Disclaimer: Nope, last time I checked, I didn't own Harry Potter.

Summary: AU Harry Potter is a prince from the kingdom of Hogwarts betrothed to the princess of Beauxbatons, Hermione Granger. They both met when they were five, but don't remember much. What will happen when they meet in the woods twelve years later? HarryHermione Please Review!

A/N: This is my first Alternate Universe story, so let me know how it is. Review, Review, Review!


Chapter 1

"But father, I don't want to get married to someone that I don't love." Hermione pleaded. "Mother, can't you help?"

"Harold, I think it's best if I talk to her." Queen Elizabeth Granger said.

"Alright." King Harold Granger said while walking out of his only daughters room.

"Mom, you can't make me marry Prince Harry Potter. I want to marry someone that I love. I don't even know who this prince is. Why can't anyone understand?" Hermione asked while tears spilled from her eyes.

"I do understand." Mrs. Granger said while taking a seat on the edge of daughter's bed.

"How could you understand?" Hermione asked angrily.

"I went through the same thing. I was betrothed to your father. I didn't want to marry him, but there was no way to get out. You see, I had a guy friend that was a stable hand in the castle. I became good friends with him, but my father didn't like it. I still talked to him, but I had to do it by sneaking out at night. Over the years, our friendship grew stronger and we began to fall in love without realizing it. As much as we wanted to be together, we couldn't. I was a princess, and he was not worthy of me, according to my parents. So, I was forced to marry your father." Mrs. Granger said sadly.

"Oh, mom, that's positively awful. I'm so sorry. I never knew. You and father seem so happy." Hermione said while pulling her mom into a tight embrace.

"Are you?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, honey, we're happy and we love each other, we're just not in love. We have grown to respect each other. We couldn't stand one another when we were first wed, but it all worked out. I wish the same didn't have to happen to you. I would give anything to help you." Mrs. Granger said with tears in her own eyes.

"Oh, mom." Hermione sobbed as she hugged her mother tighter.

After a few moments of crying in each others arms, they released each other and wiped the tears from their faces. Mrs. Granger stood up and got ready to exit her daughter's room, when Hermione stopped her.

"Mom, do you ever regret marrying dad?" Hermione asked sadly.

"No, honey. If I hadn't married him, I wouldn't have you." Mrs. Granger said smiling. Hermione thought that she saw a hint of sadness and a look of thoughts far away, but it was gone in a flash. Mrs. Granger silently exited the room and closed the door.

"M'lady, I never knew that was how your parents were wed." Ginny Weasley, Hermione's lady-in-waiting and best friend, said while jumping out of her hiding place behind the (A/N: The thing that you changed behind in the old days. Vanity?).

"Ginny, you almost gave me a heart attack." Hermione said while clutching her chest.

"I'm sorry Ms. Hermione, I was at the other side of your room when I heard you speaking to the Queen. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but to overhear." Ginny said shyly.

"It's quite alright, Ginny." Hermione said to her friend. "Luna, you may come out too." Hermione added when she heard giggling that belonged to the one and only Luna Lovegood.

"Hello, m'lady." Luna, also Hermione's friend, said while coming from behind her hiding spot.

"It's alright Luna. I love my mother, but I don't want to end up like her, married to someone that she doesn't love. I have to get out of this somehow. I think I have a plan." Hermione said with a smile.

End of Chapter 1.