
I do not own ah my goddess. It is owned by many companies that I need not mention. I also do not own the characters in the anime series; I will just use them as pawns in my story.

Authors Notes:

It has been a while since I wrote stuff… Lost my PC at home and school seemed to be like forever... Just as I said before, I will finish this story, no matter what! Anyway, for those who have read it, Angelbreed2121, here is the chappie…

Last time on no one would dare…

"I am well aware of that ma'am. I am not taking your son from you. Let me tell you ma'am, that we are already engaged. And I believe that after 4 years, we should get married. I love Keiichi and there is nothing in this world that could stop me from marrying him. Don't you think?" Belldandy said.

"Since you say such things, are you interested in a little gamble?" Takano said.

"Sure, why not?" Belldandy replied.

"Keiichi has never passed his father Keima, in a race. So, if he passes him, I let him marry you on his own terms. But, if Keima wins, you have to consider the marriage to be Shinto."

"I accept." Belldandy said.

No One Would Dare

Chapter 9

Racing Hearts, Changing Minds

Keiichi was walking in the hall of the once peaceful home that he and Belldandy shared. Apparently, Hild forcefully welcomed herself in their humble abode. With this, Hild has already occupied the vacant room near the kitchen, and deliberately put a sign at the door. It said, "Hild's Love Hotel" with a chibi hild face on it. As keiichi read this, he began to recall what happened last night during dinner time.

*about 8 hours ago*

Takano insisted that she would cook dinner for them, since Keima did not eat anything but her cooking. As the upcoming race tomorrow, they called it quits, and settled their arguments on dinner time. As dinner was about to be done, the Morisato household made their way to the dining room. First were Keiichi and Belldandy, holding hands and talking about anything and everything in the world, laughing as they sat down together. Kami-Sama appeared out of nothingness just a few seconds after them. Kami-Sama sat down, conjured his guitar and suddenly sang… Now as he picked up the guitar, he sang.

"He asked us… Be You Angels? And we said Nay! We are but men! ROCK" Kami-Sama loudly sang.

Hild appeared afterwards, having almost the same powers as Kami-Sama, she also appeared out of nothingness. She heard Kami-Sama sing, and said,

"Why? Are you a man?" Laughing as she sat down in front of Kami-Sama.

With this sarcastic comment that Hild said, Kami-Sama transfigured his guitar into a lightning-bolt, and pointed it straight at Hild.

"Why? YOU WANT TO START A FIGHT?" Kami-Sama shouted.

"Well, if YOU want to go there, WHY NOT?" Hild said as she conjured a lightning-bolt of her own. Around this time, Urd appeared, as she broke up the fight.

"You guys, please, stop this non-sense! Keiichi's parents are here! Hild, Behave! Papa, sit down!" Urd spat at the two.

"Okay. Whatever." Hild said, banishing her weapon of choice.

"If that is what my daughter wishes, then I would stop." Kami-Sama also said, transfiguring the lightning-bolt back to his old guitar.

"Yeah right, whatever Mr. Ruler of the Uni-FUCKING-verse!" Hild spat.

Kami-Sama chose to ignore the comment that Hild said, because Skuld came.

"Hi Daddy!" Skuld hugged her father, as she sat down beside Kami-Sama.

"So, how was your date with Sentaro today?" Kami-Sama said.

"Daddy! We did NOT have a date! It was just going to the ice-cream store, and after that we went to watch Kanpanman the sequel: The Revenge of The Sauce Devil! It's obviously not a date!" Skuld said, as she turned beet red.

"Well, that's not what my records say…" Kami-Sama said laughing.

Keima and Takano entered the dining room afterwards, Keima, carrying the bowl and a gas stove. Takano was carrying the ingredients for the dish tonight.

"I thought we should have some hot-pot tonight." Takano said smiling.

Keima sat down next to Keiichi and Takano sat beside him afterwards. And as the fire was burning and the water boiling, Hild suddenly said,

"I was wondering if I could crash with you all. It seems that 'He' (pointing at Kami-Sama) is having a good vacation and I was envious. I already filed the paperworks back at uhm… Work, and already filed my little vacation. I promise that I will not cause any trouble. And in return for that, you have to invite me to Belldandy and Keiichi's wedding. Deal?"

"You are obviously NOT welcome at my daughter's wedding!" Kami-Sama said.

"Now now, Darling… that's not for you to decide right? After all, this is your DAUGHTER'S wedding… Right Bell-Chan?" Hild said, looking at Belldandy with puppy-dog eyes.

"Well, I don't see that as a problem? Everyone who wants to attend our wedding is welcome! Right Keii-Chan?" Belldandy said, while smiling to Keiichi.

'As if I have a choice in this…' Keiichi said smiling while giving the go signal to Belldandy.

"By the way Keiichi. You know you have a race tomorrow." Takano said, while passing the plates.

"Yes Takano. I know that. I just don't think that it's appropriate. I mean, I should choose what my wedding should be." Keiichi said. For the first time, he was a man, who sounds so confident in front of his mother.

"I know that Keiichi, but, we also have the right to decide, since we are your parents. That's why I made a little wager so I that it would be fair." Takano said. "You know Belldandy; our family tradition is ALL weddings should be Shinto, since that is our religion. But, I also want the happiness of my son, so, I made a bet with you. Please understand that."

"Yes I do understand. However, Keiichi will definitely not lose tomorrow." Belldandy said to Takano. "Is that right Keii-Chan?"

All that Keiichi could do is nod at this.

*8 hours after*

"Oh man, how did I get into this mess?" Keiichi said to himself. "Well, I can't disappoint Bell now."

"What did you say Keii-Chan? How will I be disappointed?" Belldandy said, while laying a kiss on his cheek.

"Nothing Bell. I was just wondering if I could help you make breakfast today." Keiichi said, hugging Bell.

"Sure. Shall we go then?"

Skuld woke up early. She was assigned to make the race track. So, she was on her way to one of the biggest sites in Nekomi. Good thing it was a Sunday, no one was at NIT, because she made the track there. Of course, she had to plan this as to be fair to both sides. She knew Keiichi has a slight advantage because he knew every nook and cranny at the school, but, she also knew through speculations that Keima was good at racing, since Keiichi could not pass him, not even once.

"How did I get in this mess?" Skuld wondered, but continued to measure the track.

"Okay, this would be perfect! Bampei-Kun, Check the width and length of this." Giving orders to Bampei.

'Well, I guess I have to do this. Daddy asked me to.' Skuld thought as she laid out the track.

As soon as Skuld was finished with the race track, one by one the residents of the Morisato residence showed up. Keiichi and Belldandy being first, since Belldandy was always punctual, and also, she wanted to win the wager. Followed by Keima and Takano, who came 5 minutes after Keiichi and Belldandy. Kami-Sama and Urd arrived at the school after 30 minutes, and Hild arrived 5 minutes after Kami-Sama and Urd arrived. As she was saying that girls take a long time to fix themselves.

When Skuld saw that everyone was there, she explained the track.

"You will start here, where the tennis courts were before. Then, you take a sharp left turn to the building to your left, and make an 'S' turn to the auto club's clubhouse. Then you go straight, towards where the stairs to the entrance to the building to your right, where the cat house was. But there is another right turn before you hit the wall there. Afterwards it's a long drag race style back to this point. Your course is about 3 laps. Have you two got that?"

"Yes Skuld. Thank you for putting up with all this trouble." Keiichi said, smiling at her.

"Well I only did it because Daddy wanted me too." Skuld said.

Keima just nodded and put the visor of his helmet down. He spoke at Keiichi.

"Keiichi, how about this. You pass me, then you win. We don't have to finish these 3 laps. But for me, I have to. Deal?" Keima said.

"Sure Keima. No problem. Is that really what you want?" Keiichi asked.

"Yeah, since you can never pass me, then consider it a handicap for you. HAHAHAHA!" Keima said.

"Yeah sure. But this past few years, I got better you know? Don't be over confident Keima-san." Keiichi said.

"Okay, start your engines!" Skuld said. "Urd, will you do the honors of setting them off?"

Urd was walking to the middle of the two racers when Belldandy approached Keiichi.

"I'll be waiting at the finish line, my love." Belldandy said, while raising up his visor and kissing him, then putting it back in place. "For luck."

"Now you two! Save that for later!" Urd said. "Now let's start this race!" "Ready…" Both racers were revving their engines… As Urd unclasped her brassiere from under her blouse… "Set…" Keima and Keiichi were already anxious and waiting, while Urd took off her bra, and threw it up in the air… And as the undergarment fell into the ground she shouted… "GO!"

Both racers were tied at the start of the race… Keima just pulled off Keiichi as they approached the first turn.

"Damn! He was always good at turning…" Keiichi said.

As they approached the building, Keiichi was slowly but surely gaining speed but had to decelerate when they reached another sharp turn… Barely, he almost got Keima there, but at the last second, Keima dived, forcing Keiichi to decelerate and also had to dive… They reached the 'S' curve… Keiichi knew that this would be a great opportunity, but Keima read his intention, and blocked him… Both racers reached the garden where the cat house is, Keiichi was catching up to Keima, making Keima realize that his son was already at his tail… He blocked every single entry that Keiichi would go into… Then Keiichi remembered the words that Belldandy said…

"I'll be waiting for you at the finish line…"

"Alright! I have Belldandy by my side!"

He pushed his old BMW to its limit, trusting the years that he put up with it. He almost passed Keima, but, Keima knew what was happening… Keiichi's clutching was almost perfect, but Keima was better… as they reach the end of the first lap, Keima is in the lead, by a nose.

"Well now, 2 more laps to go…" Takano said. "I guess this is in the bag Belldandy!"

"I'm not quite sure about that, since there are 2 more laps left…" Belldandy said, clasping her hands together, almost praying…

At the end of the second lap, Keima was still in the lead, still by a nose…

'At this rate, Keima is going to win!' Keiichi said… 'No, I have to win this… I have to!'

Both racers reached the 'S' curve. Keima was already familiar with the track, and did it with much ease… Also Keiichi… He already dismissed the fact to pass Keima on the 'S', and thought that the only chance to win this is to do perfect clutching on the straight to the homestretch… Both racers approached the homestretch, the drag race style straight quarter mile… Keima was still in the lead…

"Belldandy… so, I think it's already decided…" Takano said…

Belldandy didn't speak a word, but closed her eyes…

'Alright my BMW, show me what you got!' Keiichi said as he revved the machine to its full strength… Keima saw this and did the same… as they were approaching the finish line, Keima miss clutched… But, Keiichi was perfect in all his clutches… giving him the opportunity to finally pass his father… 3 seconds before the finish line…

Screams were heard as both racers came to a halt. Keiichi did the impossible in almost all his life, as he thought it was. He finally beat Keima, and passed him… Belldandy was so proud at his husband-to-be, came running towards Keiichi, and hugging him ever so tightly. Keima dismounted his bike and went straight to his wife… Shrugging…

"He finally got good… I'm proud at Keiichi…" Keima said to Takano.

"Yes he indeed do good… But, why did you miss clutch at the homestretch Keima?" Takano asked.

"Had to… It was the only way to keep up with Keiichi… My bike is old, and thus, I have to push it a little to burn the engine, giving it more power… But I became over confident… I didn't notice that Keiichi has already passed me… You know that right?" Keima explained…

"Oh well, I guess it was fate." Takano said. Walking towards Belldandy and Keiichi.

"You win Belldandy. I guess we have to do this your way." Takano said. "You really did believe in Keiichi… And that was what made him win. I'm honored to have a daughter-in-law such as you. Take care of Keiichi… Alright?"

"I will… Ma'am, or should I say, Mother…" Belldandy said.

"Yes, I believe that's the right term." Takano said, smiling at Belldandy.


Authors notes:

I'm SO SORRY that this had to take 2 years to finish… To those who have waited, here it is, the latest chappie. And don't worry, as I said before, I would DEFINITELY finish this… We're still not done yet!

Till then,

Ja Ne!