Disclaimer: Unfortunately, the Harry Potter World does not belong to me.

Summary: Alternate Universe. Harry Potter is the Prince of Hogwarts, betrothed to the princess of Beauxbatons, Hermione Granger. They both met when they were 5, but what will happen 12 years later when they meet in the woods? Harry x Hermione romance.

A/N: Sorry, for not updating for a long, long, long time. I lost the inspiration for this story, but a friend of mine has given me the motivation to continue. Thanks, Chelsea! This story is like Harry Potter, Aladdin and Robin Hood: Princess of Thieves thrown together in an Alternate Universe. If you've seen these movies, you'll understand. If not, you'll see soon enough!

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter. It's a bit longer than I usually write, but I thought you guys deserved it. Remember to review, and I'll update again.


Chapter 4

As the sun was peaking over the horizon, Princess Hermione was tiptoeing in the kitchen. On any other day, the young princess would not be caught awake at this hour. However, this morning, Princess Hermione was sneaking provisions into a knapsack. (Even though she wasn't going to sneak away until after bedtime, she needed to be packed early for her trip.) As she grabbed a last loaf of bread, she heard a noise that made her duck behind a cart of freshly baked pastries and sweets.

Two cooks entered the kitchen. As they pulled fresh muffins from the oven, Princess Hermione couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"Did you hear that on the Princess's eighteenth birthday, she's going to be wed to the Prince of Hogwarts?" Chef Victoria asked.

"On her eighteenth birthday? That's less than two months from now." Chef Sophie exclaimed. "Can you imagine all the food that all of us chefs will have to prepare? We'll get a lot of money for that order."

"Yes, I could do with the extra money. The kingdom of Beauxbatons is wealthy and prosperous, but with the two kingdoms united, we are sure to be paid a lot better." Chef Victoria replied.

"True, and if we want to continue being paid, I suggest we get these muffins delivered to the King and Queen's bedchamber. They don't care much for their breakfast to be delivered cold and late." Chef Sophie indicated.

The chefs emptied the muffins onto a platter with other breakfast foods and exited the kitchen.

Hermione tied the knapsack close and hurried back to her bedchamber. When she arrived, her handmaidens Ginny and Luna were packing blankets and other necessities.

"Oh, good morning, Princess Hermione." Ginny said as she and Luna curtsied to the princess's arrival.

"Goodness! You guys know you don't have to treat me with such formalities." Hermione remarked at their behavior.

"We know Hermione. It's just that today will be our last day serving you and we want to do it right!" Luna said before she began sobbing.

Ginny and Hermione ran to comfort the crying Luna. The three embraced in the middle of the room, knowing this would be one of their last moments together. When the crying died down, Hermione decided to break the silence.

"I don't want you guys to think you weren't good handmaidens. You've been the best, and more than that, you're my friends! You guys have been loyal and trusting, and what more do I need? I can't have my life lived for me, and we all know that. Since I will no longer be the Crown Princess, the throne will go to my cousin Fleur. She is more demanding, so I hope you will be able to keep up with her. I wish we didn't have to part in this manner, but I want you to know I'll miss you guys and think of you constantly."

"We'll miss you too." Ginny said. She motioned towards the bed for them to take a seat. Luna laid down at the foot end, while Ginny and Hermione situated themselves at the head part. "After you leave, we'll keep insisting to your parents to let you marry when you're ready and to whom you wish. You're mom listens to my advice, even though she is stubborn at times."

Hermione wouldn't trade her friends in for anything in the world. She was so proud of them and of their bravery for helping with her plan.

"Yeah, and your dad listens to me. He loves to hear my fascinating stories of nargals. Hopefully they'll listen to us when they notice the severity of this situation." Luna explained.

Ginny nodded, and began to explain to Hermione, "That's right and we'll try to get word out as soon as we know. Try to stay in the city of Hogsmeade as long as you can. It's a small, safe town. Don't worry; you shouldn't be there too long if we can make your parents see things our way." Luna flashed an encouraging smile at Ginny for encouragement.

Ginny composed herself and Luna stood up beside her. They bid Hermione farewell and promised to see her off at night, before exiting the room to carry out their other duties. Hermione added the knapsack with her bundle of things to take with her, before returning to pack her bedroom items. She grabbed her gold-plated brush, hair clips, and a hand mirror that was a gift from her parents. She began rifling through her bedside drawer before stopping upon a small bracelet made of leaves and twigs. To and common person, the simple may have looked like a worthless trinket, but to Hermione it meant a lot more.


It was a cool autumn day, and Princess Hermione was in the forest with her parents. She couldn't remember why they were in the forest, but it had something to do with "adult business." While waiting with her parents, she began to grow bored. Listening to her parents talk amongst themselves about "futures that hold many opportunities," wasn't very entertaining. She began to distance herself from them, which they didn't seem to notice.

She looked toward the sky and saw a red bird sitting on a tree branch, looking at her. Hermione stared back at it curiously. The bird continued to stare at her, as if reading into her very mind. All of a sudden, the bird shook its wings and began to take flight. The bird looked so magnificent gliding through the air that Hermione had to follow it. Hermione thought of it as a game, as if the bird were leading her to a secret location known only to herself and the bird. Laughing, Hermione ran through the trees chasing it, but the bird was too fast. Hermione ran and ran, as long as her little five year old legs would carry her. Becoming tired, Hermione knew that the bird had won the race to the secret location.

Clutching her sides, Hermione stopped to catch her breath. While taking deep breaths, she began to look at her surroundings. All she saw was trees, trees, and more trees! As the wave of emotion hit her, Hermione realized she was lost. Feeling more miserable than ever, Hermione began to cry. She was lost in a foreign forest, her parents were far away, and she was bored once again! Thinking about this, she began to cry louder.

Crying and running, Hermione began to run in the direction she thought she came from. The trees started to become thicker, and Hermione panicked.

She tripped over a low lying branch and tumbled to the ground. She pulled herself into a sitting position on the ground. Hair obscuring her vision, Hermione began to pick leaves from her hair. She had just spent an hour getting her hair done, and now it was ruined! Knowing that it was worthless to try and fix it, Hermione pushed all of her hair back, so that she would be able to see. Wiping the remaining tears from her eyes, she inspected the condition of her dress. Relieved, she saw that the most damage to her dress was on the knees. Trying to calm herself, the young princess began brushing the dirt from her dress. When it wouldn't come off, she began to cry again. This was her favorite dress! Then to top things off, she had dirt on her face and her hair was mussed up. She didn't know what more could ruin this day. After a few moments had passed, Hermione heard a noise behind her.

Turning around quickly, the young princess began to grow very afraid. She was lost in the woods, and now there were strange noises!

"Who's there?" Hermione called out.


Hermione jumped at the unexpected response. Now she was very scared. There was a rustle of leaves, and a small raven haired boy emerged from the trees. He began to walk closer to the princess, and there was something in his emerald green eyes that made Hermione feel safe and stop crying.

The young boy stopped a few feet away from the girl and began to take in her disheveled appearance. "What are you on the ground for?" he asked.

"I fell over that stupid branch!" Hermione replied, while pointing at the guilty twig.

"Well, let me help you up." the boy replied, offering his hand.

Hermione accepted it, and stood up. She wiped her cheeks and began to smooth her hair to make herself look presentable, but stopped when she heard the boy laughing.

"What?" Hermione asked, turning red. She already didn't feel pretty as a princess in her current condition, but he didn't have to make it worse.

"It's your hair."

"What exactly does that mean?" Hermione asked, irritated. She could not believe how insulting this stranger could be! If she was back at the castle, she would tell her parents, and they would be sure to punish the boy.

Sensing her frustration, the boy let his manners do the talking for him. "Please excuse me, miss. I didn't mean to insult you, but look; my hair does the same thing too." He began to push his hair down, but it just popped up again. Hermione smiled at his silliness and manners, and the boy returned the smile.

"What's your name?" Hermione asked the playful boy.

"I'm Harry, and you are?" Harry asked.

"Hermione." she replied.

"Her-my-own?" the boy asked.

"No, it's Hermione." Hermione smiled.

"Her-my-own-ninny." Harry replied. He seemed upset that he couldn't say it right, but he decided to move on. "Well, it's nice to meet you Her-my-oh-nine." he said before taking a deep bow.

Hermione was surprised at his action. People only bowed to her when they knew she was a Princess, but she hadn't revealed herself yet. She was impressed, and returned his bow with her deepest curtsey. "The pleasure is all mine."

Hermione stood up straight and began to think rationally. "I need to figure out a way back to my parents."

Harry looked at Hermione and said, "So you're lost too? I got separated from my parents too, and I can't seem to find a way back." Feeling confident to confide in his new friend, Harry admitted, turning slightly pink, "This may seem weird, but I followed a red bird here."

"I did too, but it was too fast and I lost it." Hermione said, disappointed.

"I think it was a phoenix. They're supposed to be really big, cool birds that only show themselves to special kinds of people." Harry explained.

"Really? What kind of people?" Hermione asked, intrigued by this new knowledge.

"I'm sorry, but I don't really remember. My dad was telling me about them, but I forgot what they're called."

"It's okay; we just need to figure a way back to our parents." She was a bit disappointed, but she knew that they needed to get back to their families. Hermione began to walk around in circles to find where she thought she came from.

"Actually, I think we need to stay here. My parents told me that if I ever got lost, I should stay where I am and they will find me."

Hermione thought about it, and decided that the boy was right. She flopped down on the ground, and Harry sat next to her.

A few minutes passed and Hermione decided to break the silence. "I'm bored."

"Bored, when there are many things to see and do?" Harry asked.

"Harry, we're in the middle of nowhere." Hermione pointed out this fact.

"Yes we are, that's what makes it all the better." When Hermione eyed him curiously, Harry continued. "Lie down and you'll understand."

Hermione eyed him like a madman, but he lied down all the same. "If I do, I'll soil my dress."

"Just lie down. Don't you trust me?" he smiled from the ground.

"Oh alright." she laid down stubbornly, but soon began to notice what Harry was talking about. Since the trees were thick and full of leaves, you could look up to where the sun was, without being blinded by the rays. Birds chirping in the distance added to the experience and Hermione was mesmerized. It wasn't before long until Hermione noticed that Harry wasn't lying beside her. She hastily sat up and began looking around. She spotted him sitting on a log with his back to her. Curious, she walked over to him and sat down.

"What's that?" Hermione asked, while pointing at a circular bundle of leaves and twigs.

Finishing the object, he handed it to Hermione. "I made this for you. May I?"

"You may." Hermione replied. She outstretched her hand for Harry to place it on her wrist. It fit perfectly and was beautiful. It had a variety of flowers entwined for decoration that was fit for a princess. Hermione was astonished. Out of all the other jewelry that she owned, nothing compared to this. All of it had been given to her just as a gift, with no special meaning behind it, nothing made by the givers themselves. Hermione always liked homemade gifts the best because they were more special to her than anything.

Harry saw her amazement and was very proud. He liked his new friend and was glad that she was feeling safer now. He still wanted to give her something more. He had just the thing!

Harry was messing with her bracelet again, and curiosity struck her again. "What are you doing?"

"I'm just putting in one of my owl's feathers so you'll remember me."

End Flashback

Hermione smiled as she remembered the day she met Harry. Even when she was scared and frightened, Harry was able to calm her down and provide comfort. Since she was young when the event took place, she couldn't remember much about it. She was glad that the moment of time with Harry stayed with her over the years, though. Yes, she would definitely take it with her.

"Princess Hermione, you're riding lesson is about to begin." While reminiscing about her adventure with Harry, she never heard her horse trainer enter her room.

End Chapter 4

A/N: I hope you liked the flashback in this chapter. I know that even though they are young, they speak properly. Remember, they're royalty and are brought up using proper manners and etiquette. The scene with the goodbyes may have seemed very emotional, but I wrote it like that because I recently left my school to be home-schooled and I had to say bye to all my friends :-( Also, I might be moving soon, so keep checking my profile page for information. Review and let me know what you think/liked. No flames, please!