Author's notes: Nya! nikkiru's here again...presenting you my 3rd fic here...

It's like a sequel to Tease and Kiss. (Not really, it just got some similarities when it comes to the theme of the fic...)


Got it?

I really do hope you guys will like it.

Arigatou for those who have been following and reviewing my other fic entitled as "Completing my Life".

Also for those who have read and reviewed "Tease and Kiss" thank you very much.

This is not a one shot...



Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice, Higuchi Tachibana does.

sigh How I wish I own it especially Natsume and Youichi.

"..." – them talking

'...' – their thoughts

– me talking

---------------------------------------------- - change of scene

Mikan's batch-14 years old

Tsubasa's batch-17 years old

Youichi-7 years old

Well then...

Fire Away...

-Spin and Kiss-

It was Saturday night again and every Saturday night Mikan and the gang would stay at Mr. Narumi's place, partying and playing (eccentric but fun games) all night long.

These games were of course prepared by our resident eccentric man, himself, Mr. Narumi with the assistance of our blackmailing mistress, Hotaru.

Loud music can be heard all over the place and everybody was having fun, chatting, eating and of course dancing.

Music loudly being played...

I know you like me

I know you do

That's why whenever I come around

She's all over you

And I know you want it

It's easy to see

And in the back of your mind

I know you should be with me

Don't Cha wish girlfriend

Was hot like me

Don't Cha wish your girlfriend

Was free like me...

Don't Cha...

Don't Cha, baby

Don't Cha...

Alright, sing...

Don't Cha wish your girlfriend

Was raw like me...

Don't Cha wish your girlfriend

Was fun like me?

Don't Cha...

Don't Cha, baby

Don't Cha...

A beautiful brunette can be seen dancing gracefully with the beat of the music. She was wearing an above the knee length white skirt and a pink halter top, exposing her beautiful body curves and perfect silky legs. (Oi Natsume-hentai, stop drooling. Eewww...)

"Whoa! I can't believe that Mikan is so darn good at dancing." Kokoroyomi said as he watches Mikan singing and dancing gracefully at the built in stage in the middle of the large dance floor.

Actually it was Mr. Narumi's spacious living room, now turned into a cool disco-like place complete with all the flashy lights, spotlights, the revolving crystal disco ball, the stage, the tables and the chairs and of course the cool music. (Hhmmm... how the heck did they do it all? I wonder...)

"Yeah, she sure is." Nonoko and Anna said in unison as they admire her dancing skills.

"Hey Mr. Narumi, is it really fine with you, with us crashing and partying here every Saturday night?" Yuu asked Mr. Narumi.

"No, not at all, as a matter of fact I enjoy having you, my precious students around and of course I'm always looking forward to play my youthful and entertaining games with you guys." Mr. Narumi replied with a gleam in his eyes.

'Huh? Youthful and entertaining? More like eccentric. Hehehehe.' Yuu thought.

Out of nowhere Mikan suddenly pooped out and butted in.

"Ne, Yuu, Mr. Narumi, what are you two doing in here? Join us there, were having a really great time. Sumire just fell asleep so we asked Mochu to take her to a room upstairs and then we locked them in. Nyahahahahaha..." Mikan said as she laughed boisterously.

Actually Hotaru and the others made Sumire drink a punch with a sleeping tonic to set her up with Mochu. (You know the flying Alice boy who looks like Kokoroyomi.) Mochu's in love with her and so is she. Kokoroyomi told the others so they decided to help them.

"Sure, Mikan, we'll follow later on." Mr. Narumi replied as he smiled at her.

"Yeah, were just gonna finish preparing the snacks and drinks for everyone." Yuu said as he prepared the drinks.

"Ok then, but hurry up or you'll miss the fun." Mikan said nonchalantly as she went back to the spacious living room.

"Mikan sure is energetic and cheerful as ever. She hasn't changed at all. What do you think Yuu?" Mr. Narumi asked him.

"Yeah, she sure hasn't changed at all, still caring and loving, but she improved when it comes to her Academics and in her Alice too."

"Yeah, also she bloomed into a very beautiful and attractive young lady. No wonder, every guy at the academy is so attracted to her whether from the elementary, middle or high school. They are so stunned with her goddess beauty and her one-of-a-kind personality."

"Everybody likes her, maybe because of her warm and cheery personality. She befriends everybody even Sumire."

"Well, that's our unique Tangerine." Mr. Narumi said while grinning.

Back to the living room, Mikan and the others were still singing and dancing when suddenly the doorbell rang.


Mikan ran to the door enthusiastically and welcomed the visitors.

"Konnichiwa." she greeted them.

"Konbawa, Mikan." Ruka greeted her, accompanied by an annoyed and aggravated-looking Natsume.

"Oh, konbawa Ruka-pyon, we were expecting you two." Mikan said as she greeted him with a smile then she turned to Natsume.

"Ne Natsume, are you alright?" she asked him worriedly but he wasn't paying attention to her as he was glaring at something or someone rather. (Ooohhh someone's getting jeaolus and a bit of pissed off.)

"Hi! Mikan-chan." Tsubasa, her sempai, said.

"Hi! Tsubasa-sempaiiiiii-------"she said as she lunged herself to hug him like always.




(Wait, why is it getting hot?)

Natsume saw this scene and it suddenly felt hot even though it was nighttime.

Wait! let's watch a very short movie produced by the kawaii black cat...

Chibi Natsume chases chibi Tsubasa with flying fire daggers as he laughs wickedly...

"Nyahahahaha, you're gonna be roasted Andou. Nyahahahahahaha." Chibi Natsume shouts while laughing twistedly as he chases poor chibi Tsubasa.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" Chibi Tsubasa cried as he runs.

With the thought of that Natsume smirked.

Ok then proceed with the story.

Before anything could happen, somebody who is so damn good-looking and totally gorgeous greeted Mikan.

"Konbawa, Mikan. Long time no see." A soft masculine voice greeted her. (Who could this guy be?)






Realization hits...

"Kaname-sempaiiiiiii--------. I missed you." she said as she recognized the cute guy.(Flarey as well.)

"Yay! It's gonna be an exciting night with you guys here." she added as she led them to living 'disco' room.

They were so stunned by the exterior of the living room; they thought that they were really in a disco bar.

"Wow! So cool." Ruka said in amazement as he joined the others. (Actually he joined them to see his beloved blackmailing mistress.)

Natsume just sat at a nearby table as he watches Mikan's every move while drinking a punch served by Mr. Narumi.

He was wearing a cute black and white waitress costume complete with stockings and shoes. (Mr. Narumi not Natsume.)

Mikan lead her sempais to a table nearby and chatted with them for a while.

After 30 minutes.

The others asked Mikan to sing and dance for them on stage.

What will happen next?

End Chapter

Author's notes: Yay! I'm done with Chapter One.

Yay! Hooray! jumps up and down

Yay! throws confetti everywhere

Ok what do you think guys?

Should I continue?

I'm so sorry for the grammatical errors and sentence fragments errors.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, guys.

Please do leave a review.

So that I can update soon.

It really is important for me, it makes me happy...

I wanna know what you guys think of my fic...

Your opinions, suggestions, point of views and even your violent reactions are highly accepted...

Once again arigatou for reading my fics...

See yah on the next chappy...

Ja ne

