The slaughter was almost unbearable. Classmates, family, aquaintences, friends, strewn over the land like cheap fertiliser. Harry was monsterously carving his way through death eaters, with such an angry bright spark burning holes in his eyes. Fuelled by nothing but anger, he charged forward, taking out every death eater he saw.

The ministry had set up a system, unforgiveable curses were exactly that, completely unforgiveable to everyone with scruples. For everyone fighting to save the wizarding world from Voldemort, The Death Eaters, and in general the massive spectrum that was the dark arts, morals and ethics were the only thing that kept them apart from the others. Justice would prevail, and justice has a habit of serving the punishment duely, but only if you were inclined to play fair.

There were Fighters, the fearless, brave and noble, who stunned the evil ones to within an inch of their life, but never further. Then there were Collectors, nimble hex-dodgers, who often had seconds to incarcerate Death Eaters, before being targetted themselves. The unconscious malice-riddled forms were apparated, where another team of snivelling cowardly ministry officials would adminstrate veritaserum to gain information. Sending them almost immediately to recieve the dementors kiss. Few dementors (not known for their high wit) were easily herded into the ministry's secret battle headquarters to work against the dark arts, and that was how some of the most powerful dark wizards were reduced to a useless, dribbling, mess.

The FIghters charged, and definitely had the other hand, the ministry's very quick justice process was under strain but coping well. Collectors hurried after them, as a secondary defense unit, hexing more death eaters, and harvesting the injured and unconscious ones.

There was no surprise that Harry, Hermione and Ron were Fighters, (though Hermione disliked the term) they proved the most formidable apponents to the dark arts, and fought better than any other. Ginny had joined on them on the proverbial frontline, much to the trio's dismay. They wished she had volunteered to be a Collector, but they all secretly knew she had more passion within her to fight than most of them combined.

"Ginny! Duck!" Harry shouted above the cacophony of the battle, he had spotted an errant blue hex flying towards her head. She obeyed, ducked and dived into a roll to take out another Death Eater.

"Thanks" she shouted back, courtesy not escaping her in times of battle. Hermione ducked behind a tree and dodged several more hexes, running to fight nearer her friends.

"Everyone ok?" she shouted abruptly, taking out two death eaters calmly with a flick of the wand as Collectors scurried forwards to retrieve and clear the battle field. This amplified the horror of the scene as every single corpse or cripple or body, was a loss of their own, lovers and friends to every one.

"Fine" Harry shouted, not turning round as to deplenish his adrenalin, and lose his sense his awareness.

"Help to the left!" Ginny shouted, as around ten Death Eaters were charging her way, they were quickly taken down with the combined power of both of them.

"Anybody seen Ron?" Hermione screamed out over the noise.

"No" they shouted in unison taking down more Death Eaters.

"Bloody Hell!" they heard in the distance, and all smiled inwardly and breathed a sigh of relief to know he's still alive.

"Ron get 'ere" Harry shouted, and the familiar red-head bounded over the damp soil to fight along side them.

"You alright Gin?" he said out of concern, "You lot n'all" he grunted, again not forgetting manners in battle.

"Fine" they all sighed in return. The numbers of the Death Eaters were dwindling, and they seemingly started to disapparate off the battle field of Hogwarts front lawn.

"'ere I think we're winning" Ron grinned, and with a crack all of the Death Eaters were gone. "Spoke too soon" he gulped. They all glared at him.

"What's going on? Ginny questioned.

"I don't know" Harry said befuddled.

"Beats me" Ron agreed. Hermione was in quiet thought for a while.

"They're regrouping. They've signalled eachother some how, and they'll come back. I suppose good news is they'll be less of them, but I suppose they're going to be more determined, more tactical." she sighed. Harry turned to address everyone else fighting, hundreds of people looking for his leadership.

"Right, let's use this time wisely, check and heal the injured, and move the dead, they're getting in the way" he said with a hint of a tear in his eye. He had not intended to be heartless, but he knew from Sirius and Dumbledore, that there was no magic powerful enough to bring back the dead, and with time he had given up all hope. "It's not over. Far from it, so be ready for anything, and good luck everyone" he smiled. With that he left his friends and ran to tend to the sick.

"Hermione, with me. Now." Ginny shouted, and dragged her to tend to some members of the DA she couldn't remember the names of. Thankfully still breathing, Hermione and Ginny helped heal them.

"Are you ok?" Hermione said in an expression of deep concern.

"Hermione I have something to say to you" Ginny swallowed hard, levitating the girls injured arm into the air to heal it better. "I'm sorry, but if neither of us didn't get out alive, I want you to know this" Though she wasn't really scared by the battle it took all of her courage to power the words out of her mouth. "I'm in love with you. I love you." she repeated herself. "I think you're amazing, ethical, beautiful, so so intelligent. and I love you" she stated seeming to affirm herself. Whilst Hermione looked on bafffled, Ginny pulled Hermione into a passionate kiss, she could taste blood and tears in the form of metallic brine, but neither of them cared. Hermione was almost crying when Ginny withdrew. "I'm sorry" she said. There was a moment of silence, broken only by the young girl infront of them stirring back to consciousness and reaching for her wand.

Harry was shouting Ginny loudly from accross the field.

"Ginny. Look. Not now. You can't put this on me now. You just can't it's not fair. It's not right" Hermione sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head. Ginny stared at her, tears welling up in her eyes as Harry's shouting grew to a crescendo. "Will you just bloody go" Hermione gestured to Harry's direction as she turned her back on Ginny to tend to someone else. While Hermione absent mindedly healed some other anonymous third years, her mind on the revelation of Ginny, that she knew she couldn't think about now, as much as she would have loved to sprint accross the lawn and kiss her again, regardless of how she actually felt.

Ginny ran to find Harry as he lay next to a stationary red-headed corpse.

"No" she muttered. "No", she kept repeating.

"I'm sorry it was no use. I, I've tried everything, it must have been an avada..." he trailed off. Percy lay dead on the floor at Harry's feet.

"I loved you. I promise" she cried, sighing that it was too late to reconcile with her brother's ways. Ron was rapidly approaching. At first he didn't appaear to be registering any emotion, then he looked angry. He was a bitter cocktail of love and hate towards Percy, and it was evident in the pain on his face. He was torn visibly, his eyebrows arched in concern and sadness, and his lip quivering, but a steely resolve of how Percy betrayed them shone in his eyes, though they glistened with tears. Ron said nothing more, he stared at Ginny, then glanced at Harry for a while, who looked and felt every inch apologetic.

There was a loud crack as a few hundred Death Eaters appeared on the edge of the lawn marching relentlessly towards them, lead unmistakeably by the reptilian form of Voldemort and shining white hair of Lucius Malfoy by his side.

"They're back." Harry stated, there was a collective feeling of stomachs dropping to people's feet, and hearts rising in people's chests. They had all assembled in a row, ready for a clash of epic proportions. Harry could feel bile rising inside him. "Leave him to me" he said.

"But.." a well meaning objector interjected

"LEAVE HIM TO ME" Harry insisted with terrifying force. Within minutes, Voldemort was dead, some unforgiveable curses, in some cases, are extremely forgiveable. It unnerved Harry to see his nemesis so weak and so willing to die, granted he fought for his life, but Harry suspected his heart (What a curious notion) was not in it. And with one curse that everyone shuddered at the sound of he was dead. Lucius was next, in a fit of cursing Harry had killed him. This bothered Harry greatly, he could have spared his life, sent him to a fate worse than death, but a primal urge within him and begged him to kill. Harry thought he was no better than Lucius now as they would both kill just because they thought one another were right. The remaining Death Eaters were cleared up like road kill, but the death toll to the fairer side was immense, many of their friends were killed, some vapourised beyond belief. Hermione cried on her knees when she heard the knews, she should have told her when she had the chance. Ginny Weasley's body was never found.