I know, I know! I should be working on "Two Souls, One Heart" but I can't help that these things just come to me! I was actually reading the comic where Kagome thinks about how she'll never come back to the Feudal Era but then decides that she will and her and Inuyasha hold hands at the end, and it got me thinking- what if Kagome couldn't take it anymore? This was the result of that. Enjoy!


He was gone again.

That was something Kagome had acknowledged and tried her very hardest to show understanding toward. The fact that he had seen Kikyo's soul collectors and followed them was not that hard to grasp. The fact that he ha failed to notice the pleading look Kagome had given him as he turned away to run off again was one that was easily fathomable. The fact that he had yet to return was what got her worried. He had left at about midday, when they all noticed transparent white snake like demons floating lazily amongst the trees, tracing the group's path, glowing the branches eerily with their iridescent hue of a shade of sickly pale silver. It didn't take him longer than a moment before he took off into the branches, mumbling her name so softly Kagome almost missed it.

Now it was quarter to midnight, and he hadn't come back.

Inuyasha hadn't come back.

Kagome almost failed to keep a scowl from forming on her lips. 'And to think,' She thought bitterly as she awaited his return. 'Not even hours before he left, he was telling me how he was sorry for insulting me and that he cared for me.' It was indeed true. He had called her a, quote: "Weak ass clumsy, worthless human that wasn't worth the bother."


Not too long after the usual teary eyes and the screams of "SIT" over twenty times, he had hesitantly approached her with pleading amber eyes, saying he was so sorry for insulting her and that he didn't mean it. At that moment, she would have rather had him standing here, calling her the foulest of names and insults, rather than be with Kikyo. The fact that her soul collectors encircled the vicinity didn't help lighten the mood at all. They would trail around the campsite, as if on patrol to ensure Kikyo her 'quiet time' with Inuyasha went undisturbed. It was almost like Kikyo was rubbing it in Kagome's face that Inuyasha would rather be with her than her reincarnation.

Her thoughts were interrupted as there was a rustle in the bushes to her left. She reached slowly for her bow and quiver resting at her right side, lest it be anyone that was unwelcome in this camp. Her hand stilled once she saw that it was the very hanyou that had been on her mind since he had left, emerging from the thicket of bushes. His piercing golden eyes connected with hers with an intensity that he had never shown to her. She jerked her head the other way sharply, focusing on Shippo, who was curled up in her sleeping bag with Kirara, sound asleep.

"Kagome?" She remained unresponsive to his gentle call, her back stiffening at the sound of his voice. His thick brows knit together in a frown. 'She's usually biting my ear off or just acts sad…not so…tense…' He shook his head and tried again to catch her attention.

"Kagome, I'm back." He whispered so that only she could hear. She still had failed to face him, not wanting to see those gorgeous amber eyes, not wanting to see the muscular arms that had more than likely held Kikyo only moments ago; she didn't want anything to do with him at that particular moment. She stood and began to walk away, turning her head partially so that she could glare at him.

"Really…I never would have thought, Inuyasha." She spat his name so venomously that the said hanyou winced slightly. Now he was definitely confused- why was she being so cold all of a sudden? He had gone to see Kikyo before, but this time he had taken a bit longer, he had to admit that much. But Kikyo had a lot of information about Naraku, and he knew that she was vital to defeating the menace. Nothing but conversation had gone on between the two the entire time, he was about to make that much clear right here and now. He jogged to catch up with her, slowing to a walk once he was merely about a yard away from her.

"We were just talking, Kagome. Nothing hap-" She spun on her heel, causing Inuyasha to stumble at the sudden stop. The hanyou could clearly see the anger and pain in the girl's eyes as she glared at him.

"Nothing happened, right? Nothing happens between you and Kikyo, and yet you're always eager to run to her like some damn puppy chasing a stick! Nothing happens between you and Kikyo, yet you'll go to her knowing that it upsets me! I almost left for good the last time I saw you were with Kikyo, and yet it still didn't change anything! But according to you, nothing happens! Nothing ever happens!" She shouted, clearly upset with Inuyasha's actions. His ears flattened against his skull at the harshness in her voice, but knew deep in his heart that she was right, and that she had every right to tell him off like this. So, he said nothing, knowing he couldn't even argue any of what she said with a truthful comment. She didn't appear to be stopping anytime soon; her anger was flaring so intensely that Inuyasha could practically feel the heat emitting from her body in waves, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

"Here I always sat around, waiting for you to decide, trying to be fair with you no matter how much it hurts me. Well, I'm done with it. I'm done with you. I won't wait for you to choose anymore. Not here," She turned around and walked toward the path to the bone eater's well.

"I'm going home, Inuyasha. Don't follow me and don't even come anywhere near the well until you decide who you would rather be with. I find you in my era when you didn't make up your mind, I'll shove you back down the well and destroy it, you hear me?" Inuyasha knew right then and there that this wasn't like all the other times she went back to her time. She never threatened anything beyond sitting him until he had no spine left in his back. He swore his heart almost stopped beating at the thought of not being with Kagome. The very idea was so…unfathomable.

"Kagome…" The words died on his tongue before he could even gather them up into an intelligent sentence. What was he going to say? That she was wrong about everything she had said? That he hadn't gone to Kikyo no matter how much it may look like it? That she's just paranoid and can't trust him? No, those ideas were all very untrue. She was right- everything she said was right. He had gone to Kikyo, and he wouldn't even dare to lie to Kagome; she trusted him far too much and he didn't want to ruin that with her. And he most certainly couldn't ever call her paranoid. All she ever did was care about everyone, but not to the point where she was nosy and got into other peoples' business that didn't involve her. She remained unresponsive to his broken call and continued down the worn path to the well with her head held high and a stiff back. His soul cried out for her, begging her to come back and tell him that everything was alright. Deep down he knew that it wasn't going to happen…not this time. She was leaving and she wasn't coming back until he chose between two very important women in his life. She wasn't going to crack. She wasn't going to look back at his broken demeanor. He knew all of this, and almost ran to her, even went so far as to lean forward and step hurriedly.

"Don't follow me and don't come anywhere near the well…"

He couldn't make up his mind on what to do- his legs stumbled from the indecision of whether to run to her or to stand still. His head was reeling with her last words. They filled his every thought; his every logical reasoning was disrupted by her pained voice yelling at him. His world spun with confusion and emotions he had long since suppressed.

"…until you choose who you would rather be with."

He sank to his hands and knees. It was the only thing he knew he could still do. All he could do was breathe and kneel here in the dirt. There was nothing else he could think to do. How was he supposed to choose between obligation and desire? How could he decide between responsibility and love? A once love he had a debt to or a newfound love that accepted him unconditionally. Those were his options. He knew what he wanted, but he couldn't just ignore what he was responsible for. His duties had almost always come as a first priority, but now they conflicted with his heart. He was lost. He was torn. And he knew it. He stood on shaky legs, uncertain of his footfalls. He needed to get away. He needed to clear his mind to better choose between the two. He walked aimlessly back to the campsite, past his slumbering friends, and towards Kagome's yellow pack she had left behind. He rummaged around until he came across a notebook and a pencil. Leaving a roughly written note to the others, he stood hesitantly and continued through the woods. His usually sharp ears were deaf to his footfalls as he wandered without a direct destination deeper and deeper into the embrace of the forest.


I can't help that I've got a writer's block, but tell me what you think. IT'S NOT THE END! I'm making this, like, five to eight chapters, but no longer. Unless you guys want otherwise, let me know!