Thanks for the reviews! As promised, here's my version of the ending.

She was relieved to have reached the door of the Head Dormitory unfollowed. She muttered the password and swung the portrait to allow herself in.



Hermione was gaping at the anger- flushed blond boy standing in the middle of the common room, both hands balled to fists at his sides. She'd never seen him this angry before.

Much as she feared the wrath of the Head Boy, she maintained her composure and calm. Hell, she's not Hermione Granger for nothing!

She strode to the nearest seat and plonked herself there. "How did you get here before me? Surely you didn't Apparate."

Draco seemed more incensed by the cool and calm façade the Head Girl is wearing amidst the pulsating anger emanating from him.

I'll kill this bitch. He thought with clenched jaws. Then marry her afterwards.

His mouth twitched at the last thought. Maybe not in that order.

"Secret passages, Granger."

Hermione harrumphed at this. "Right. Had a nice birthday?"

Draco scowled. "Wonderful. I had my girlfriend give me a lap dance as a gift."

Hermione bit her lip. She still has not gotten used to her 'relationship' with the Head Boy and can still feel herself flinch whenever he refers to her as his 'girlfriend'.

It was all an accident, in which she does not wish to delve on the details. Blast it all, she came back to Hogwarts as Head Girl and Draco Malfoy's girlfriend. Period.

Period. Period.

And none of the entire Hogwarts populace knew of it.

She fidgeted in her seat, not daring to look at him in the eye. "Well…did you…er…I mean…was it …uh …okay?"

Draco paced to where she sat, arms crossed against his chest, trying to look intimidating. One of the things he loved about this hard- headed know- it- all is the fact that he can make her uncomfortable. But she would rather feed herself to a skrewt than admit it.

"I loved it. I'm sure you know that." He leered at her meaningfully. "I'm just wondering what were you thinking, dancing half- naked in front of other people and ending it with a kiss. What happened with our 'big secret' and to the Head Girl's 'modesty'?"

That stung. "What if I don't want to keep it a secret anymore? And what if 'modest, decent and boring' Hermione Granger wanted to be sensual with her boyfriend for once?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?"

She stood up to level with his eyes. "Yes, I'm Draco Malfoy's girlfriend! I could be the envy of the females students here! But it must not come out, lest my friends found out I did something that may be treacherous for them. So I asked to keep this relationship a secret. In order to avoid hurting my friends, I had to endure watching girls of various shapes and sizes flirt with you, see them resort to the worst forms of whoring themselves in order to get your attention. A lot of them are more beautiful, more passionate and more…" She couldn't finish her sentence.

"I'm just plain, boring, rule- abiding, goody-two-shoes Head Girl who's to scared to be affectionate and physical with you as it may give you a reason to compare me with your past flings."

She's trying to blink back the tears now. "Tonight, I mustered enough courage to do that not to indulge Zabini's dare but to prove to you, for once, that I can be sensual and sexy too. That I can compete with the other girls. That I'm not afraid anymore."

Draco took hold of her shoulders. "Is this what it's all about? Getting cozy with me?" His voice was laced with anger and hurt. "Have I ever forced you to it? Am I that sleazy?"

She was speechless. "I am not in this for sex alone (though that is not a bad idea. He thought secretly). I'm not going to force you to the next level if you're not ready. I'm willing to wait," Draco ended.

It took Hermione a few moments to respond with a snort. "That could've been believable, had I not seen you sniffing my knickers when I caught you in my room the last time".

Draco paled. Oh, what the hell. Hermione wound her arms around his waist and looked up to him. "I'm not afraid anymore, Draco. I'm ready now," she breathed huskily.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." She was nipping at his ear now. She felt him shiver in anticipation. She looked up at him innocently. "Well?"

"Hell, no one can shake their ass and snog me senseless like you!" Draco roared with amusement.

He took the laughing Hermione in his arms and carried her to his room.


"You think the plan worked?" Blaise asked.

"The hell it did! Did you see the look on Malfoy's face?" Ginny screeched as she settled herself in the settee, in Harry's arms.

Ron fingered his goblet nervously. "I hope Malfoy goes easy on her. Hermione's a virgin, you know."

Harry laughed. "I hope Hermione goes easy on Malfoy. He might find himself paraplegic when she's through with him."

The four of them laughed as their glasses clinked.


A/N Ok, nothing too grand nor really funny. Just the kind of ending I liked.