This is just some random note passing story idea. Set in the Marauders Era, these rules apply: Sirius writes in bold, Remus in bold italics, Peter in plain italics, James in plain typeface. If Lily is included, as she will be some times, she shall write in underlined plain typeface. Thank you, have a nice day.
Guys? I think that I have a problem.
Exactly when don't you have a problem, Prongs?
Are you saying that I have too many problems?
No, I'm implying that you have too many problems.
I don't have that many problems!
Yes you do. Nearly everyday, I am greeted with a little note on my desk, and of those times, over half of them begin with, "Guys, I have a problem."
He carries a valid point, Prongs. You do appear to have a great deal of problems.
Since when were you involved in this discussion?
Well the note was presented to Padfoot with the opening of "Guys." So, I am assuming that when you said "guys" you meant, Padfoot, Wormtail and I.
Shouldn't that "I" be "me" Moony?
No. That "I" is properly placed Wormtail.
Oh God, another grammar discussion.
Gents, there is a time and a place for a grammar discussion, and this is not it. Now please, you must help me with my problem.
Firstly, Prongs, you haven't told us what the problem was. Secondly, I was under the impression that Wormtail and I were unwanted in this conversation.
Wait, we're unwanted? Since when did that happen?
You aren't unwanted. Sorry, I'm just a bit touchy today. So, about this problem of mine.
Oh, are we finally good enough to hear of your problems?
Yes! So my problem is….
James, the bell is about to ring. Maybe you should just tell us once class if over.
Fair enough.
Potter, for God's sake, stop tapping your foot.
I am not tapping my foot Evans. I am simply jiggling my leg to keep myself from passing out cold right here on the desk, thus drooling, and ruining this paper that you sent me a note on.
Logical reason for insensate foot-tapping, but I don't believe you.
And why is that dear Evans?
Because if it was so hard for you to stay awake, you wouldn't have had time to muss up that rat's nest atop your head for the fourteenth time this class period.
Fourteen times? You counted? Oh, Evans, I'm touched.
Touched in the head, more likely.
Why, yes, actually, I did just touch my head.
You're irritating me, Potter. Go bother one of your little friends.
I'll have you know that all of my "little friends" are taller than you are Evans.
Really? Even Pettigrew?
Actually, come to think of it, Peter isn't really that tall. But, regardless, not one of my friends fits into the category of "little."
I suppose that I will have to admit that you are in fact correct in that statement.
Thank you for being mature about this Evans.
Please stop writing to me Potter, I'm getting distracted.
Fine then.
Prongs, why did you just hand me a note that you were passing with Lily?
Because she has stopped providing entertainment for me. So, now it is your turn.
Oh dear.
Guys, Moony's asleep again.
In McGonagall's class? Has he lost his mind? She'll murder him for sleeping.
It is sort of our fault that he didn't get any sleep last night.
Nah, Wormtail, I doubt he would have slept anyways.
Oh God.
Now he's mumbling in his sleep again.
Wake him up!
Yes, before someone hears him, and we have to explain about the Snape ass shaving incident.
Snape ass shaving? When did that happen?
It was two months ago after he landed you a night in the hospital wing with that freakish nosebleed hex.
Oh yes…
That had to be the worst thing that we've ever done Prongs. Not only did we have to see Snape's ass, but we had to touch it.
You alright, Padfoot? You look a little pale.
Shouldn't we be waking Remus up?
Oh yes, forgot about that for a few minutes. Who wants to do it then?
Mr. Prongs votes that Mr. Padfoot does it.
Mr. Wormtail seconds that.
Mr. Padfoot requests that Messers. Prongs and Wormtail bite him.
Mr. Prongs would like to point out that Mr. Moony will probably do that when Mr. Padfoot wakes him up.
Mr. Wormtail agrees and voices that he cannot wait to watch.
Mr. Padfoot hates you all.
So, Wormtail, how long do you figure it'll take him?
Ten minutes, tops. Moony can be a deep sleeper if we keep him up all night.
Yes, but our excuse is that brilliant orb that hangs in the sky.
Yes, that is a good excuse. Blaming the full moon for Remus's exhaustion, even though it was a full moon two nights ago.
I never said it was a good excuse. I just said it was an excuse
How long was I out?
Ah, Mr. Moony, nice to see you conscious again.
Shut up, Prongs. How long was I out?
Only about ten minutes. But you were mumbling again.
I was?
Yes, rather incriminating things as well.
Like what?
Something involving whipped cream.
I don't know why I'd be muttering about that.
Then why are you blushing?
Oh my, gents, I think our Moony has himself a girl.
I do not.
A boy then?
Wormtail, I most certainly do not have a boyfriend.
He never said boyfriend. Could be a friend with benefits.
Padfoot, stop wiggling your eyebrows, it's disturbing.
Sorry, Prongs.
I am not having sexual relations with anyone, male or female.
He's in denial. Embrace it, Moony. Besides, you're long overdue for a good shag or two.
I agree. He can get sort of testy when he's horny.
I have never in my life been horny, Wormtail.
Then why were you mumbling about whipped cream? Only horny men use whipped cream in bed, Moons.
Prongs, even if I was horny, and even if I was sleeping with some one, why do you think that I'd tell you? You'd just make fun of me like you are now.
Aw, we've embarrassed him. Look at his cheeks.
They are a nice shade of pink.
Odd that Moony is the only one of us that blushes pink.
Well spotted.
I think he's on to something. It may very well be our proof that Moon is a pouf.
Wow, rhyming proof even.
I'm going to go and sit elsewhere. I don't need this abuse.
A/N: Was it any good? Let me know!