Hide 'n Seek

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own anything or anyone in regards to CSI; the show and its characters belong to a bunch of people who aren't me. I am merely borrowing the characters for my own amusement. Dance puppets, dance.

Author's Notes: This little series is my own explanation for how the team finds out about Grissom and Sara. I decided that everyone started finding out at the end of Season 5 and going through Season 6. Each major character (Catherine, Warrick, Nick, Greg, Brass, and Dr. Robbins) will get their own fun way of discovering our geeks.

This story is dedicated to EllipsesBandit for not only being beta-extraordinaire, but for also getting me the coolest birthday present, EVER. Thanks to her, I am the proud owner of a signed photo of William Petersen and Jorja Fox (the picture is from "Time of Your Death). Wintergreen LifeSavers were also attached to the pic, and she gave me a bag of the candy too. You rule:)

One other thing; for whatever reason my muse was in the refrigerator when I wrote this, so food appears quite a bit in this series.


Early July 2005

"You're not actually going to wear that, are you?"

Nick Stokes smiled at Sara's withering stare as she adjusted the collar on her jean jacket.

"Yes, I am wearing this." She turned to the mirror hanging on her locker door. "While my fashion sense is questionable, at least according to Catherine, I don't own ugly, paisley green shirts."

He laughed, and continued to tie his boots. He watched in amazement as Sara put on some lip gloss, then quickly fluffed her hair.

"So," he drawled, "what are you doing this morning?"

She just shrugged, but he couldn't miss the cheerful twinkle in her eye. "Just meeting someone for breakfast."

He nodded casually. "I hope he's paying or at least making you something."

Shutting her locker, she turned to where he sat on the bench. "What makes you think the person I'm meeting is a 'he'?"

"Sara, I grew up with three sisters. You do the same hair-flippy, last minute make-up check they did before going on a date." He stood up with his leather coat in hand. "Besides, you used to throw your stuff in your locker, huff about how you were being forced to go home, and stomp out of here."

Even though she shot him a mock-scowl, he continued, "And now you take your time getting all pretty before you leave." He flashed a bright grin. "That can only mean you're meeting a guy."

She didn't say anything, merely shaking her head. "You should save those investigative skills for work, Nick."

Knowing he had her beat, his grin broadened. "So we still on for the movies on Saturday night?" When she told him yes, he added, "It's nice your mystery man doesn't mind sharing."

The heavy boot did nothing to protect his foot as Sara stepped on him walking away.


At 8:00pm on their shared night off, Nick met Sara at her apartment, and they took her car to the theatre. Along the way, he tried to find out more about the mystery man, but she remained tight lipped.

"C'mon Sara," Nick whined when they pulled into the parking lot. "You can at least tell me what he looks like."

She looked at him thoughtfully for a moment. "Well, he's got two eyes. Oh! And a mouth…right below his nose."

"How very descriptive," he uttered dryly.

She chuckled at his frustration, then said honestly, "Nick, this…thing is fairly new. I don't…I don't want to want to bring other people in it yet."

"Fair enough." They started walking to the theatre, but Nick stopped. "I have two more questions, and I'd appreciate truthful answers."

Sighing loudly, she relented, "I'll try my best."

"Good." In an entirely serious tone he asked, "Does he treat you right? Emotionally and physically?"

Her eyes soften at his concern. "He's a gentleman, and he would never hurt me like that."

His jaw loosened as he continued with his second question. "And he makes you happy?"

She nodded. "Yes. He makes me very happy."

"That's what I need to know then."

The last few years on the job had taught Nick that many women were successful at hiding the abuse they suffered. While he knew Sara could handle herself in a relationship, he still felt relieved by her answers.

During the time they worked together, he worried work would consume Sara-that she would never enjoy the better parts of life. But lately he saw her smile more, and even caught her singing to herself a couple of times. He hoped she would introduce him to the mystery man one day so he could see who finally got her away from the lab.

After two hours of an action filled blockbuster, they headed out to the car, debating on where they should go for dinner. Nick opened the back passenger door to place his commemorative movie popcorn bucket on the seat. When he went to set the bucket down, he noticed something sitting on the leather. He smiled as he picked up the object; funny that this one piece gave the identity to her mystery man. It was also funny that the person who got her away from the lab also practically lived there himself.

"Hey, Sara," he said, catching her attention before she got in the driver's side. "Your guy wouldn't happen to have blue eyes, gray hair, and a beard around that mouth?" He held up a straw hat. "Would he?"

Her only answer was a slightly red face.


I know this chapter is kinda short, but the other ones will be longer. Stayed tuned for the Amazing Greggo and his Chocolate White Chocolate Chip Cookies!