The Risk

Rating: 2-3 language and sexual suggestions

I apologize for the long wait for an updated to this fiction. The last season of OTH left me little motivation when it came to NH. Thanks to Kelly for putting me on the right path letting me vent and procrastinate for a little while before she got my butt in gear. I appreciate all the readers and I want to give an extra thanks for all the feedback. I had trouble conveying the emotion I wanted you guys to feel in this chapter, but I hope it gives you a basic feel of what the characters are going through.

Chapter 27

The bright lights heavily populating the dark sky still amazed most people. From his view, the man should have been in awe at the sight, but his mind was elsewhere.

Down on earth, the noises of city nightlife were magnified ten folds in a metropolis such as New York. Tourist and hometown residents filled the streets with such diversity you would think it were built in the epicenter of the UN. It was just and everyday occurrence in a sprawling oasis. But to the inhabitants this was nothing extraordinary, they were living life, or planning for the future, or having spontaneous moments…always something to strive for, hope.

Looking away from the picturesque view from his bedroom window and across the dimly lit loft. The man's cobalt eyes darkened with sadness. Sometimes life was void of hope. It was just existence.

A month and a half ago, the person that had been his reason for survival for most of his adult life, lost her own zest for it.

Moving closer, he noticed that the female beauty he shared a bed with had kicked off cappuccino colored duvet since the room had warmed from the fire he had made an hour ago. The caramel sheets were left dangling from her ankles, bunched up and gathered halfway down the bed. Her diminutive frame was spread eagle. Although she was in the center of the mattress, her small figure took up little space. Her long tresses lay haphazardly around her cherub face and her strawberry baby doll night gown was hiked up so that you could see the matching bikini underwear peaking out. He sighed at the sight of her stunning beauty, his body hardening instantly. He longed to make love with her, hell making out with her could tide him over for a few more days, maybe weeks. But he knew that was asking too much of her right now.

Slipping further to the one he adored, he recognized the markings that permanently marred her dainty left wrist where handcuffs had rubbed her delicate skin raw during her kidnapping. It broke him to see just as it did her. Taking into view, her pretty face, he noticed the dark circles coloring the skin beneath her eyes and how her long lashes lay closed tightly over her eyes, no REM to be had because Haley refused to dream ever again.

He had seen a lot in his young life as a reporty, abuse, death, torture, poverty, hunger and genocide at levels that would astound the cruelest of human beings. Yet, watching what had been stolen from his beautiful woman, in the form of Gary Wallace was excruciating. Although he wasn't there to share it with her, he knew it wasn't the same devastation as the lost of Luke all those years ago, or her parents in that unnecessary accident or the magnitude of losing their child so many years ago, but in other ways it was more gut wrenching. Focusing on the heaving of her chest as it rose in fell in a heavy rhythm up and down, he was reminded of how strenuous the ordeal continued to be on this gentle pixie.

She had stayed in the hospital for a week after the abduction. Her injuries were minor but her mental state was certainly in question. She had been hysterical for the first three days, only allowing a couple of doctors and nurses that were personal friends of Agent Lee to attend to her. She was jumpy, paranoid, and even uncharacteristically unaffectionate with Nathan, but that wasn't uncommon to post traumatic patients. Eventually, she was given the okay to leave. That didn't mean she was better.

During her hospital stay she was becoming more an more introverted. Nathan couldn't wait to take her home, willing and ready to care with her along with the McFadden's, Taylor's, and much of Tree Hill. However, Haley refused to set foot in North Carolina, let alone Tree Hill or her old home. It only took the teary eye belle to say "I can't be there." for Nathan to call Haley's friends and thank them for their offer, but decline their help. He advised them she would be in his home in New York until further notice. That's were she had been for the last six week…. Well, in body.

The expensive mattress didn't even dip underneath the weight of the tall male as he lay beside her. His long structure faced her as he reached out to take a few strands of her silky hair and rubbed it between his fingers before bringing it to his nose to inhale the citrus scent before returning to the twirling around his large digits. He never got a chance to do this anymore while she was awake. She was too busy for that. She spent every waking moment filled to the point of mental and physical exhausted by the time she entered the bedroom every night.

She spent her morning in his gym with a self defense expert, kick boxing coach, and a personal trainer. By the time he rolled out of bed at noon each day, Haley was conferencing with an insider from her families corporation. She was trying to absorb the ins and outs of the company from the bottom to the top before announcing she would no longer be a silent partner. She planned to become the CEO in the very near future. Nathan was stunned by this revelation. In the past, Haley never liked office politics or wanted to be a major player in the corporate world, often stating how working with children was so much more rewarding. When he asked her why she would want to stop working with kids because he knew she loved it and that's where her heart was, she spoke softly and gave him a short reply that was all too common for her now. " I'm not what they need anymore."

He wanted to debate with her, emphasizing her amazing strengths when it came to helping others rear their boys and girls, but something told him it wasn't the right time. His praise and confidence in her would only be words to her right now….no meaning.

After conferencing ended at a typical 5 pm. Like clockwork, Haley would head directly to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Under normal circumstances, Nathan would love to come home to that everyday. He could sit at the island and discuss their days, but that wasn't the life he and Haley had right now. There was no flirting over a glass of wine or kissing in the pantry. He felt lucky on the days he got to stand beside her and chop vegetables at the counter or that electric spark that shot through him when any part of their bodies brushed in passing while he getting the things he needed to set the table or crossing paths while taking vegetables from the crisper in the refrigerator.

Her firm body flipped to it's side, curling into a partial fetal position. Nathan swallowed as her ample breast became partially exposed in the low cut lingerie. It was unintentionally cruel of her to wear such tantalizing things to bed when he was barely allowed to do more than kiss her on the cheek or hold her when thoughts of Gary Wallace lay fresh on her mind and silently tears filled her eyes. He never held her long enough to let the his comforting of her transition to anything more. She didn't give him a chance, quick to compose herself.

Usually her evenings were spent reading books of someone becoming empowered or watching a History Channel biographies. There were no more romantic movies slipped into the DVD player or sitcom comedies laughed at as they longed on the sofa. It was like living with a stranger, but worst because he knew her inside and our and he wanted nothing more than to give her the love to heal her wounds like she had done for him not so long ago.

Looking at the opening that exposed her defined stomach, Nathan felt the undying hunger he had for her grow stronger than during all those years they were estranged or platonic friends. Thinking of her distancing herself further and further from him and them on a daily basis, he wondered if her abduction was going to give her reason not to be intimate with a man for years to come, because he didn't know if he were that strong willed when it came to Haley James anymore.

It had become his new job to watch over her during her sleep, which usually began around midnight. Secretly, he guarded the lovely piece of sweetness he loved to the depths of his soul not only from the world outside, but the inner demons that are haunting her. At this point, it was the only support she was willing to take from him. She was asleep and finally at peace. Taking in the other side of the bed, he took in the clock on the nightstand, 6:15 AM. He yawned quietly. He got tired around this time every night. He pulled up the sheets, covering them both. Planting a kiss at the crown of her head, he whispered "I love you." before settling down near the break of dawn. His shift was finally over.

Nathan bent his head and cut off the light off to his dark room with one hand, the other holding his cell phone against his ear as the very handsome man truly smiled for the first time in weeks.

"So she's finally making an honest man out of your sorry ass!" asked his buddy upon hearing the news of his upcoming nuptials to his longtime girlfriend.

When all journalist an relief workers were ordered out of the Sudan a few weeks, prior. Johnny seized the opportunity to finally go meet his girlfriends family in hope of being accepted and asking for her hand in marriage. Unfortunately, he got neither and that devastated Nyathera.

Surprisingly, their prejudice and little value for her choices had made her follow her heart. She chose Johnny.

His family fell for her in an instant. Days later he was on his knees on the San Antonio River Walk asking her to be his wife. Nothing could make Nathan happier than the news of his close colleagues nuptials except for his own biggest dream to come true.

Strutting into the kitchen, Nathan inhaled the delicious smell shrimp being marinated by the lady of the house.

"Guess what, Beautiful!" he declared as he made his way to the sink to wash his hands before chopping up the vegetables waiting for him on the counter.

"I knew those pictures from Darfur would be amazing. I'll check them out later." For a moment, she absorbed his excitement, turning to him with interest.

"Thanks but that not the good news.." He said bashfully as he grabbed a knife and started task. " IJohnny and Nythera are finally getting married!"

Haley gave him a small not an even shorter smile. "That's nice, Nathan." she admitted before taking a piece of the squash he was cutting up on a skewer before adding a large shrimp before retrieving a slice of red pepper to complete the sequence.

Her lack of enthusiasm saddened him but he let it go. They were having a real conversation and hopefully the rest of his new would really get her out of her funk.

"Yeah. It is." he agreed. "What's even better is that it's going to be during a private four day cruise around the Mediterranean. It's going to be an incredible getaway for us, Haley." he burst looking her right in the eyes.

"What! Wh…wh…wh..when is it?" she stuttered. Her whiskey colored windows immediately widened with fear and she stopped what she was doing, dropping the kabob to a plate.

"Sometime next year, but they're having an engagement party in two weeks." he stated moving closer to her, reaching to stroke her hair. "I know you've been struggling since the incident, but we haven't been anywhere in ages. This is really important to me, Haley. I'll get to show you off to all my friends and we'll get to do some fun things together like we use to. I know you've been through an ordeal, but I miss you, Baby….so much."

She took a step back from his tender touch, shaking her head adamantly. "I'm sorry Nathan. I wish your friends well, but I..I….I can't go. We'll be stuck out in the middle of the ocean." she ramble. "Wh….wh…what if something happens. On Dateline, I saw something about someone falling overboard and the body was never recovered and on CNN they were talking about women getting attack by crew members. I…I ….can't go." She insisted, completely frantic.

Nathan boxed her in with his larger frame, gently rubbing at her waist with his comforting hands. "Hey, there's going to be plenty of security with such a high profile couple. Plus, I'll be with you. I won't let anything happen to you, Haley. I'll always protect you." He soothed only to be pushed back with such force his back hit the cold steel of the refrigerator several feet away.

"You made that promise when I was being stalked and where were you when Gary tricked me, Nathan? When he touching me or taunting me?" She dared. "Just like always, you weren't around! I have not reason to think differently in this case. I was just fooling myself thinking I would be your top priority eventually because in my heart, I know you'll always let me down!"

The brunt of her words almost dropped the man to his knees. He had to grip the handle of the nearby appliance to steady himself. Her chest was still puffing and tears clouded her eyes. But as hurt as he was by her comments, he knew it pained her even more to confess her feeling to him.

When his own emotions overtook him and water streamed down his face, he watched bitter woman before him still show her true self by her words.

"I didn't mean to explode like that, Nathan. You didn't deserve that. I just think maybe you're were right before." She swallowed thickly, bowing her head and playing with her fingers.

Nathan didn't reply, but their staring contest continued.

Slightly stunned, he pivoted his head in confusion at his now angered sweetheart. The last time she was this upset, they didn't speak for years. He would be damn if this turned into that!

"We should have stayed best friends. I…I…I know I was the one begging for more and now I'm paying the price for that. But if we let go now maybe we could eventually have some resemblance of a friendship. You're still family to me, Sweetheart."

"No. That's not what I want!" Nathan refused. "Yes, I let you down and I apologize a thousand times, Baby. But, we're in a relationship. You're not the only one that gets a say in our future!"

Her lip trembled and she nodded solemnly. "Fine. You're right. It would be too hard. We'll make a clean break. I'll leave first thing in the morning."

"Damn it, Haley! You're not going anywhere and we sure as hell aren't breaking up!" he implored with deep conviction, determined to leave no room for argument. "Don't you get it, Beautiful? I'm not just some guy you're dating! I'm you're man…always will be!" His fist hit the French doors of the refrigerator. "You think I don't know I let you down again? 'Cause I do and it's my biggest regret. If I could take back the nightmare you went through, I would."

"Too late, It still happened." Haley muttered defensively. Her arms crossed in front of her now.

"Well, if I'm such a screw up. Why are you here?" he snapped, his heart now on his sleeve. He need to relax and not alienate her even more because if it happened this time, he feared he would never get her back.

She nervously shrugged under his continued observation. The walls seemed to be closing in after moments of silence lingered between the pair.

"Beautiful, I know I'm going to have to prove to you, that you are my everything. Nothing…. I mean nothing means more to me than you, Haley." Nathan deduced in a sincere loving tone. "But there's only one way I'm going to regain your trust and not loose you to your fears in the process."

He sighed deeply, clapping his hands together. Before reaching into a cabin to his right and a storage bowl and cover. He headed for the items they were preparing and Haley's ear as she stood facing away from the food..

"Forget cooking. Go pack an overnight bag, Sweetheart." he nudged assuredly and was impressed when Haley actually took a few steps towards the door.

"Nathan! I just told you, I didn't want to go anywhere with you." the agitated miss clarified.

"Fine, we'll have to do it here." He calmly let out a frustrated breathe at the stubborn little goddess he was determined to get back on the right path with as his head and hands came from placing the shrimp kabobs in the inside of the refrigerator. "But I remember once you telling me you always wanted to get married in Venice."
