Disclaimer : I don't own it, it's all JKR's, I only do this for fun, so don't sue me.
The Raven By: Bree McGregor
Chapter 1
He flew as fast and as far as he could, letting the wind be his ally. The black raven twisted and turned, going with and against the air currents, desperately dodging flashes of green and red light. His sensitive feathers could feel even the slightest changing of the air current.
He knew his situation was not good; if the wind took him away from his target, he was doomed. There was no room for luck now. He knew there was only one place he would feel safe. The raven closed his eyes and concentrated. He could feel his feathers move with the swirling wind, but just before he was completely home free he was hit with a searing pain that raged though his small body. He managed only one coherent thought — 'Home' — before darkness overtook him…
Ron, Harry, and Hermione were walking in the snow as they returned to Hogwarts from a day trip to Hogsmeade. Their arms were full of bags from their Christmas shopping. Ron and Harry were talking about the new broom they had just seen displayed at the Hogsmeade Quidditch shop, the new Silver Firebolt. Hermione was a few paces in front of them.
Christmas was only a few short weeks away. Now in their seventh and final year at Hogwarts, the "dream team" — as most of the school was fond of calling them — did not feel as happy and free as they once did. Lord Voldemort was still out there somewhere. The trio of friends knew the war was gaining momentum, not only because of the ever increasing reports of Death Eater attacks, but because of the tension they felt from everyone around them, including their teachers. That tension was growing thicker as the days passed, becoming almost a tangible thing with a life of its own.
Hermione knew the boys used Quidditch as an escape from the stress, just as she dove head-first into her studies. For once, her books weren't enough help for her: she was still nervous and exhausted from all the talk of war.
A black spot on the snow caught her attention. It was right by the front gates of Hogwarts, and upon closer inspection she noticed black feathers — the "black spot" was some sort of bird. She knelt down to see if the poor thing was still alive. Ron and Harry stood behind her to see what caught her attention. She slowly reached to touch the bird.
"Be careful, Hermione," said Harry. "If it's alive, it may attack you. Wild animals and birds do that when they're hurt."
"Good point, Harry," she replied as she pulled out her wand. She cast a regenerative spell she learned from Madam Pomfrey over the summer, when she took a mini medi-witch course.
Dumbledore believed that all students who were capable should take a course on emergency healing, to prepare for the war. "The more we know, the more we prepare, the less casualties we should have…" the Headmaster had advised. Hermione took note of the word "should" as in "the less casualties we SHOULD have." Still, even though there were no guarantees, she did not regret having taken the course, even if it was just to heal this bird.
The regenerative spell revealed that the bird was alive, though just barely, but that he had some internal wounds. She removed an ultra soft, light green baby blanket that she had just bought for her cousin's newborn for Christmas. 'Oh well, the baby probably has more then enough blankets,' she thought. She put a warming spell on the blanket before using it to slowly, carefully pick up the wounded bird. The bird gave a weak squawk and allowed itself to be lifted into the fuzzy warmth and gentle hands.
"Is Hagrid back yet?" she asked the two boys.
"No, Hagrid has been sent on an assignment by Dumbledore for whatever reason and has not returned yet." They were not full members of the Order yet, so they did not have access to a lot of information like where Hagrid went or when he was likely to return.
"Well, I guess I'll take the bird to Madam Pomfrey. I know she doesn't normally work on animals, but I can try to help it myself if all else fails." With that, Hermione tucked the bird under her warm winter cloak, holding the wounded animal in the crook of her arm as the trio headed quietly toward the castle. Ron and Harry followed close behind her, carrying her shopping bags.
When they reached the castle's main hall, Professor McGonagall was there to welcome back the students. Professor Dumbledore stood beside her, smiling at his students as they returned, though his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Professors," called Hermione. "Do you know when Hagrid will return?"
"I'm afraid not, Miss Granger," replied Professor McGonagall.
"Then is Madam Pomfrey in?" Hermione spoke softer as she came nearer to them.
"Are you hurt, child?" Dumbledore asked, noticing how she held her arm.
"Not me, sir." Hermione pulled back her cloak to reveal the extremely injured bird. Dumbledore and McGonagall exchanged worried glances.
"Yes, I see. Follow me, Miss Granger. Boys, would you be so kind as to take her bags to her Head Girl's room?"
"Um, just take them to Gryffindor Tower. I'll pick them up later," Hermione told her friends. She smiled to take the sting out of her words.
Ron's eyes narrowed at her as they flashed with anger. Harry pulled Ron away, as the redhead snapped that they would be in the Gryffindor Common Room. Ron was upset with Hermione because it was already near Christmas, and he still hadn't been invited to Hermione's room or even seen it. He was getting quite angry with her, wondering what she was hiding.
In truth, Hermione didn't want to be alone with Ron, let alone have him set foot in her private sanctuary. She liked Ron, but he wanted something more than she did. It was true that she had a big crush on Ron for the first few years they knew each other, but after a time it turned to just friendship. It was different with Harry, who had always been like her brother; she could tell him anything.
While Professor McGonagall remained in the main hall to watch for other returning students, Dumbledore led Hermione to Madam Pomfrey.
"Albus, I do not treat animals. That's Hagrid job!" the medi-witch declared when she saw that her patient was an animal and not a human.
"Hagrid is not here. You must help this bird," the Headmaster insisted
"Albus!" she started again, but he held up his hand and whispered something in her ear.
As Dumbledore tried to talk sense into the medi-witch, Hermione placed the bird on a small high table and unwrapped him from the baby blanket. It was then she noticed his feathers were sticking up in all different angles, and one wing was bent in an unnatural way. She looked deep into the bird's black eyes as they returned her gaze.
Even as a child, Hermione had always had a way with animals; after books, animals were her favorite interest. She remembered forming a special animal "friendship" when she was ten years old. It was during the time of year when the sun didn't come up until she was halfway to school, and she was walking in the dark to the bus stop to wait for her school bus. On this particular morning, she heard the sound of heavy padded paws hitting the ground in a run. Looking up, she saw a huge black dog running straight for her.
She knew if she showed any fear, the dog would most likely attack. So she slightly bent down, clapped her hands, and called out in a friendly voice, "Here, boy! That's a good boy!" The dog kept running toward her, but then his tail started wagging and it gave a happy bark. She played with the dog for a few moments, then continued to her bus stop. The dog followed her and sat with her until the bus came. They did this every morning for the rest of the year. The next year, she attended Hogwarts.
Hermione was lost in the bird's little black eyes. It seemed like he wanted to tell her something but she was missing the message.
"Poppy, please," whispered Dumbledore.
"But… but…"
"He's an Animagus. At least see if he can transform before treating him."
"Him?" she asked, startled.
"Yes, Poppy — it's Severus." The Headmaster's voice softened lower than a whisper. "He's an unregistered Animagus. Now with you knowing that, it only makes four people who know, and that's also counting himself."
Poppy nodded at him, then looked over at Hermione. The girl was looking deep into the bird's eyes as she stroked his head.
"Albus?" Poppy whispered.
"Yes, I see."
"Fine!" the medi-witch said, exasperated. "I'll see what I can do."
A/N I had my Beta help we with fixing a few things Thank you June your the best!