Title: She
Author: Cella
Summary: She thinks of him. Occasionally. HERMIONE. There's a swing in her cage
Rating: PG
Ship: mystery
A/N: Darkfic. Horrorfic. All those pretties.


She thinks of him.


Trapped in her tiny cage, all alone, all by herself. She thinks of him. Of them. Of all of them.

Her mind is all that's left of her, and sometimes, even her mind is broken.

Swing. Swing. Swing.

They don't feed her.

At first they fed her, in exchange for information. Vital information, which she didn't have.

Now she was left to starve, because they were smart, and realise she just didn't know.

Someone set a swing into her cage. So when they told him they had his friend, trapped in a bird cage, swinging on her swing all day, her gaze lost in space, then he'd go mad.

She hated the swing.

She loved it as well.

She thinks of him.


When they torture her, for the kicks, she thinks it was worth it. She never denies their friendship. She never denies she's his friend. She only denies she loves him.

It's hard to think of him. Hard to think of love.

Will he ever know? Will I ever tell him? Will he care? Will I live?

She lives, in her cage with her swing; they keep her alive through magic.

She hates that swing.

She loves it.

They find her in her cage, the swing tight around her neck. Hanging there, her feet limp.

She thought of him.

