Stdlg: Yea I know another story well I am probably going to delete one of my other ones…yea.

Zamien: she's extremely drugged up right now she had foot surgery so excuse her

Stdlg: Hey stop spreading my business!

Zamien: Just up and just write!

"Draco, we're leaving!" Marylyn Malfoy said walking to the front door. "Girls say good bye to daddy" Instantly two girl came running out toward Draco, one little girl with long sliver white hair like Draco and one with raven hair like their mother."

"Bye daddy" The silver haired on name Samantha said to her father.

"Move Sammy I wanna hug!" said the raven-haired one name Emma.

"Well you have to wait I got here first." Samantha said sticking her tongue out at her sister.

"Well I'm older." Emma said as she stomped her feet.

"By one minute."

Laughing to himself he pick up his beautiful twins.

"Its okay I have enough love to hug you both at the same time okay?" he said into a face full of hair. Then putting them down he walked over to his wife and gave her a gentle yet passionate kiss.

" I love you baby." He said wrapping her into a hug.

"I love you too, but really we are going to be late and my mother isn't going to be happy." She said stepping away.

"I don't give a flying f-"

"Draco Malfoy, watch you language. Girls lets go, we wanna get there before its start to snow really hard."

"Okay." Came two replies, and then they were gone.

After watching then drive out of the drive way he went back in to the manor, used his wand to start a fire, and turned on the TV that his wife insisted that they get and laid down on the couch.

6 hours later

Draco woke from his slumber with the phone ringing.

"Hello?" he answered groggily

"Um yes, I am looking for a mister Malfoy."

"This is him." He said sitting straight up.

"This is the emergency room from St. Mungos. Um… Sir there was an accident involving your wife and children."

"Are they okay?" he asked

"We don't know sir they are still in surgery."

"I'm on my way." And with that he hung up the phone put on shoes then apparated to the hospital.

" Are you Mister Malfoy?"


"I'm sorry, there was nothing we could do. There was Brain swelling and internal bleeding."

"When will the bodies be released?" he said in a monotone voice.

"Next week." And with that Draco left the hospital and arranged for the funeral. And sat through the funeral dry eyed while is family was put in the ground.


"DARNIT!" Draco said as his alarm clock went off. It was 6 O'clock in the morning and he had to be in the great hall in an hour. "Why did I agree to this?" he asked himself, rolling out of the bed. Sure it was great to be at Hogwarts again, and he was teaching his favorite subject Potions and he was the head master of his old house. Slytherin. He was the first of the Professors to arrive, the students would be arriving in two day and the rest of the professors were arriving in an hour. Then after the other professors arrived he had to see the headmaster. Walking into his bathroom and brushed his teeth and washed his face, tried to decide what to do with his hair. In the end he just left it laying on his head. Then he hopped in the shower, then got dressed and made his way to the great hall.

On the train to Hogwarts

Hermione Alyssa Granger sat on the train taking her to Hogwarts. Only this time she wasn't going there for school, she was going to teach transfiguration, and be the head of Gryffindor. Looking out the window she saw Hogwarts approaching.

"Ms.Granger, are you ready?" Minerva McGonagall asked her.

"Ye, I'm a bit nervous though Professor." Hermione said Standing up.

" Hermione you aren't in school any more, feel free to call me Minerva." Professor McGonagall said. " Now if you wish you can come it with us, its only five more minutes till we are at Hogwarts."

"No Prof- Minerva I like it back here just fine." Hermione said sitting back down.

"Alright if you insist. One more thing, when you get to Hogwarts The Headmaster would like to talk to you."

" Alright, thank you for letting me know." As McGonagall left the room Hermione turned to the window, thinking about her class, she would be teaching Transfiguration, McGonagall would be helping her for the first few weeks then leave her to teach the class by herself. Hermione wasn't sure that she could handle this, especially if she had to teach the Slytherins. Sighing to her self she got up and begin to change into her robes. For a thirty-two year old woman, she and a body to envy and have a figure eight shape. Her Breast were a nice and perky 36 C cup, her stomach was flat and toned, from her regular workout schedule. Her hair now nice and silky ran down her back and stopped at her waist. Finally dressed she sat down and rode the rest of the way in deep thought.

Back at Hogwarts Draco was pacing out in front of the school waiting for the rest of the teachers to arrive and thinking about the Class he was teaching naturally it was his best subject, Potions with Snape helping him for the first few weeks. "What the bloody Hell is taking them so long." He thought angrily, and just as he did he saw the train coming around the corner.

"Its about bloody time." He thought walking to the train. The first off was Snape.

"Welcome back Malfoy." He said in his usual monotone voice. Next came McGonagall.

"Draco dear welcome back." She said patting both sides of his face. He just stood there with a plastered smile on his face. Then came Lupin.

"Teaching D.A.D.A again professor?" Draco asked.

"Well I wanted Divination, but you know how Dumbledore is…" Lupin said trailing off and walking away.

As the rest of the teachers got off he said Hi to every one of them. Since he had been taught by then he thought he should show a little respect. Except there was one teacher that he couldn't place, he was sure that if he had seen a beautiful woman teaching him he would remember. She had the most amazing chocolate brown eyes he had ever seen, yet they were some how familiar.

"Hello I'm Draco Malfoy." He said extending his hand to the young woman. Hermione was shocked she couldn't believe that this incredibly handsome man was Draco Malfoy. Sure his eyes were they same stormy gray and His hair was still the exact way is was in 3rd year. But inside those eyes she saw pain. Lots and lots of pain, and she wanted to know what had caused it.

"Hermione Granger." She said waiting to see what his reaction was, he instantly pulled back his hand.

"What? They let the mudblood come back. What are you doing here Granger?" he asked hotly.

" Still the same arrogant prat." She said pushing past him into the school. He was extremely angry, how dare that little mudblood talk to him like that. Still stunned he turned angrily and walked to the school as well, and headed towards Dumbledore's office.

Walking quickly he caught up with Hermione just as the door to his office. Then they just stood there.

"Well?" Hermione asked looking at him.

"Well what mudblood?" he said answering her. Hermione just decided to grit her teeth and bare it.

" Aren't you going to say the bloody password?" she said. "I've only just arrived no one told me the password.

"What makes you think I know it?" He said leaning against the statue, pretending to clean invisible dirt from under his fingernails.

" Well," she started off. " Apparently you were told that Dumbledore wanted to see you as well so since you got here before anyone else you HAVE to know the password." She said getting frustrated.

"And maybe I do." Then is fun letting the mudblood get all worked up over a stupid password. He thought to himself.

"Why are you being such a twat!" She finally yelled "Its like you don't have a heart at all! Has being on Voldemort's side turned you to Ice." She yelled at him.

"Why am I so cold?" He asked her "Because I've lost the one thing that mattered most to me. Something you can't just buy, something you can replace, and now I am stuck in this God forsaken school with the most annoying mudblood in the world!" he said, noticing that as he was speaking her and taken a few steps toward her and now had less than a foot of space between them. " Sugar Babies." He said after a while.

"What?" she asked completely forgetting that she had asked for the password.

"The password, its sugar babies. Some muggle candy he seems to be obsessed with." And with that he turned toward the statue and said that password and walked up the staircase.

"Ah MS. Granger Mr. Malfoy. So wonderful to see you again, I presume that life has treated you well since you left Hogwarts?" He asked as they took a seat across from his desk.

" Its been treating me well professor." Hermione said Smiling.

" I'm still here." Draco said slouching in his chair.

"Yes well the both of you know why you are here. Ms.Granger you will be teaching Transfiguration and Mr. Malfoy you will be teaching potion. Now that matter of your lodging, unfortunately since all the professors still occupy their rooms you will have to once again share the Head room." Dumbledore said waiting for objections.

" So that means its basically 7th year again?" Hermione asked him.

"Yes, only I expect you two to behave with the maturity that has come with her age. No name call." He shot a quick look to Draco who just gave his signature smirk. " and no hexing." He then shot a look toward Hermione who blushed in return."

" Okay, well since we will be staying in the Head room were with the Head boy and girl be staying?" Draco asked.

"They will be staying in their house dorms. Now are there anymore questions, before I dismiss you two to your room?" Neither Draco nor Hermione spoke up, so with that they all said goodnight. Walking down the corridors seemed to go on forever, especially with the silence, so she decided to try and break it.

" So what have you been doing since you got out of school?" she asked casually.

" Minding my business you should try it some time." He said and just continued walking.

"I was just trying to make casual conversation."

" Well how about you don't? That way I don't have to hear your annoying voice."

"That's the second time that you called me annoying since I've been here." She said getting angry.

"Hmm, that's it just two? You are annoying, you are annoying you, are annoying." He told her. " There, so what that's five times now?" he asked not really expecting and answer.

" God your such a twat." She said hotly speeding up and getting to the portrait.

" Its part of my charm." He said slyly.

" You should really think about getting another charm." She mumbled to herself. Getting to the portrait, she saw that it was a mermaid much like the stain glass one on the Prefects bathroom. (A/n think 4th movie Harry and bubbles) "Hello there." She said speaking to the portrait.

" Good morning Ms. Granger." The Portrait said.

" Oh please call me Hermione. Umm, do we have to set up a password?" Hermione asked.

" No, Mr. Malfoy has already taken the liberty of doing that." The portrait said. Hermione sighed to herself; she was going to have to argue with Draco for the password.

" Okay Malfoy I really don't want to have to argue again about the password, will you please just say it so we can get in." she said closing her eyes an rubbing her forehead. Draco took pleasure and quickly delivered that password.

" You won't have to fight for this password, I' gladly give it to you." He said walking up to the portrait. "Scar head." And with that he walked in. Hermione stood there, not knowing what to say, then finally sighed to herself an walked in.

Stdlg: SO this is the first chapter tell me wat you think…not really a lot of action just information. Zamien left me and went to Wales…he is going down…so n e way tell me what you think