Okay it's time to get started wouldn't you say… hopefully it won't take more than a year and a half to get this sequel to Tag-Along done… it shouldn't since I've been waiting for along time to do …let's get going.

Prologue: The Duo

In the years after he left things changed. Hell, they changed in the MOMMENTS after he left. The day I woke up to find myself naked in a bed alone, my whole world turned upside down. I almost immediately began to try and drink myself to death and the better part of a year was spent wallowing in self-pity. I was afraid that if I went after him, he would end up back in prison and I would be to blame. I was still weak and I still cared and no matter how hard I drank or what man I slept with, I still ached. But then Jack went after him.

Jack, whom I'd had begun to consider my sister and, at times, my daughter, left me; she went and became a merc. After about six months of hating myself for letting the kid slip through my fingers, I felt the change roll over me. I became hollow, I no longer cared what happened to Riddick, he no longer mattered, what mattered was finding the kid and hiding out on some planet for the rest of my pitiable existence. So I got ready; I spent six months on Lupus 4 getting back in shape, keeping track of Jack through the local mercs.

Eventually I went after Jack. Unfortunately for us, the bastards recognized me. They knocked Jack out and cornered me and the minute the bastards touched me I cracked. We ran for as long as we could and then ended up here. In Crematoria. All by our lonesome, but it's not like I need Riddick, the prisoners here respect me and the one's who don't learned to real quick.

I'm tired of barely scrapping by on his reputation, of all the whore jokes I've had endure, all the guards I've had to maim to get the point across. I'm no one's fucking tag along. Not anymore. Me and Kyra don't need anyone's fucking charity. We're fine the way we are; partners-in-crime, deux femmes fatales. And anyone who thinks otherwise can go screw themselves.

How was that? I think I kind of like it… Anyways the next couple chapters will be in Riddick's point of view and the language will probably be pretty vulgar… I'm contemplating going M on this thing… well we'll see. Review!