Sakura Haruno always prided herself with her extensive chakra control. However that was the only thing she was good at. She had nothing, not strength, any extreme smarts, just weak and average. Due to this, she always, always got in the way during missions. More than once Sasuke or Naruto even Kakashi had to save her from being either potentially killed or being left behind. Despite having the infamous Kakashi Hatake training her, Sakura was a liability to their team. Her strongest ability was a clone.

Knowing this, Sakura kept forgoing training, forgoing to become stronger; she merely kept trying to get the sole Uchiha heir to go on a date with her. Yet each and every time, Sasuke shut her down in the most cruest and harshest manner possible. It left her crying and in emotion distress.

Yet again, she would never took a hint. Kakashi worked Naruto and Sasuke to the point of passing out, though Sakura sat in a tree as they trained. After they were done, the girl would approach Sasuke.

"Sasuke?" Sakura began sweetly.

"No Haruno. Just stop already. I'm never going to give you a chance. For once in your life, train, I'm tired of saving you. You're useless, Sakura. You should just quit being a shinobi." The boy saud before leaving the clearing.

Sakura could faintly hear Naruto yelling at Sasuke. There was a slur of curse words and name calling while the blonde demanded the heir apologize to Sakura. Her hair fell over her eyes as a single tear fell down her cheek. That realization hit her harder than ever, mainly because it was all true. After giving a soft goodbye to Naruto, Sakura made her way home.

'Sasuke's right though, I am useless. They risk their lives for me, even getting seriously hurt. I'm not a shinobi, but rather a weak, coward. I want to impress them and my parents. No not impress, but rather prove to them I can do it.' Looking up, Sakura's emerald eyes flashed a dark grey before going back to green. As she walked, she made a mental list of what she would need to get and items she will need to start her training.

However, little did she know, she altered her own fate from being a Sasuke-follower, to one of an accomplished ninja. She was now following her family's heritage and her future.

(Changing to become Stronger)

"Will you just shut up, you bastard?" Naruto yelled.

"Why don't you?" Sasuke retorted childishly.

The two glared at each other. Sakura felt her annoyance level grow. Every day it was the same thing, bicker, fight, bicker more. She was getting tired of it.

Two weeks had passed since the last rejection and in those two weeks Sakura had made some progress. Though she was tired, her body ached from lack of sleep, but it was totally worth it. Now she could effective have more than one clone out for more than five moments.

"Will the both of you just shut up? Either that or go the hell away!" The two males turned and stared at the girl in shock.

They were used to her yelling at them, but not cursing. What surprised Sasuke more was that she was directing her irritation to him the most. It was news to him, since the last time he had looked; she was madly in love with him.

All attention was drown to the center of clearing were Kakashi appeared. Sensing the tension, the teacher turned to his female pupil to see her glaring right at him. Something in her eyes confirmed his suspicion that his team was no longer going to be as it used to be. Smiling underneath his mask, he was surprised to see how rapidly it had started to happen.

"Well don't stop in my part." Kakashi said jestingly.

"Why can't you ever be early, sensei?" Naruto grumbled out.

"This particular time I have a good excuse. The lady Hokage needed to see me."

"Yea, right, whatever you say. Sakura! Let's spar!" Naruto said as he spun to look at the tired female.

"Sorry Naruto, I'm leaving in a bit. Maybe next time?" Sakura said softly.

"Aww, please, pretty please?" The blonde begged while bouncing on his feet.

Sakura merely shook her head. She looked away from team, ignoring them all. Sasuke rolled his eyes at the cheap excuse. Still as useless as always.

With that said, Sasuke and Naruto began to spar. Sakura continued to relax on her rock. She was going back to her grove to train and meditate for a few hours. Quietly leaving, she took to the trees to get to her spot.

Once at her area, the pinkette quietly made a clone of her; Sakura traded basic taijutsu with the clone. As she dodged a kick to her side, Sakura ducked and placed a well-aimed punch to the clone's stomach. It disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Scoffing, Sakura cracked her knuckles. Even though it was good she killed her clone, in less than ten minutes, this wasn't cutting it. It wasn't like actually fighting a person. She needed a real person in order to see how much she has advanced. Calling it quits with training, Sakura sat against a tree and focused on her core. There she found the center of her chakra and began to focus on uncoiling the tension she had. It was a basic exercise to see ones limits and strengthen the chakra limit. Feeling the air get cooler, the girl knew she needed to head home for the night.

Morning came as Sakura woke up. She started her basic routine of changing and brushing her teeth. Looking up into the mirror, her normal emerald eyes were now a mix of blue, green and yellow. A loud, harsh scream erupted from her lungs.

A/n: Well here I go again editing this story again. Here's to hopefully a better story and a lot more fixing of grammar/spelling mistakes.