cough Sorry bout the HUGE delay of updating. I know, I know... I totally suck in updating fast but hey! I updated, didn't I? Heh... so Err... Yeah... Please enjoy chapter 3 of 'Detention!'.

Title: Detention


Day Two

If there is God. Hear my prayers and let me outta this class!

I guess they are just myths afterall.

Yuffie groaned and placed her head on her desk. She had never liked History class. Her teacher, Mrs. Shera, likes to preach to the class about how wonderful history is and what had they done for our lives. Sure she is as sweet as Aerith, but it's just her love for history. It's enough to drive a person mad.

It's a miracle she's still sane. All those history thingy is NOT good for my brain.

The bell had rang signaling that it was recess. Yuffie quickly snatched up her belongings and walked out of class.


Yuffie looked up and tilt her head slightly when her name is called. There stood Elena and her boyfriend, Reno, right in front of Yuffie's locker. "Hey Elena" she grinned. "Oh. No 'hello' to me?" Reno fake hurt. Yuffie rolled her eyes, "You'll live" she said. Elena giggled as Reno pouted.

"Let's go recess together" Elena chirped.

"Are you sure?" Yuffie raised a perfectly shaped brow.

"Why not?" Elena frowned.

"I don't see why not. Just don't do anything that'll scar me for life" Yuffie said.

Elena rolled her eyes.

The trio were sitting at a table in the cafeteria. Yuffie was staring at the scowling couple for a good 10 minutes now, "Are you sure about this?" she asked. Elena was busy muttering to herself so Reno replied, "It's not like we have a choice"

"Tifa really has taste" Yuffie commented. "Says her we're the perfect candidate for the school play" Elena managed to say through her strings of undefined words. Yuffie pat her on the back, "Come on. It couldn't be THAT bad is it?" she tried to comfort the frustrated blonde.

"Let's give it a try" Yuffie said.

Audition/Play practice. Take one

Elena: In a nervous voice What are you trying to tell me?

Reno: I'm trying to tell you that your son is dead. I'm sorry.

Elena: Huge gasp There must be some kind of mistake!

Reno: Wait a minute. Time-out, Elena. What was that?

Elena: Miffed What was what?

Reno: 'Some kind of mistake'. That's the wrong word to emphasize.

Elena: Well. It's my audition.

Yuffie: Well you both totally suck.

Elena and Reno: Excuse us for trying.

Reno: Let's try it again. Clears throat I'm trying to tell you that your son is dead. I'm sorry.

Elena: There must be some kind of mistake!

Yuffie: Ahahaha!

Elena: What now?

Reno: Days of Our Lives ask for an audition tape?

Elena: Cross her arms over her chest Fine. How would you do it?

Reno: Stricken There must be some kind of mistake!

Elena: Blah, blah, bland. Here, how about this? There must be some kind of mistake!

Yuffie: Whoa. Reno is a better actor than you, El.

Elena: Shut it.

Reno: Nope.

Elena: There must be--

Reno: Nope.

Elena: There must be some kind of--

Yuffie: There must be some kind of way to make you guys shut up.

Reno: There must be--

Elena: There must be--

Reno: There must be some--

Audition practice ends. Bell rings

Yuffie: There is a God!

Reno and Elena scowled at Yuffie. Yuffie laughed and quickly made her way to her next class, "Good luck. You guys will need it" she said and quickly run for it before Elena karate-chop her.

She groaned as she arrived her next class, Gym. It's not like she hated it. It's probably her favourite class ever, next to English. Let's just say she's just too tired to deal with getting sweaty and of course, her teachers constant swearing. Yup. You guessed it. Her Gym teacher is...

"10 laps around the field! Now get your puny ass out there and run or I'll stuck my spear up yer ass!" Cid Highwind, her Gym teacher, hollered at the groaning students.

Yuffie rolled her eyes but obliged anyway. And so, she with the rest of the class got their ass on the field and started running before the teacher stuck his oh-so-long spear up their ass. Which of course, won't happen.

10 laps are like child's play...

Yuffie grinned at the thought and started running. She looked back for a while and sweatdropped. She was a good 1 lap from the other students and some of the students are wheezing like a stranded fish on shore. She concentrated her attention back on her track.

... Well... at least for me, that is.

Few minutes later she had finished her laps with the newest record.

"Damnit, Yuffie. Where did ya learn to fuckin' run like that? 10 minutes top" he erm... kind of complimented. Yuffie flashed her toothy grin at him tiredly. Although she had to admit. This time she was a little off. Normally she can run 20 laps and not the least that tired. Not like now anyway.

What a day...

The bell rang and school's over! Huzzah! Yuffie wanted nothing more than to just go home and plop down on her fluffy bed to sleep.

Stupid detention. Always there when I DON'T need 'em.

And so, as fate would have it. She changed back into her uniform and dragged herself into detention.

Detention Room

The door swung open to reveal a REALLY tired Yuffie with her head hung down and her shoulders slump. Vincent raised a brow at her appearance but made no effort to ask why, 'It's not my problem anyway' he thought.

He watched as Yuffie slowly dragged herself to a random table and practically dropped herself onto the chair. Vincent blinked as he heard Yuffie mutter something REALLY fast for him to decipher, 'Amusing... really' he thought. At this point, Yuffie started to acknowledge his presence.

"Oh hi. When did you came in?" Yuffie waved her hand casually. Vincent coughed a bit.

"Mr. Valentine" he corrected. "And I came earlier than you did" he continued.

"You did?" Yuffie chose to ignore the correction.

'This conversation is going nowhere' Vincent thought and resume to his book that he was so engrossed in before Yuffie arrived. Yuffie stared at the book in his possession with mild interest, "What are you reading?" she asked. Vincent wanted to just ignore her but found it hard since Yuffie was staring, and i mean REALLY staring at him endlessly.

"Nothing that would interest you, I'd say" he replied, his eyes not leaving the book.

"How would you know?" Yuffie asked.

"..." Vincent chose not to reply.

Yuffie scowled. Then an imaginary bulb lit up above her head.

Fine. If he's not telling me. I'll find out myself.

Yuffie walked towards him and stood behind him. Since he's sitting. It made is easier for her to peek through his oh-so-broad shoulder. So she did. She purposely place her head on his shoulder and lean her head towards his. He didn't look surprised.

"What? Historical events?" Yuffie frowned. She took the book out of Vincent's grasp, "Death to you, evil book!" she muttered and flung the book around.

Vincent twitched. He's gonna have a hard time explaining that to the librarian, 'What am I going to say? A slightly retarded student in my detention had flung the book around because she hates history?' he thought sarcastically.

"Ms. Kisaragi. Please return me the book" he ordered. Although he had to admit. She had enough wits to snatch the book away, literally, from him. He's known to be the most intimate teacher in the school, except Cloud Striffe. He's not blind nor deaf.

Yuffie made a face, "Fine" she handed the, now dent, book back to him. She smiled sheepishly, "Guess I flung it too hard" she said. Vincent inwardly rolled his eyes, 'Ya think?' he thought. 'I'm not gonna survive this week...' he thought dramatically.

Yuffie walked back to her seat and yawned, rather loudly for a girl.

"Ya don't mind if I sleep for the rest of the detention?" Yuffie murmured. Without waiting for an answer, she had already dropped her head on her folded arms on the table. And drift to sleep. Vincent just stared as Yuffie slept soundly.

He eyed the book at the corner of his ruby eyes and sighed. He ignored the book later on and instead, he studied Yuffie out of boredom.

This girl was interesting, somehow. She wasn't the least intimidated by his cold demeanor and instead, she was acting like she was fond of him. Exception of his fan students. They were just too content of his appearance to even think of his personality. As for Yuffie, what drove her to be so, he will never find out. Or rather not find out.

Vincent's trail of thoughts stopped as Yuffie groaned and mutter something about chocolate and shurikens. He'd rather not know.

He stared at her sleeping face. She was really different from when she was awake. She's more calmed and... normal when she was asleep. Who would be that hyper without caffeine or sugar anyway? Oh well. Anyhow... 'She is rather attractive. Nix her odd behavior' Vincent thought out of the blue.

See no evil, hear no evil, and therefore speak no evil. Death to EVIL!!

'I need coffee' he thought suddenly and massaged the bridge of his nose. He glanced at the clock, '2 hours had already passed?' he thought, surprised. He looked at the still sleeping Yuffie on the desk, 'I would really rather leave here at peace. But my job says otherwise' he thought and so. He went to wake her up.

"Ms. Kisaragi" he called. And this time, he's not gonna let her ruffle his hair anymore.

"...chocolates... shurikens..." Yuffie murmured in her sleep. Vincent blinked, "Detention is over" he said, his tone higher than just now. Yuffie grunted and faced the other side.

Vincent twitched, "Wake up!" he said rather loudly. Well. Enough to wake her up.

"Wha-- what? I'm up, I'm up!" Yuffie immediately rose from her deep beauty sleep. She looked groggily at her teacher and blinked. In attempt to ease her drowsiness.

Vincent pointed to the clock. Yuffie got the hint and quickly gather her stuff, "Thanks" she muttered before leaving the classroom. Probably in rush to go to bed early.

"Teens these days" he sighed.


Done... Oh I'm putting my other fanfic 'This is SO Wrong' on Hiatus.