this is my first multi-chapter fic, so yes, i do have an attention-span, no matter how little i use it (yep, that's it for the next month - oh, look a bird). i'm sure someone else has already done this sort of plot and its kinda cliché, but i still want to give it a shot, seeing as it was running around in my head for so long. i'm sure there are times i go OOC, but i have a hard time writing Shunsui. let's just say i wrote under an assumption that when not in a large group, Shunsui looses some of his dramatics. i'm going to start this fic as K+ but it'll probably change. oh, yeah, i also tend to go comma-happy. sorry.

Disclaimer: I'm only going to say this once - Bleach doesn't belong to me cause if it did, I wouldn't still be looking for a job.

Clearing a section of grass free of petals from the sakura trees, Nanao sat on the bank of a stream. The view was wonderful; all the trees, covered in the pink and white petals of spring and with each gust of wind, they fell like snow. She liked watching the petals that landed in the stream the best. The shallow water flowing over the rocky streambed eddied and splashed so when the flower petals fell onto the water, they looked like dozens of little boats, floating and swirling in the current. Every spring she came to sit and enjoy the beauty of the season. It also gave her time to think, because this year she came with a problem unlike any other.

She'd been having strange dreams. They weren't nightmares or anything she would wake up screaming from, but they were, well, strange. And her taicho was in them all. The dreams were starting to get more intense and while it had been just a kiss, her emotional reaction to that kiss was where the problem lied. She enjoyed it and couldn't stop thinking about it. It was inappropriate, foolish and irresponsible. Just like him.

He really didn't have these sorts of feelings toward her; he hit on every female member of the 8th division, and a few of the men, too. A good portion of her time was dealing with transfer requests.

She laid back and watched the swaying branches above. Petal danced in the air before covering the ground like a blanket. Several fell on her, but she didn't care. She only closed her eyes for a second…

... ooo OOO ooo OOO ooo ...

"Nanao-chan." His deep voice broke thru her sleep, jolting her awake. She quickly sat up in a flutter of petals to see Kyoraku taichou lying on the grass next to her. "Do not be alarmed, I'll protect my fair Nanao-chan. Although I thought you knew better than to let your guard down out here; it's not safe. Some horrible brute may have tried to force himself on you. You didn't even put up a barrier." Nanao let the remark slide. She did know better and though she hadn't meant to fall asleep, she had been so tired. At least she hadn't dreamed.

"How did you find me, sir?"

"Its spring during working hours and you aren't in the office. This is your favorite viewing spot so it's only logical that you would be here, Nanao-chan."

"Now if you would only put that much thought into your reports…" Nanao murmured.

"You must be more careful, I could not continue to live if any harm came to my Nanao-chan."

Nanao sniffed to express her skepticism. "Then you might have to do some of your own paperwork. It wasn't my intention to fall asleep, sir, I just nodded off." She hesitated, not wanting to tell him why and hoping he wouldn't ask for details. "I guess I just haven't been feeling very well."

"What?" He sat up and looked at her with concern. "You should have told me sooner!"

With his usual dramatic flair, he swept her up into his arms and with a few shunpo, was standing before the 4th division's main building.

"What do you think you are doing?" She cried out, hitting his chest with her hands with very little effect. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to leave her book at home today. "I've just been tired recently! I don't need to see anyone at the 4th division! Put me down!" Damn, he was still holding her tight to his chest… and it felt good. No! No that wasn't the point! He was overreacting again and she had to find a way to put a stop to this.

"Nothing is more important than the health of my Nanao-chan!"

"I said to PUT. ME. DOWN." She said in a commanding voice. Without even saying a spell, a fiery blue sphere immediately formed in her hand, rapidly increasing in size. All mobile shinigami in the area fled from their path, understanding the potential repercussions of Nanao's demands being ignored. The injured shinigami hid under blankets or attempted to shield their bodies as best they could. She was one of the most skilled shinigami with demon magic in all of soul society and when she was ruffled, she was more likely to loose control over that great power. And the only thing that could ruffle her that much had her clenched in his arms.

Unohana taicho sat behind her desk, giving them an inquisitive look when they entered her office unannounced. Of course, she had heard the overly loud captain as soon as he entered the building, not to mention the general cries of her staff attempting to safeguard their patients. The ball of fire was now slightly larger than a basketball and still growing. Unohana spoke with her usual calm, quiet voice, "Ise fukutaicho please disperse your ball of flames and Shunsui taicho, please set your fukutaicho down."

The ball reduced in circumference until it was the size of a golf ball, disappearing with a small pop. Shunsui, still holding Nanao's upper body to his chest, released the grip on her legs. He lowered her to the wood floor but still held her clutched to his body. Nanao still looked rather pissed.

"And, now, what can I do for you two today," Unohana asked, as if this was any ordinary visit.

"My Nanao-chan is ill!"

"I am not ill! I'm tired! And you can let me go now." Nanao's glare could have melted any normal person to a puddle. Shunsui was immune to it, obviously from decades of practice, Unohana mused silently. While he did release her, he threw one of his pitiful looks toward Nanao. The girl took a few steps away, still glaring at him.

"Sir, we don't need to bother Unohana taicho with this!"

"Ise-fukutaicho, why don't you stay and we'll run a few tests and we'll let Shunsui taichou return to his paperwork?" Oddly enough, that one sentence allowed both parties to feel like they had gotten their way yet that they had both been given a small reproach at the same time.

"Very well, I leave my Nanao-chan in your very capable hands Unohana taicho. Please make her well again and I will be forever grateful!" With a swirl of pink fabric, Shunsui was gone.

"Do you think he'll actually go do some paperwork?" Nanao asked.

"In all the years you've worked with him, has he ever voluntarily done paperwork?" Unohana smiled and gestured to a seat. "Would you care for some tea?"

"Please let me get it." Nanao said as she retrieved the tea set from a small table by the door and brought it over to the small sitting area. As she poured the tea, Unohana appraised her. She looked perfectly fine. A little dark under the eyes, but otherwise normal.

"Please excuse my taicho; he tends to overreact."

"He is concerned about you."

"I am perfectly fine."

"What exactly is the problem?"

"I've just been feeling a little tired."

"Problems sleeping?"

"My dreams have been a bit… strange recently. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble returning to sleep. I'm sure it will all go away in time."

"Are they bad dreams?"

"Not exactly, they're just strange dreams."

"Strange how?"

"It's not really important." Nanao stared into her cup of tea and blushed lightly.

"Ah, that kind of dream. Don't worry, I won't say anything to anyone."

Nanao's face flushed more knowing that Unohana had guessed accurately.

"I'll be back in a moment." Unohana slipped out the door, leaving Nanao still staring at her tea.

What was going on with her! Now she was unable to control her emotions; blushing like that. She sat with head bowed until Unohana came back with a small bottle. Attempting to wipe the emotions from her face, Nanao looked at Unohana.

"If its just a matter of not getting enough sleep, take one of these pills before going to bed and it should help with those dreams. It may take a night or two to work. And I won't speak of them or your dreams to anyone."

Nanao reluctantly took the bottle. She stood and bowed. "Thank you, Unohana taichou. I will try them." With a small bow, Unohana returned to her desk as Nanao left her office.

It would be interesting to see how this played out, Unohana thought.

... ooo OOO ooo OOO ooo ...

Nanao lay awake in bed, thinking about the dream that had woken her up. When the dreams began, she was just reliving their moments together, things like her watching his battles with hollows when on patrol or the first time she had finally found him sleeping on the roof after 3 hours of frantic searching for him.

This was different. Tonight she dreamed of how he had carried her in his arms to take her to the 4th division this afternoon. Her true reaction at the time had been instinctual. Held in his arms like that, the only way to express her annoyance in a way he would understand was to form a ball of fire and threaten him with it. It was perfectly logical and reasonable. But she had hesitated a moment before forming it and she later realized she had felt more emotions than just annoyance. These weren't logical emotions nor were they sensible and her very nature was to be sensible and to be in control of any and every situation. Not only that, but she had hesitated, which when battling with an opponent, would leave an opening that making her vulnerable to an attack. That was inexcusable.

In her dream she hadn't held a fireball and she certainly wasn't annoyed at being held in his arms. Staring into his eyes, the look he gave her left her with a hollow feeling in her stomach and a tightness in her chest. It wasn't the joking look he usually gave her with his consistent overdramatic declarations of love. It was more; it was sweet and sincere and it triggered a longing that up until that moment, she had never known she had.

It was those little things like his scent, the warmth of his body and the care with which he held her so close that could not be easily forgotten. Even though it had been mid-morning, he had a scent of sake and dumplings about him – it was his scent and she enjoyed it.

He'd lowered his head to press his lips to hers. His lips were soft and smooth and when her mouth opened slightly for a breath, his tongue slipped between her lips. The taste of sake and dumplings lingered after they parted. Her arms wrapped gently around his neck, pulling her body closer to him. When their lips met again, his ridiculous hat tumbled forward and fell to the ground, unnoticed. That kiss was full of promise and possibilities and had her yearning for more. There was an unspoken desire from both of them to press as much of their bodies together as possible.

With a jerk, she brought her mind back to reality. Silently berating herself, she sighed and turned to lie on her side. She needed to go back to sleep but all she could think about was that dream. Maybe tomorrow night she would try the pills Unohana gave her.

Please review! I want to know if I should continue… Thank you