Author's note: Hi everyone! I' sorry if it took me long to upload this chapter for I was working on my other fics and I'm thinking of some new unique concepts and new stories.

I'm very sorry if I kept you waiting.



Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice, Higuchi Tachibana does.

sigh How I wish I own it especially Natsume and Youichi.

"..." – them talking

'...' – their thoughts

– me talking

---------------------------------------------- - change of scene

Mikan's batch-14 years old

Tsubasa's batch-17 years old

Youichi-7 years old

Warning: Loaded with crazy antics.

Well then...


"Now guys, this game is called Spin and Dare." Narumi said as he placed an empty fish bowl with strips of paper at the middle while Hotaru placed a bottle shaped invention at the center too.

"Invention 2065: The Party Bottle Game chooser.

An electronic bottle-like device that is very handy in spinning dare games.

Just press the red button at the center of the bottle's body and it'll start to spin.

Get one now for only 1200 rabbits." Hotaru said to no one.

"How to play?" Youichi asked anxiously and cutely as well.

"Well, we'll take turns in spinning or rather pressing the button of the bottle then for example if Mikan-chan spun the bottle and it landed on me I have to pick a paper from the fish bowl. The papers indicate what the person who spun the bottle is supposed to do. Of course the person whom the bottle landed on has to do the dare with the one who spun the bottle, so it's like a dual dare game." Narumi finished explaining to them.

Here's what the papers indicate:

kiss for one minute

kiss for three minutes

kiss for five minutes

hug each other tightly

be locked up in a room until the next day

do anything for the one whom the bottle landed on

wish anything from the one whom the bottle landed on

"What if we don't want to do the stupid dare?" Natsume asked coldly.

"Well I'll blackmail you, of course. I have a blackmail thing for each and every one of you, you know." Hotaru said in her monotonous voice as she opened her laptop and loaded her blackmailing files.

Everyone sweatdropped at Hotaru's eccentric behaviour.

'This is gonna be so much fun.' Kokoroyomi thought as he grinned.


"Now, who wants to go first?" Narumi asked everyone while he sneakily tries to use his

Pheromone Alice on Serio to make him do whoever-knows-what he will make him do.

Unfortunately to no avail, he failed because Serio seemed to ignore him because he was preoccupied with his I pod video.

He was imagining himself dancing in the tune of the song he was listening to.

.When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more

Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

Sway me, take me
Thrill me, hold me
Bend me, ease me
You have a way with me

Sway (sway)

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway I go weak
I go weak

I can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now
Sway me
Sway me
Sway me now

Of course, our resident mind reader has read this crazy thought from Serio's head and he can't help himself to burst out laughing.

'And I though that only Mr. Narumi is the one who's only crazy.' Kokoroyomi said in between his laughs.

Everyone was puzzled by what he had just said.

They totally have no idea of what he was talking and laughing about.

"Idiot." Hotaru said.

"Get on with the game and ignore those crazy idiots." she added as she rolled her amethyst orbs.

"Okay I'll spin the bottle first." Tsubasa said as he ignored Narumi's crazy antics on trying to get Serio.

He spun the bottle.




Spinning slowly...


Slowly halting...

It stopped.

In front of Mikan...

"What? Why me?" Mikan wailed as the bottle directly stopped in front of her.

"Because the bottle squarely stopped in front of you, idiot." Hotaru said in her usual monotonous cold voice.

"Mikan, it's just a game so please be a sport and give it a try." Yuu assured as he kindly smiled at her.

"Tch, very typical of you, Lacey." Natsume said in a teasing tone as he smirked at her.

Mikan, for the first time ignored Natsume's stupid comments.

Tsubasa started to pick up a piece of paper from the fish bowl.

He opened and read it, after doing so a playful smile curled from his lips.

"So, what does it say?" Kaname impatiently and eagerly asked him.

He's interested to anything as long as it involves HIS Mikan.

"Kiss for 1 minute." Tsubasa happily replied as he grinned at his best friend, who was currently being swallowed by his egoistic jealous self.

Natsume also saw this and this made him totally pissed off.

"Oh!" was just Mikan's reaction.

'I'm gonna give her first kiss.' Tsubasa said cheerfully and triumphantly.

Everyone was expecting to get an ear-blasting yell from her, but unfortunately it didn't occur.

She didn't bulge a bit.

"She's shocked." Yuu simply stated.

"I think not." Kokoroyomi said playfully as he regained his sanity. (Or did he?)

He glanced at Natsume and Mikan playfully.

Hotaru saw this and got a little intrigued because she thinks that something happened concerning her idiotic best friend and the famous Black Cat.

"Just, get on with the kiss." the blackmailing mistress menacingly said as she darted her gaze at Mikan and Tsubasa.

The blackmailing mistress prepared her most trusted digital camera and handy video camera for blackmailing and money-making purposes.

Everyone saw that and they all sweatdropped at the typical eccentric money obsessed blackmailer.

"Don't worry, Mikan-chan. This is just a game so don't be worried. Are you worried about your first kiss?" Narumi asked her, thinking that she have never been kissed on the lips before.


"Actually, I'm just shocked but I'm not worried about that kiss." Mikan said out of the blue.

What? Is this Mikan whom we are talking to? Everyone thought that except for two individuals.

"I've had my first kiss before." she shyly added as she blushed in different shades of red.

Now, all of them were really dumbstruck and was lost in thoughts as well in words.

'Darn it, she already had her first kiss with someone and I thought that I will be the one to give it to her. I wonder who was that lucky guy whom she had her first kiss with?'

Tsubasa disappointingly and eagerly asked himself.

'Damn, who could that guy be? He got my MIKAN's first kiss.' Kaname irritately thought as he clenched his fist tightly.

Hotaru was surprisingly and unexpectedly dumbstruck for she had no idea that her best friend had already have her first kiss and of course she missed the very opportunity to get some snapshots and video clips of that rare moment.

She was distracted too, knowing that she could have earned lots of rabbits from blackmailing Mikan and the guy she kissed and also from selling those pictures and videos to Mikan's die hard fan guys.

'I could have earned a lot of rabbits. I better be more alert and watchful now to capture that stuff and make lots of money. I wonder who that guy could be. How come he kissed my idiotic best friend without me knowing that? He didn't even ask my permission to do that.' Hotaru though manically as her over protectiveness for her best friend enveloped her whole being.

'I wonder who that guy was.' Narumi thought as he crazily banged his forehead on Serio's left shoulder.

Serio, for once ignored the fact that Narumi was having his way on him again for the I-don't-know-how-long-he-have-been-doing-that-thing and also in annoying him because he, too was taken a backed by Mikan's recent statements.

He found it very interesting.

Is that a big deal to all of them?

It was just her first kiss, not theirs.

'Who could that guy be?'

Everyone kept asking that question to themselves, well except for two individuals who know the answer very well.

Natsume and of course the resident mind-reader, Kokoroyomi, knew everything.


How come?

It involves Natsume and Kokoroyomi read his mind.

Simple, isn't it?

Here's what happened before...


It was the last day of the Alice Academy Festival and the final affair was the Last Dance. Everyone was gathered at a huge area with the gigantic fire goblet at the middle.

During this time, Mikan was having some problems regarding love because she doesn't know anything about it.

She was just ten years old back then so she decided to ask her best friend, Hotaru.

This however turns out to be a very wrong move. Even though Hotaru has her anoying sempai and investors waiting to 'impress' her, she seems to prefer the company of a plate full of delicious looking crabs.

To make things worse, a group of older and haggy girls were trying to ask a pissed off looking Natsume and a scared-looking Ruka to the Last Dance, but the two who were standing near Mikan and Hotaru's table just ignored them.

The girls badmouthed Mikan when they thought that the two boys prefer to dance with Mikan.

Of course, Mikan became angry when she overheard the conversation.

"Why are you talking about me like that?" she yelled angrily at them.

"I haven't even decided who I'm gonna have my Last Dance with and yet you're being too nosy about it."

To mask Ruka's interest in her he said that it doesn't matter whom he gonna have his Lat Dance with while Natsume just stood there silently while glaring at the older haggy-looking girls.

The tension was really building up between them, good thing Sumire came out of nowhere and chase the group of girls in her cat dog form, leaving Natsume, Mikan and Ruka alone.

Natsume seems to notice that his best friend obviously likes Mikan. So he pushed him towards Mikan then he left the two alone.

Ruka blushed as usual but Mikan seemed oblivious about this and asked the boy to dance with her for a while.

The two ended up dancing together while Natsume watched them from afar. After dancing with Ruka for awhile, Mikan dances with Tsubasa and the others, leaving Ruka at the mercy of Hotaru.

After dancing with Mr. Narumi, Mikan can be seen walking alone into the forest and she accidentally got to meet Natsume there.

She kindly greeted him and asked him why he didn't come and danced together with the others, as she sat down beside him.

Natsume, however told her that she and everyone else shouldn't be concerned about him. Mikan was somehow confused about this as she obliviously inched her face closer to him in eagerness.

He continued to tell her that she shouldn't get too close to him because there's nothing inside his head other than darkness and he doesn't want her to see that darkness. Upon hearing this, Mikan became worried but Natsume told her to go away and he started to name-call her again.

Mikan was angry about his attitude and doesn't understand why he goes from being nice to being a jerk.

She also told him that she's tired of him name-calling her and instead of using her real name.

Mikan was busy babbling stuff to him that she didn't noticed that their faces were really inches apart.

Suddenly Natsume took hold of her chin and landed his lips on her luscious lips colliding into a kiss.

She was totally shocked about this and while Natsume pulled away.

She was blushing furiously as she traced her fingers to her lips.

'Natsume just kissed me, my first kiss.'

Much to her surprise, Natsume suddenly called her by her real name.

She was even more shocked about this, that she ends up walking away from Natsume without any protest.


Natsume was calmly reading his manga, actually more of sensing the still silence from the room.

Kokoroyomi, being his playful self was just grinning madly as he gave Natsume and Mikan an I-know-something-you-know-look, which made the two, blushed furiously.

No one noticed that except for Kokoroyomi.

It slipped from everyone's sight, even from the watchful and prying eyes of the sneaky blackmailer.

Well actually, there's another one aside from Koko who noticed that, it was none other than the cute little demon caster who was currently sitting on Natsume's lap.

He was observing his Daddy Natsume.

He saw him get irritated and jealous earlier.

He also saw him staring at the beautiful brunette.

HE even caught him blushing furiously earlier and just now he blushed at the same time as Mikan did blushed.

He never saw him show that attitude and attention to anyone before.

He never even saw his Daddy blush to any girl before, not until Mikan came to his life and started to annoy the hell out of him not only that but she also managed to change him.

She really did made a big impact on him

No one else ever did.

'Hmmm, maybe she's the Mommy, Daddy and I have been waiting for.' Youichi though blissfully as he looked from Mikan to Natsume and vice versa.

The room was filled with still silence, until Mr. Narumi gave a fake cough to catch everyone's attention.

"Let's proceed to the game now, shall we?" he said as he glanced at Mikan and Tsubasa.

Tsubasa moved closer and closer to Mikan.

This move made the other two boys who are attracted to Mikan so damn jealous.

HE lifted her chin and captured her lips, her luscious lips with his.

Hotaru immediately took some snap shots and video clips from the the kissing Mikan and Tsubasa.

'Mmmm... At least I got a chance to kiss her. Her lips are so enticing, so soft and warm, so luscious.' Tsubasa thought as the sensation of her lips drove him crazy and put him into a sweet euphoria.

'Shouldn't it be done by now? Get this kissing business over. I want to have my chance on her.' Kaname inwardly yelled as he became stupidly jealous again.

Natsume became jealous too as in so darn jealous as he thought of some evil plan to have revenge on the poor Tsubasa of course without the use of his Fire Alice, so that no one will know that he did it.

-Natsume's Mini Movie-

The slick chibi Black Cat captured Tsubasa and knocked him unconscious.

"Nyahahaha. This might teach you to stay away from MY Tangerine." evil/naughty Natsume laughed wickedly.

Natsume then dragged the unconscious Chibi Tsubasa in a dark creepy forest.

When they reached the heart of the dark creepy forest, Chibi Natsu opened a freakishly looking weird ancient well then he threw the unconscious chibi Tsubasa there.

"Good luck with HER." Chibi Natsu left as he left smirking.

After 30 minutes...




Chibi Tsubasa regained his consciousness when he heard the splattering sound.

'Huh? Where the hell am I?' he said as he looked at the dark, moist creepy surrounding he was in.

"Anybody there?" his voice echoed as he looked upwards seeing only a small light from the well opening that illuminating his whole surrounding.

Suddenly he felt a cold gust and he felt the water moved.

Something was beginning to spring up from the creepy and dark waters.


Black long hair.

A pale skinned girl with a very long hair which covers her entire face, sprung up from the creepy waters.

She was clad in a soaked muddy white robe.

"Uhmm, hello?" Tsubasa said as he uncontrollably shivers with fright.

She didn't respond but she kept making such eerie noise as she creepily moves towards him.

'Something's not right and terrifying about her.' Chibi Tsubasa thought as he started to move away from her.

He started to climb up fast towards the well opening as he remembered a scene like that from a familiar sinister horror movie.

The Ring.

He climbed as fast as he can when he noticed that Sadako was catching up him fast and she was crawling upwards in a creepy manner towards him

"Aahhhhh------------------------Sa-Sada-kooooooo-----------" he screamed on top of his lungs.

-End Mini Movie-

Natsume smirked at his brilliant plan while Youichi wondered why the heck his Daddy Natsume smirked.

Kokoroyomi read his mind of course and he burst again into laughter that leaves him rolling on the floor.

Natsume just glared at him for reading his mind while the others just ignored him because they were used to him; suddenly bursting into laughs.

The two broke the kiss and a satisfied smile was placed upon Tsubasa's lips.

'How I wish that it could last longer.' he thought as he reminisce the sweet sensation he got from Mikan's luscious lips.

"I wanna spin next." Youich suddenly said as he walked towards the bottle.

'What had just gotten into him?' Natsume thought.

"Uhhm, sure go ahead, Youichi." Narumi said as he once again tried to get Serio's attention by purring and meowing like a cat as he rubbed his cheeks on Serio's beautiful face.





Slowly spinning...


It stopped in front of Mikan, again.


"Whaaat? Me? Again?" Mikan wailed as her chocolate brown orbs widen in shock.

'So it's my Lacey he had picked.' Natsume thought.

Youichi approached Mikan and stood in front of her for a while.

'Will he release those stupid demons again? I can just nullify it in a flash so it won't work against me.' Mikan thought.

Suddenly the unexpected began to happen, Youichi embraced her warmly then he smiled at her cutely as he walked towards the fish bowl.

Everyone was shocked because they were expecting Youichi to release his demons to chase and scare Mikan but he simply did the unexpected.

'What had just gotten into him? Maybe he began to like Mikan just like me and maybe she obliviously changed him too just like the way she did to me.' Natsume thought as he stared at Mikan.

Hotaru was simply amused by this as she sneakily took a snap shot of a very shocked Ruka.

Youichi began to pick a paper from the fish bowl.

He gave it to his Daddy Natsume.

Wish anything from the one whom the bottle landed on

"Wish anything from the one whom the bottle landed on." Natsume simply stated as he looked at Youichi who was smiling happily.

"Huh?" Mikan said.

"So Youichi, what will you wish for Mikan to do?" Yuu asked him curiously.

"Yeah! What will you ask Mikan-chan?" Anna and Nonoko said excitedly in unison.

'Yeah! I wonder what he will make MY Mikan do?' Natsume wondered.

'What will he make me do?' Mikan thought frantically.


Author's notes:

Well that's it for now.

That's the longest chapter I've ever made.

So how was it?

I hope you guys, liked it.

Please read and review.

Watch out for the next chappy...

They started playing the game!

What will Youichi ask Mikan to do?

Will there be more jealousy issues?

Will Narumi succeed with his plans to get Serio all to himself?

Arigatou, so much for those who have read and reviewed my other fics as well. Thanks for those who have read and reviewed this before.

Arigatou once again to all of you guys...

Well see yah later...

Ja ne

