A/N: holy merlin this chapter took a while to put out. i had a little gap in my fanfictioning but i'm backk :) hope you enjoy this chapter and bear with me, this story is going places.

(Sorry if this chapter appeared more than once. I had a bit of a mishap.)

REVIEWERS: I love you all!

Disclaimer: i do not own Harry Potter.

A special thanks to my beta Liv. I love youu!

Lily stabbed a piece of pancake with her fork. "I should go look for a job today. Would you care to come?"

James shrugged, "I promised I'd go look for one with Sirius. Where were you thinking of looking?"

She swirled around her breakfast with her fork, "I may go talk to Joey."

James tightened his hold on his cup, "Your old boyfriend?"

"Yes. Actually he told me to come find him once I was out of school. He said he'd help me find a job." She took a sip of her juice, peering at James carefully over the top of her cup.

"You're capable of finding one on your own." He pointed out.

"Of course I am, James." She said softly, "But I think you and I can both agree that especially in times like these, anything that will help find a career is most helpful."

He sighed, looking around the empty kitchen. Everyone but Sirius and Brenna were out, and they were both getting ready for the day. "You're right." He agreed quietly, "But if that guy tries to make a move on you, don't be afraid to sock him, alright?"

Lily raised her eyebrows. "You, above all, should know that I have never been afraid to sock a boy. Surely you remember that, Potter?"

He laughed, "I see how it is, Evans."

Sirius poised his quill by the sheet of parchment in frustration. He was attempting for what felt like the hundredth time, and it mostly likely was, to write to Sara. He ran his hand through his hair again, trying desperately to focus. He had so much to say, yet so little. There was no way words could describe what he had gone through…what he was going through that very second.

He wanted to tell her something, anything to get her to come back. But as soon as he thought about writing that down, he realized that would mean the end of him and Brenna. Even though she wasn't Sara, he still cared about her…a lot.

There was a knock on the door and Brenna entered without waiting for a response. Sirius quickly shoved the parchment into a drawer that was slightly ajar, and slammed it closed.

"Hey, babe." He said, leaning up against it nervously.

Her brow furrowed as she tried to push past him. "Who were you writing to?"

"No one." He said quickly, holding her away from the drawer, "it was nothing."

She stopped trying to get pass him and sighed, covering her face with her hands. "It was her, wasn't it?" She mumbled, "Sara?"

"Don't be ridiculous." He said, although he himself could here the untruthfulness in his words.

She pulled her hands away, "When are you going to stop this, Sirius?"

"Stop what?" He asked innocently.

She bit her lip, her brown hair falling about her face. "If you want to be with her then please, stop lying to me. Stop telling me you care about me when all the time you're dreaming about her." He tried putting his arms around her waist but she pushed him away. "I care about you so much Sirius. But you have no idea how much it hurts to see you staring off into space and I can practically see her dancing in your eyes. And when someone mentions her name, your whole body seems to lift and droop in despair, all at the same time. You're so busy worried about yourself and Sara, that you completely forget about me. Sara was the one who left you, and yet you still can't move on when she obviously has. Please…just be honest with me. If the only girl you'll ever care about is her, then tell me now. Tell me now so I can leave and not make things anymore serious."

He felt as though someone had slapped him across the face. She wasn't harsh, yet he deserved every word that she spoke. She was right; he was focusing so much on himself that he didn't realize it was affecting her, too.

"I'm sorry." He said honestly, successfully putting his arms around her waist. "I haven't been fair to you."

She said nothing, but soon laid her head on his chest.

He kissed her softly. "And I'm sorry I haven't given you the attention you deserve."

She laughed as he nuzzled her neck. "I forgive you." She said, "But only because your worth it. And you're just so cute."

He gave a lopsided grin and kissed her again, this time more deeply. When they pulled back and he brought her into a hug, he could feel his heart begin to tear. He had basically just admitted that he was over Sara, and that he was further more going to give Brenna all his attention. He wanted to, he really did. He wanted to forget everything about Sara because she had caused him so much pain. But he knew that it would never happen, and he knew that he still cared about her deeply.

That's what caused him to be angry and disgusted with himself. He had a beautiful girl in his arms. She was not only beautiful, but smart, too. She knew what was going on; she knew that he didn't care about her as much as he did Sara.

But what she didn't know, and this was what disgusted him the most, was that when they'd kiss, even if only for a fraction of a second, he would envision her as Sara.

Lily paused and looked at the address in her hand, double checking that she was at the right house. She had flooed over near the neighborhood, then walked the rest to his house.

She brought up her fist and pounded on the door a few times before it was swung open almost immediately.

"Lil!" Joey brought her into a hug with one arm, "How are you?"

She grinned against his chest, "I'm good, and you?"

He pulled back, "I'm fantastic. Here, come on in."

Lily allowed him to steer her inside his house. It was a good size, with large, blue couches in the living room. She took a seat and crossed her legs, leaning back comfortably.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asked.

She nodded, "I'll have a glass of water, thanks."

Lily gazed around the living room as he hustled into the kitchen. There were a few pictures of him and some friends, and one of him and her. She grinned and stood up, touching the hanging frame lightly. It was when they were going out, and he was kissing her cheek and tickling her, causing her to giggle.

"I love that picture." He noted from the doorway, causing her to spin around. He took a sip of his water and motioned the glass towards the picture once more, "Brings back memories."

Lily blushed an sat back down, "I can't believe I haven't seen you in a year."

He nodded, handing her the water and sitting down on a chair across from her. "So, you called earlier today about finding a job?"

She took a gulp of water, "Yes. I was wondering if you had fulfilled your dream of becoming a healer…"

Joey leaned forward eagerly, his light brown hair falling in front of his eyes. He pushed it out of his face, "Of course I have. Are you looking to become a healer as well?"

Lily stared into her glass, "I have the N.E.W.T.S to become one. And hearing the way you talked about it, well…it kind of inspired me."

He stood up, "I'm flattered Miss Evans. It is still Miss, right?"

She nodded, "I'm not married. Not yet, anyways."

"Not yet?" He frowned, "Are you with someone?"

"Yes." She seemed surprised he didn't know; then realized he graduated before she and James had gotten together. "I'm with James."

Joey choked on his water. "Wait…let me get this straight. You're with James Potter? Your former enemy?"

"That's the one." She said lightly, "Are you with someone?"

"Nah." He shrugged, "I've been really focused on my career." His face lit up as it had when she had told him he was the reason she wanted to become a healer, "Speaking of which, I wasn't going into work today, but since you are interested, why don't I show you around?"

"You'd do that?" She smiled.

"Of course." He said, "Come on, let's go."

After telling her the address, they both apparated to his work.

Lily landed into the office and stumbled into a desk. She blew her hair out of her eyes and straightened herself, "Not my most graceful landing." She admitted under her breath.

"Happens to the best of us." Joey, who was right beside her, grinned. "Come on, I'll show you the ropes."

They walked around. It wasn't the most inviting thing, with stark white walls and black desks scattered around. The people seemed nice enough, but there was a saddening aura about the place. They strolled past rooms with people being examined inside, and finally stopped at another black desk.

"This is my office!" He gestured to it and sat down, twirling around in his chair. He stopped and put his hands on his desk, "Pretty, huh?"

Lily bit her lip, "It seems, well…"

"Depressing?" He offered, "I know. This is where people are brought to be healed, but we're often sent to places where there have been battles. We've been called in a lot lately because of You-Know-Who. Anyways, we do the paper work here, and people who aren't serious cases come here. I don't know, the office doesn't really reflect the job. It's more…" He paused, "It's more satisfying. The feeling you get from helping someone, or saving someone's life. It's an amazing job, Lily."

"I don't doubt it." She said softly.

"Well." Joey grabbed a stack of papers and thumbed through them, "If you're still interested, I bet I could pull a few strings and get you a job here."

"REALLY?" She squealed, standing up abruptly.

He chuckled, "Really. But, even if I do pull a few strings, you still have a lot of work ahead of you." He handed her the papers, "Here. Look through these and fill them out. Then we can start your training."

"Joey you're amazing!" She cried, grabbing his hand and pulling him into a hug. "I can't even begin to tell you how much this means to me."

"Hey. I was a student just out of Hogwarts once. I know how hard this can be."

"Well you just made it so much easier!" Lily snatched her purse up off of the ground, "I have to get home and tell James." She hugged him once more, "Thanks again, Joey!"

Lily apparated into the kitchen and threw her purse on the table. "James?"

"He's not here." Brenna said, "He and Sirius went looking for jobs."

She frowned, somewhat disappointed. She had hoped to tell him the news as soon as she arrived home. She strode over to the table and sat down across from Brenna who was reading a book.

"What are you reading?" Lily asked, drumming her hands on the wood.

Brenna held it up, "It's called Living Life."

Lily shrugged, "It sounds interesting but I've never heard of it."

"It's really interesting, actually." Brenna said, "You can read it after I'm done. This author is one of my favorites."

Lily smiled warmly, "Sounds great."

"Sirius!" James scolded, "Straighten your tie!"

"Yes, Mum." Sirius groaned. "Merlin, James, relax."

"Well maybe you should up tighten!" James said harshly under his breath.

Sirius snorted, "What did you just say?"

James didn't answer, however, for he was too busy repeatedly bringing his fist down on a large door.

"Stop, Prongs!" Sirius cried, grabbing his friend's wrist, "I think they heard you."

James wrenched his hand out of his friend's grip and flattened his suit, "I'm just nervous, that's all. I mean, I know I have the N.E.W.T.S and ability to become one but…I never thought I'd be standing in front of the building like this. This is one of the few plans I've actually gone through with."

Sirius thumped his hand on James' shoulder, "I know how you're feeling mate."

James turned to face him, worry creasing his brow, "We should have told someone…anyone. I should have told Lily."

"No." Sirius said sternly, "We agreed we wouldn't tell anyone except Remus and Peter. We promised each other from third year when we decided what to do with our lives. That way if we don't get in, then we don't have to tell anyone. And if we do get accepted…well then, there's a pleasant surprise for everyone!"

The door swung open, revealing a tall, slender woman who looked somewhere in her twenties. She had long flowing curls to the middle of her back, and a slightly pointy nose. "Can I help you?"

"We're looking for jobs." James blurted and Sirius responded to his comment with a jab in the ribs.

"We want to become aurors." Sirius said firmly.

"I assumed that." She snapped, "Most people who come here want to become one. What I mean is…why are you here?"

"Er…" Sirius glanced uneasily at her tightly fitting suit that seemed to give her a surprisingly more menacing appearance. "We're here because we want to become aurors."

She narrowed her eyes, "If you can't answer the question, I will not let you in."

With that she slammed the door. James turned to look at Sirius, "What the bloody hell just happened?"

Sirius trailed his fingers over the red brick. There were little plants protruding in the cracks, and as he ran his fingers over one, he furrowed his brow.

"Why are we here James?"

"Because we want to become auro-"

"No, James." Sirius sighed, "I mean…why are we here? Why do we want to become aurors? In third year we wanted to because it sounded cool. Beating up bad guys and destroying Voldemort…"

A collective shiver seemed to ring throughout the still town. It seemed deserted, yet everything, even the tiny green shrubs in the building seemed alert.

James sighed and kicked a small stone that lay by his shoe. "I want to have that feeling of protection. Not just for me, but for Lily, and our friends. I want to be able to save people who seem helpless. I want the feeling of doing something right for once. I have skill Sirius. We both do. I think it's time we put our mind and strength into something besides pranks and girls. We have the power to make a difference. And I think this is the best way to do it."

Sirius nodded, "I think of myself so much. When Sara left, I felt pity for me. Not for her. Not the one who lost someone dear to her. I feel bad for myself so much. But lately…I think of what I do have. I think of what I could do. You're right James. We're strong wizards…we have the ability to change things. We have the ability to prevent evil."

The door slowly eased open, causing James and Sirius to leap back in alarm.

"Even if that was a bit sappy, and even if you two seem too soft to become aurors…" The same lady in the suit said, the hint of a smile itching at the corners of her lips. "That was an appropriate question. Come on you two saps, get inside and we'll see what we can do to toughen you up a bit."

James and Sirius looked to each other with the same, goofy grin across their face, and together strode into the building. They had yet to discover that this would be the one place that would change their view on life, forever.

A/N: So it was short and uneventful and took foreverrr to put out. but this is still a base for those who are just joining in because i need to fit in all the background information. review on what you would like to see happen! ill update soon. pinky promise :) Thanks and Love you all!