Disclaimer: No, I own nothing.

It was safe to say then, that that was the best kiss Lily had ever gotten. He didn't rush her, or try anything she wasn't ready for. It was a simple kiss. A kiss that let her know that she wasn't alone, that she wasn't going to have to go through life alone, and most of all, that she was loved. The Kiss-as it came to be called between the two-only lasted little more than six seconds, but easily the most remember able.

James slowly pulled away. At first they only looked at each other, then James' thumb ran up and down her jaw line, sending shivers down her spine.

"I love you, Lily. I always will, and you will never have to go through this world alone as long as I am alive."

Lily, who had been in silent shock and appreciation, let go a small but happy sob and kissed him once more.


Sometime around six A.M., a faint click could be heard, but it didn't bother the two sleeping teenagers on the floor of a very dusty broom closets. The click, of course, was the sound of the closet's lock being opened.

The teenager that opened the door grinned largely.

"Oh, this is just too cute!" he said in a girlish whisper. "Oh, Remmie-boy! Come here!"

'Remmie-boy', or Remus if you had more than to brain cells to add together, sighed as he poked his nose around the others boys frame.

"Well, Sirius, it's looks as though your plan actually succeeded for once." Remus said, pulling his pajama robe closer to his body and running his hands through his hair tiredly.

James and Lily would have been in a lot of trouble indeed if they had been found by anyone other than these two.

James had his arm around Lily's waist and back, pulling her extremely close to him. Lily was pretty much molded to him. She had snuggled so deeply in his arms.

"So should we let them be like good little Marauders, or wake them up obniouxsly and risk castration?" Sirius said.

Remus thought about it for a moment.

"Do whatever you want, just don't involve me." He said, leaning against a nearby wall and yawning. Sirius grinned evilly.

"Oh, Jamesie-poo, wake up!" he said in a sing-song voice.

James only snuffled in his sleep.

Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Jamesie, Lileeeee!" He said, louder. Lily twitched and snuggled deeper.

Sirius sighed.

"JAMES!" He yelled. Even Remus jumped. James' eyes snapped open and Lily jumped in her sleep before sitting up.

"Sirius! What is wrong with you?" James asked angrily.

"I don't know. Probably many things." He said innocently. James rolled his eyes and blushed a bit from his two best friends finding them like that. Lily yawned and glared at Sirius.

"Where you dropped on your head as a child?" she asked.

"Knowing my mother, yeah, probably." Said Sirius, leaning casually on the door frame. Lily gave a little moan before going to her sleeping position with James.

"So I assume you're together now?" Remus asked from next to Sirius. James smiled and looked to down the girl he loved. She smiled up at him and gave a small nod.

"Yeah...we are." He said softly, playing with her hair.

Sirius turned to Remus with a smirk on his face.

"And you said locking them together wouldn't work!" He said triumphantly. Remus smacked his forehead with his palm.

"You dolt! You weren't supposed to tell them!" he said.

Sirius thought for a moment.

"Oh yeah…" he said quietly.

"You did WHAT?" James and Lily yelled. Lily gave a low growl and jumped at Sirius who gave a very girlish scream.


James jumped up and quickly pulled Lily off of Sirius, to whom she was slapping continually.

At first Lily tried fighting off James, but with both arms pulling her back by her waist she was faced with defeat.

"Calm down, Lils," James said quietly. With a few more kicks to try and get out of his grasp, she slumped down.

"If I let you go will you promise to stay calm and not attack him?" James said. Lily nodded. Slowly he let her loose.

Lily smoothed down her school skirt before attacking Sirius again.

He squealed.


Seven months later…

"…I present, Mr. James and Lily Potter!" the minister said. The newly weds were both grinning as the walked down the aisle together. Sirius was wolf whistling behind them while the rest of their friends and family cheered. The plaudits followed them outside where James and Lily were showered with bird seed and rice.

Sirius kept dumping the birdseed over James and Lily's heads as the made their way to the white stretch limo. James helped his new wife into the limo before getting in himself.

"And to think, Mrs. Potter, we have Sirius and a broom closet to thank for all this." James said before kissing Lily.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I still don't want to kill him."

James grinned.

The End.

A/N: Not the best ending, I know, but it was the only one that felt right with it. R&R, please???
