
Chapter One

"You've made those books your entire life…"

I barely listened to her as I turned another page in the newest book, I had only 3 chapters left in the 45 chapter 897 paged book and I had only been reading for about four hours.

"It annoys me how crazy you go over the new books," she sighed, "and I thought I was obsessed with reading. Sometimes I wish Voldemort was still alive so you'd have something to do. You barely even take your time to read them, but during the time that you're waiting for a new book to come out you read almost all of them over and over again…why?"

I nodded my head and continued on with my reading.

"See you don't even pay attention to the world around you," she hit me on the back of the head, "Pay some bloody attention!"

I turned to look at her for the first time since I had started reading. "What in the bleeding hell do you want?"

"I want you to read this article," she said. "I think you'll like it." She smiled her eyes alight, as if she knew something I didn't.

"Why the hell would I give a shite about the bullshit magazine article you of all people are reading 'Mione?"

"Suite yourself," she shrugged, "I just thought you would be interested in reading it considering it is about him." She emphasized the last word and I knew who she was talking about.

"Gimme that!" I pulled the magazine away from her quickly.

She giggled, "I knew that would get you."

I read though the article frantically, she hadn't been lying it was about him.


Draco sat in his beautifully large home by the coast near his fireplace, he was arguing with his publisher about the publicity stunt he had just pulled.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you! I said it 11years ago and I'm going to say it for the rest of my career, listen closely, I don't what anyone to know who I am. What is it with all of these hints your people are giving the press and why in fucking hell do they think that I am going to be revealing my identity soon? I have a penname for a reason!"

"We understand Mr. Malfoy, but your fans are just dying to know, we can't leave them in the dark forever."

"No actually you don't understand," Draco sighed, "Everything is fine the way it is Robert…I like it when the fans are curious."

"We can't keep it that way forever Mr. Malfoy, it's not my choice, okay. Either you do it, or they won't represent you anymore."

"I'll talk to you later…"

Draco walked out of his living room and into the kitchen.

"I need a drink…" he whispered.


Mystery Author's Secrets Revealed

Article by Rita Skeeter

Who is Damien Sky? Is his name really even Damien? And why is he so talented?

These are some of the questions many of the fans of this bestselling author have been

asking. I'm afraid I can't answer all of these for you as only he can do that; but I have

been told a rather interesting amount of information by Robert Greene, assistant to the

president of the Owl Eyes publishing company. This lucky young man has actually met

face to face with the talented writer and knows his true identity, unfortunately he refused

to unveil that mystery to me, but here is what I did find out:

His name isn't really Damien, it is a penname as most fans guessed.

He's 22

Has Blond Hair and is in fact a wizard (that's right ladies it's a man)

Although I couldn't get all of the information out of Mr. Greene, he informed me that

"Mr. Sky" will be revealing his true identity and though they haven't decided on a date

time or place it will be soon…

I put the magazine down and looked at Hermione, "They really want to kill me, don't they?" I asked her, she smirked. "They barely told me anything here!"

"Well at least you know he's your age and a blond…sexy…" she smirked.

"Well that's true and according to the article, I should know everything soon…the only problem is…so will everyone else…"

"Oh Harry don't give me that again, honestly you're not in love with him you're just a fan like everyone else, besides he's probably hideous."

"I highly doubt it…"

She laughed, "Me too actually."

I reopened my book and continued reading more excited than I'd been in a while.


AN: This came to me out of no where one day...hope it seems interesting i want to know if i should continue posting this so let me know what you think. -TGIB