubbing his face he walked into the bathroom slamming the door.

Hermione on the other hand had been up an hour before her alarm went off, to excited to sleep. She was eagerly running around her room making sure that she had everything. Finally she was sure that she had everything, she grabbed some clothes and underwear and went into the bathroom only to run into the one person she didn't want to see.

" Malfoy."

"Granger." He said through a mouthful of toothpaste.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to talk with you mouth full?" she said setting her things on the counter.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you to knock before coming into a bathroom? You aren't the only person living here." He said repeating the same sentence she had said to him.

"Not when nothing worth acknowledging is in it." She said in her smartass tone.

" Sorry, but the only thing worth not acknowledging, is the filthy mudblood."

"Oh back to the same old insult? Come on Malfoy you'll have to do a lot better than that." She said grabbing her toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it.

"Oh why don't you tell what I can do to make my insult better." He said mono toned.

" Doesn't matter, nothing you say can hurt me and cause anything emotional." She said after rinsing out her mouth and drying it with a towel.

" Really?" he asked taking a step toward her. " Nothing? From what I remember from last night, I think I did cause something.

" Yea, nausea."

" Lets see if I can change that." He said quickly attacking her mouth with his. Instantly she wrapped her arms his neck, and began kissing back, then abruptly pushed him away.

" What the hell is your problem?" she practically yelled at him.

" Nothing is my problem I know you wanted it too" Draco said matter of factly leaning against the counter.

"You don't know what I want." she said, getting upset because secretly she knew she wanted it as well.

"Whatever Granger." he said wiping his mouth then walked out of the bathroom to get dressed.

" How dare he tell me what I wanted and what I didn't want" she said as she walked to the shower and started adjusting the water quickly she stripped down and got into the shower.

Draco on the other hand was already half dressed all he need now was his tie.

" Where the hell is it?" He screamed to himself " Dammit." he sighed when he tripped over a pile of clothes. " Maybe Hermione was right, maybe I am a little messy. Hold on..did I just call her Hermione? What is going on with me, I need to request a different room. Even though I know that won't happen." He mumbled and resumed his search for his tie. While Hermione had just gotten out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her. Using a spell she dried her hair and applied her make-up, then walked into her room and began getting dressed. After 15 minutes she emerged from her room, in a knee-length black skirt, with a white button down shirt with her Gryffindor tie. She had pulled her hair up into a bun on the top of her head with her black wired glassed. Then she had her cloak in one hand and her lesson plans in the other. But just as she emerged so did Draco, wearing black slacks and a white shirt with green pinstripes, and his newly found tie.

They both couldn't believe their eyes. Draco thought he could take Hermione right there. She pulled off the naughty teacher look without even trying, and Draco wasn't sure how he would have to handle this. While Hermione thought that if Draco kept looking that she'd begin to want him to take advantage of her. Draco was the first to break that silence.

" Um, you look..." he said stuttering a little.

" Thanks you look... too." She said as the both began to walk towards the door, both feeling like giddy teenagers again. They walked out the door in complete silence, which continued till they got to the great hall. The students where due to arrive in 15 minutes.

" Good morning Professors." Hermione said being polite. Draco on the other hand just sat down clenching his fist.

" What the hell is wrong with me." he thought. "Why do I feel like this, that last time I did it was with Marylyn, and now.." he said as he turned to look at Hermione who was giggling with a Professor. " I want her just as much, but I don't want to lose my family, not yet." (A/n he doesn't want to let them go a grieve, makes sense?) Just then the doors to the great hall burst open.

" Oh YAY! The children are arriving." Hermione said Happily, unconsciously gripping Draco's arm, causing him to look up at her, but she was to excited to realize.

" Alright will the first years please come here and stand in a line." Minerva said ,and just like in Draco and Hermione's first year she began to sort them

56 Gryffindor

49 Hufflepuff

36 RavenClaw

57 Slytherin

" Oh wow, Slytherin beat Gryffindor by one person, isn't this exciting?" she ask with a smile on her face oh not realizing, that she had gripped her hand even harder. Draco just smiled, and discretely moved her hand down from his arm , down into his hands, and laced his fingers with hers.

" What are you doing?" she asked quietly, but didn't try to remove her hand.

"Nothing." he said as the ceremony went on, they just relaxed.

" Now, that you are done you will go to you dorm and unpack, then at exactly 12pm you will go to your first class." Dumbledore said standing up and waving his arms so that the food disappeared.

" Wait, I thought that they usually had the day off. Or something like that, actually I don't know it took us all day to get here." Hermione said confused.

" Well the ministry of magic thought it was a waste of time to let the kids have the day off, and now the Hogwarts Train is a lot faster, so it doesn't take as long." Minerva told Hermione.

" Oh." Hermione said a little disappointed

" What?" draco asked.

" I was really excited and now they are putting it off, for...four hours." She said as they all stood up. Draco finally let her hand go.

"Oh. Well know you have more time to revise you lesson plans..again." he said Smirking.

" WHY?" she began to panic, " is there something wrong with them?"asked looking like she was about to cry...Draco started laughing.

" That is So not funny!" Hermione said, wiping her eyes.

" Sure it is you should've seen your face. Priceless moment." He said as he got to their portrait.

" Draco that was not funny." She said not catching that slip till it left her mouth. " I mean malfoy."

" No its fine." he said staring at her as she sat her stuff down.

" I'm gonna change clothes." she said walking towards her room. When she got in she realized that her heart was pounding. She changed into a pair of pajama pants and a CSI: Vegas shirt, then walked back out into the common room and turned on the TV. While Draco was in his room changing as well into a black wife beater, and pajama pants that were plaid in the colors gray and black. He sat again on the edge of his bed and put his hands in his head and sighed thinking to himself. He realized that he didn't want to control himself anymore, he'd been doing it since 6th year, her decided he was just going to let the piece fall where the may, and with that he walked out of his room and found Hermione sitting on the couch watching a movie.

" What are you watching?" he asked as he sat down.

" Only the greatest movie in the Entire world." she said excitedly

" And that would be?"

" Rent!" she said smiling.

" What it about?" he asked

" I can't tell you. You'll have to watch it." she said, unfortunately it was just at the part well Collins and Angel kiss, which sent him into hysterics.

" What the hell do you have my watching!" He screamed trying to get up but summoned all of her strength to keep him there.

" Draco trust me this is a good movie."

" Hermione, it better be."he said

" There are lesbians in it."

" I like the sound of that." Draco said smiling. After about thirty minutes he had, had enough.

" Okay I am done with this movie."

" No! Please...for me?" she asked with puppy dog eyes.

" Nope."

" I'll make you pass out." she said.

" I am way to big, for you." he said matter of factly.

" No you aren't watch, sit down." she said

" I don't know." He said skeptically

" I won't hurt you I swear." she said, he sat down. " Um...you're the biggest person I've ever done I might have to...sit...on you...um lap." she said as she felt her cheeks blush.

" Happy to be your first." he said smirking. Hermione rolled her eyes and straddled him.

" Alright now hold your breath." she instructed, as soon as she did that using her hands she placed her palms on both sides of his trachea and squeezed both sides of is neck cutting off his eyes supply.( A/n I swear to god it really works). She stared into his gray orbs as the got dilated, and then is eyelids completely drop and his head lean back.

" You're kinda cute when you are sleeping...or passed out." she said moving a strand of his hair from his eyes, just as he took a deep breathe and woke up. " Good morning sunshine!" Hermione said Smiling.

" Holy shit." he said breathing. " That was...holy shit."

" Yea I know, I used to do it all the time I like the tingling feeling. Do you want to do it to me?" she ask hopefully.

" I don't know to hurt you." he said staring into her chocolate eyes.

" You won't hurt me I promise." Grabbing his hands and doing the same thing that she had don't to his neck to hers. Withing a few seconds she had slumped forward her head resting on his chest. Draco couldn't believe how comfortable it felt to have her there on his chest, finally he felt her take a deep breath and wake up.

" Hermione?"

" Yea?" she answered looking at him, she looked high.

" You alright?"

" Never better." she said smiling. Just then Draco leaned in and kissed her full on the mouth. Hermione didn't even hesitate she instantly wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer filling in the space. Then he moved his mouth to her neck, nipping at the space just below her ear, earning a moan. Moving back to her mouth, he moved his hands under her shirt, breaking the kiss only for a second leaving her clad in a black lace bra. Hermione realized just then that he has removed her clothing she broke the kiss a second and removed his wife beater, raking her nail across his still chiseled chest.

" Are you sure that you want to do this?" He asked her.

" More than anything." she said

with that he picked her up off the couch and walked into his room and laid her down on the bed and wen back to kissing her. Moving down from her mouth to her neck and the valley between her breasts. Finally undoing the bra he set the free, sucking on one of the nipples making it stand to attention and earning a moan from Hermione and her hands went through his hair.

" Mmm Draco." she said then he began to remover her pants along with her matching underwear. He then came back up to look into her eyes, making sure that there was no kind of doubt. When he saw there wasn't he slid a finger into her opening, causing her to gasp and hold in that breathe as he began to move his finger in and out in a steady rhythm. When he saw that she was wet enough he inserted another finger, and began making the rhythm faster and faster, until he was getting the delicious sound of her moaning. He then removed his fingers and licked them clean and came back up kissing her making her taste herself. Hermione's hand was focusing on getting off his pants and boxers, draco sighed with relief, he throbbing member was finally freed from its confinement.

" Hermione. I need to know that you won't regret this." he said looking into her eyes.

" I won't, I promise." she said, just then he slid himself in her, savoring out tight she was he went slow but that didn't last for long soon he was pumping in and out of her as fast as he could, getting cries of pleasure, he enjoyed hearing the sound of his flesh hitting her's, then he abruptly slowed down, pulling almost all the way out, then with a jerk of his hips pushed deep inside of her making her scream, he did it again and again the whole time his eyes oh her face watching her scream in pleasure. Finally he felt her walls contracting against him, he pounded into her without any real kind of rhythm sending her over the edge, then himself a few thrusts later. They laid there for a few minutes, Hermione gripping Draco's side and breathing hard. And Draco between Hermione's legs with his face on her chest.

" Why the hell did you tell me?" he asked her breaking the silence. The getting up he looked down at her. " WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!"

" I didn't think it was a big deal." she said knowing that she should have told him.

" I could have seriously fucking hurt you...your fucking 32...why didn't you tell me you were a virgin.?"

xVS: So did it move to fast? That was my first sex scene tell me how I did..

Zamien: Did you like the shock?

XVS: we thought that would be neat...soo review and tell me!