Author: Feyarcher

Title: Fulcra

Warnings: PG-13 for language.

Pairings: none for now (haven't decided who yet)

Summary: Fulcrum; pivot- the pint or support about which a lever turns. Prop-something that supports something else revolving about it or depending on it.

Disclaimer: I do not own the aforementioned literary works "the Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis and "the Lord of the Rings" by JRR Tolkien.

A joke, a simple comment that displayed her mothers idiosyncrasies, avalanched into accusation and her mother's need to control all things, including her daughter. Recognizing this immediately she decided to remove herself from her mothers presence. Which her mother hated all the more. Because her opinion would not be heard and acknowledged, she went out of control.

Slamming the door to her room and throwing herself on the bed she wondered why she allowed herself to be so derided. Then she remembered, it was self inflicted, she had little financial assistance and she needed a place to stay. She was almost finished college but still lived at home as the school was close. Also some part of her hoped her mother might change.

The sound of her mothers screeching voice was as maddening as the poisonous words were cutting. A fast and furious pounding to her door made her realize her mistake. She hadn't locked it. It slammed open and though she wasn't physically afraid of her mother as like in the past, she knew from numerous battles the next confrontation would be just a painful as real blows.

The next few moments she could later only recall vaguely. The outcome of which was heartrending to her because she had finally snapped, and the acquiescence she had displayed most of the time boiled away to a white hot furry, and a clear decision to leave. She felt light and burdened at the same time. As she crossed the threshold of the place she had just existed she wished things could have been different. She wished she had known real love be it family or in a relationship.

Walking to her car on that cool autumn night, she stopped out of range of the street light and looked at the stars encompassing the sky. A soft breeze pulled her from her study and with a tired gait she reached her car and threw her backpack in the back and sank into the drivers seat. Turning the ignition she took a shaky breath and drove away.

She hadn't done anything wrong. She was very collected considering, and was paying attention to the road. Out in the unknown Someone had felt her wish that night and decided a chance to know what she had always desired would be granted. A large white buck bounded along side her car then danced in front of it. She slammed the brakes, turned her wheel away had a flash of fast approaching trees before all went black.

She felt odd. Keeping her eyes closed she took stock of her body. Her body ached and tingled as if a fever had set in. A wave of fatigue overwhelmed her and she decided the pull of sleep wasn't so bad. But, a pause of breath and her eyes shot open. Jerking to a kneeling position she froze at the unbelievable sight. Before her lowered head lay two paws adorned with wickedly sharp talons.

"What have I become?", she thought in alarm. Slowly swiveling her head, on what she realized to be a long neck; she gazed upon the rest of her body. A sound of disbelief came form her as she took in the sight. She had wings! A tail too! The wings had the look of a bat's but were overlaid with cream and tan patterned feathers. The tail which was twitching madly, had a tuft of thick and long flowing hair. If she had been in her real form she knew she would have fainted. Instead she froze and her mind went blank.

The sound of a bird calling drew her out of her trance. Again she examined her body. Getting up and twisting her body this way and that. Then sitting on her haunches she lifted a paw and careful of her talons touched her brow and petted down to the tip of, what appeared to be; her muzzle. A thought she had refused to dwell on more than a second before, came again unbidden.

"I am some kind of Dragon!", she screeched in unconcealed horror.

She paused again. She heard her words clearly, but she also heard an accompanying melodious and fearful sound, almost like a piece an electric guitar would play. She didn't want to think about it. Studying the forest glen she was in she picked a direction and moved into the forest. She concentrated on her gait so she wouldn't fall over, and walked.

Though she didn't want to, she began to ask herself how this impossible situation came upon her. "Did I die? Is this a second life? Surely this in a dream?" she thought. But never before had her dreams offered such a continuous theme, good or bad. And she felt the logical thinking that comes with being alert and awake. She halted in mid stride.

"I am like Edward in "the Chronicles of Narnia," she said, and like the last time an undulation of musical tones accompanied her words. For the moment she disregarded it and trying desperately to remember the books, she recalled rings an a forest with portals to other dimensions. Resuming her walk down what she noticed was a mountain, she wondered if the literary works could be a dimension in of itself. Later she would find how wrong and right she was.

"I need to find someone to help me." was her thought, immediately followed by, "Who the hell is going to help a bloody dragon? Am I to be hunted and slayed if I attempt to talk to someone, or some...being.

"What if there isn't anyone else in this, place." she thought. She decided she knew on thing: she was totally out of her depth and should expect anything and nothing.

She looked around nervously, realizing being cautious would be a good idea. A lone crow gave mighty, "caw"s at her from atop a large oak some yards away, but when she turned her head up and fixed her gaze upon it, the bird shut up.

"My eyesight is..." she whispered and didn't finish as she got caught in studying the birds shinning feathers then its eyes. That of which spooked the bird completely and it jumped from its perch and flapped away furiously, with a panicked "Caw!" To be answered by much more sedate and inquiring calls down the valley.