
A/N: Hey everyone, yes I know it's a little late in adding another chapter but I had to. I'm sure everyone was curious about the whole Atobe thing. Since it was only mention briefly, some had concerns and wished for an expansion on that. So here it is!

PS: This scene is before Fuji found out. I think… Anyways read on…

If you're still interested ENJOY! If not that's okay too.

Missing Scene: The Atobe Party

Ryoma was surprised one Saturday evening when she came home to find a nice black party dress on her bed. Her girlish side had taken over for a moment and examined the piece of clothing. It was a nice, simple spaghetti top dress that seemed, if she put it on, to reach her knees. It wasn't glittery but it had a strip of silk under the chest area while the bottom half just flowed to her knees. At least it was simple if anyone thought of putting that on her. Sighing and hoping it was just a joke with Ryoga, she put her bag down and plopped on the bed making sure to not land on the dress no matter how much she wanted to.

She could help but think what else was gonna go wrong today. No one was home, which meant either her mother was at work or shopping with Nanako and Ryoga and her oyaji went with them. Otherwise they're all doing something else. It was summer break with nothing to do. Perhaps she could play with Karupin. Looking around she found Karupin sleeping on the couch in the living room. Ryoma decided to carefully sit next to her sleeping cat. She decided to just sit there and think.

There was really nothing to think about except probably why her parents thought of this crazy idea of making her dress like a boy. She sighed. Oh well, it was fun anyway, most of the competition was with the boys team. It was fun she had to admit even if Seigaku had a bunch of weirdoes.

Well since it was an off day might as well go out as a girl. It's not as if any of the regulars would recognize her. She changed clothes that consisted of dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt. She decided to leave her hair down today. She packed some necessities in her black purse. It was something her mother gave her just in case she had other things to carry. She then gave a few more pets to Karupin and then left the house. She glanced around the outside of the gate in case her teammates decide to stop by unexpectedly. Luckily they weren't. She then took the path into town maybe she could get some ice cream along with a few things.

Before she could get very far, she spotted her mother and Nanako walking towards her. They were chatting but they seemed to have noticed her since they glanced in her direction. They both waved at her, not really surprised how she was dressed. Now Ryoma knew that she had to wait for them. Since they're probably going to do something torturous, or what she considers, to her then they might as well make the distance and make it as short as possible. She knew something was up since both her mother and Nanako were smirking.

"Mother, Nanako-san," she greeted them.

"Ryoma, you made it in time. Look at these nice shoes we bought you to match that dress for tonight," Rinko stated holding up a pair of black high-heeled shoes that had straps. Ryoma had to agree with her and was grateful that it wasn't strapless. Now, she wondered what party again?


"Smile Chibi-suke!" came Ryoga's voice holding up a camera. He was taking pictures because it was a rare moment that Ryoma would wear a dress. She grumbled a few curses as most of those pictures were her in this dress. Ryoma decided to stay close to her mother. It was a safe choice. She found her mother talking to two people. There was someone else but she couldn't see who. Anyways, she decided to walk up there. Rinko saw her approaching and smiled.

"Ah, Ryoma, I'd like you to meet someone. This is my sister and her husband. This is your aunt Megumi and Uncle Ryu. You guys this is my daughter Ryoma." Rinko said introducing them. Ryu gave her a nod in acceptance, which she returned before she heard a squeal and was being glomped.

"Imouto, she's so cute! I wish I had such a nice looking daughter. Ryoma-chan I'd like you to meet your cousin. Keigo," Megumi said gesturing to the person behind her. Of course Ryoma recognized him on the spot, but he didn't. He just looked at her questioningly.

"You seem familiar, have we met?" Keigo asked. Ryoma growled. It would be out in the open sooner or later when mother would mention their last name.

"Monkey King," she said bluntly. Of course Keigo just looked at her in disbelief.

"How dare you call Ore-sama that atrocious name. Where have you heard that from?" he retaliated.

"Keigo," his mother scolded him.

"You're still a stupid monkey." Ryoma said back.

"Ryoma!" Rinko stated in surprise. "That's no way to treat your cousin who you've just met."

"That's the point. We haven't just met. Did you ever mention our family name yet?" Ryoma asked her calmly. Before Rinko could answer, Nanjirou came up to her side.

"Hello everyone. I see bishojo is giving you a hard time." He said a little tipsy.

"Echizen Nanjirou! You will behave yourself this instant!" Rinko scolded him. "I'm sorry for this my family doesn't get along very well and need to be disciplined." She said apologizing.

"Don't worry about it imouto, I didn't know you were actually married to the former pro Echizen Nanjirou." Megumi said in awe. Rinko sighed.

"He's not all that really. Try living with him."

"Wait a minute… Did you say Echizen?" Keigo asked in disbelief. "As in Echizen Ryoma of the seigaku regulars?"

Of course this had gotten Rinko and Nanjirou to panic. They didn't really keep track of Ryoma's tournaments. If there was an off chance that maybe…

"Bingo. Monkey King." Ryoma said.

"But… you're a boy!"

"As you can see Monkey King, I'm 100 percent female. Just make sure you don't go spreading this to anyone outside your band of monkeys. Especially your squealers." She turned to her aunt and uncle, giving them a slight bow. "Auntie, Uncle. It's nice to finally meet mother's side of the family." She then walked off to find Ryoga and see if she could bribe him to get her out of there. She didn't want to deal with Atobe's group of friends. Of all the people in the world… How could it have been…


A/N: I decided to write this since I've been meaning to. And here it is. OF course I know it's so short so I decided to add another little tidbit. It's also short but I can't help it.


"Saa… what's this picture Rinko-san?"

"Ah, that was when we had to go to my older sister's party. Since it was a formal party we had to dress Ryoma-chan up. Of course I didn't know that my nephew was part of the Hyoutei tennis team, of course I didn't know it but at least Ryoma-chan knew someone else. How did you find out that Ryoma-chan was a girl, Fuji-kun?" Rinko asked, her eyes suspicious.
