Title: Untitle (for now)
Author: Dana-chan (blackharu2)
Pairing: ShinoKiba, requested others may be put in
Warnings: SLASH (boyXboy love), others may pop up later
Notes: Well... This is a fanfiction on the timeline in between "YOUR EYES ARE BEAUTIFUL" and "HIGH COLLAR". The latter being the overall SEquel, while the former is the PREquel.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sorry to disappoint you.
DEDICATION: This fanfiction is COMPLETELY dedicated to DarkHaze627 ( http/ www . fanfiction . net / u / 1059799 / ). She requested that this fanfiction be made, and because she is my FIRST requester, I am DEDICATING the ENTIRE story to her. :) Unless other people request a certain scene or pairing, then that would be DEDICATED to them. Which I will do to anyone who requests. :hinthint:
. . : U N T I T L E D . ( F O R . N O W ): . .
. . : K I B A ' S . R E A L I Z A T I O N : . .
Kiba had been in his own world more often than not; thinking of that day. It had only happened a few days ago, but it was as if that entire period of time was forgetton by both teens. Of course it wasn't though, seeing as Kiba continued to muse on it (almost non-stop as well). He didn't know why the scene was stuck in his head, as nothing unusual really happened. So he complimented the guy's eyes! So what? It wasn't like that sort of thing never happened, or what not. But still, the thoughts just kept coming.
The main thing was that he didn't know what to think of Shino anymore. A decade or so before they barely even knew each other. Hell, they probably never even spared the other a glance! Years ago they were created teammates and forced to work together. During that amount of time, they seemed to become closer, as did the whole team. But, really, after spending so much time with the same three people, they were bound to become such a tight-knit group. But Shino seemed to try and back out of that. It was hard to describe, or so Kiba thought; however, he just had a feeling that the bug shinobi wasn't as "in tune" with the rest of them. It was a sort of confusing thought, but Kiba knew what he felt about that matter, whether or not it was really the truth. Besides, as the weeks progressed he seemed to get more open with them, which was good. And weeks prior to today, Shino and Kiba were close friends. Not best friends, as Kiba could barely have an interesting (in his mind) conversation with the guy, but friends nonetheless. But now, they just seemed so off-course.
It was as if their friendship was shaky now, instead of rock-hard like it used to be. Still, they were great friends and it was as if nothing of that day ever happened. However, Kiba didn't want that day to be shoved aside! He didn't know why it was so important to him, or seemed like it, but he just didn't want to throw that hour away as if it where nothing. He had come to terms with a certain thought that was always floating around in his mind when Shino was nearby. He just hadn't known what to think about it back then; however, now he was quite sure what it was.
It wasn't as if Kiba liked Shino! No! Gross, that's just wrong! Honestly, how could he, the amazing dog-boy of the century - Inuzuka Kiba, like Aburame Shino, the glasses-wearing freak that talks to bugs! That was just so horrid in Kiba's thoughts. But honestly, why would such thoughts cross his own mind if they were so terrific? Thus what he had asked himself many times before - questioning himself if he really liked Shino more than just a teammate, or friend, or brother. And finally, his conclusion was... No.
He did not like this Aburame. To be frank, he didn't really like any of the other Aburame's. Still, he wasn't sure what to call that feeling lying at the pit of his stomach. It was like a lightbulb, or at least he thought so. It was dead, of course, no light shining whatsoever at any time of the day. Except for those time periods that Shino's with him. Then, and only then, does it flicker. No, it does not immediately brighten up his stomach, only flickers a dim light through-out his insides. But, still, it warmed him just enough to send shivers from the heat up his spine and to feel a certain heat on his face and neck. Of course, the light wasn't bright enough, or warm enough, to make a noticeable change in his appearance, only he knew what was going on with his body. Except for the fact that he really didn't.
Oh! And that absolutely horrid headache! Except, it wasn't really a headache, and it didn't exactly appear in his head. It was more behind his eyes and felt like a drum pounding. Really, it was more annoying than painful and Kiba didn't know what to do about it. He had asked for medicine around a bit, getting some medical-attention when he really didn't need it. They said it was just a normal headache, or sinus infection, or these other lists of things that the dog-boy didn't care to remember. However, each and every thing listed was normal, or so the med-nin said, and that was the only thing he really noticed. But that "headache" wasn't like normal ones to him. It only started when Shino was around, but then it'd slowly die down and eventually become a soft knock on his eyeballs. After it finally died, he'd go seek Shino to challenge the guy to a duel, or to just talk, and the headache would come back full-force! It was just odd!
The one last symptom of his Shino-disease was that consistent drum in his ribcage. He refused to believe it was anything involving his heart, instead thinking his guts were dieing every time he laid eyes on Shino. But that wasn't the case, as it was more of a beating or pounding, not a feeling of bombs going off in his stomach. After that thought was destroyed, he opted upon thinking that a harp somehow got put into his left lung and was continuously being played. Come on! It was possible, right? ...Right?
Kiba groaned, sitting up from his laying position on the grass. At the moment he was in the meeting area for his team, just resting as no one in their right minds - except Kiba, who was definitely not in his left or wrong mind - would be out here this late. The moon was out, tonight being the day to show the moon in its entirety. It looked to be resting on some clouds, the sky-marshmallows stretched across the majority of the sky. The stars twinkled from their random spots in the galaxy, smiling down on this one place out of many. Any vibrant colors had been erased from the scene above him, and still it looked unbelieably beautiful. Even Kiba, the hard-core guy who wouldn't cry even if he was tortured and raped all in one night (or thought he wouldn't), had to admit that such a scenery was too gorgeous to deny its beauty.
Tearing his eyes away from the sky, Kiba looked around himself, making sure no one was nearby. He didn't know why it seemed to matter, maybe it was just a habit of being a shinobi for such a long period of time. However, he did it instinctively and it wasn't bothering anyone, so what should it matter why he was doing it? Coming to that decision, he felt slight disappointment when nothing at all appeared to be coming, or moving for that matter. Even the trees and plants seemed to be completely imobile. Akamaru as well was unmoving, although his laboured breathing signified he was indeed alive, just sleeping.
Even with this magical appearance before him, his thoughts strayed to a certain ebony-haird teammate. Kiba immediately tried to rid his thoughts of such things, but his brain didn't want to let go. The broken disc was back as the previous day replayed in his mind's eye. He instantly wondered what compelled him to say such a thing, but really couldn't find an answer and gave up on trying to. All he knew was that he was saying the truth, because hoenstly, Shino's eyes were beautiful! They were so interesting and just drew the dog-shinobi in, making him want to stare into them for long periods of time. And he just didn't understand why he felt that way!
Then his thoughts took a sudden turn away from the bug-shinobi and resided upon Hinata, which they hadn't done in a while. He wasn't sure what to think about this sudden change, but he wasn't really complaining. He liked Hinata, just about everyone knew that, it was completely obvious. Even the anti-social girl herself had noticed! Kiba couldn't find it in himself to really care that she had noticed, but oddly enough, after that whole Shino-pretty-eyes moment, his thoughts of her had vanished. They were replaced with Shino, and he was really just about ready to panic!
Still, Kiba stuck to his belief when he said he did not like Aburame Shino. And that was that. No if's, and's, or but's about it. He had absolutely no romantic feelings toward his teammate. Well, the male one at least. Kiba still thought he was in "love" with Hyuuga Hinata, but his mind seemed to want to prove otherwise. However, no matter his feelings toward Hinata, he was trying to convince himself of his un-likeness toward Shino. And he was just about to drill it into his head when he dwelled on another passing thought of Shino and lost the motivation to think against these odd feelings.
Okay, maybe I like him a little. But that's it, his mind finally stated as he sighed happily. Well, liking this guy wasn't too bad so far. All he had to do was stay away from the bug-nin at all costs and he wouldn't have any problems. Hopefully. Except, his thoughts were getting a little weird as Shino seemed to be...
Wait! So that's what he looks like without the jacket on!
. . : E N D . C H A P T E R : . .
NOTES: Sorry for such a short first chapter. And sorry for the lack of conversation. I just had to get Kiba to understand his feelings before anything happened... Hope this is a good start and please voice your thoughts on this story!
PREVIEW-ISH: In the next chapter, get ready for confrontation! Shino runs into Kiba on the meeting ground. (Hopefully. I might've lied and next chapter will be Shino's musings. But, I guess it depends upon what the readers and requester wants, seeing as I'm vwriting this without ANY plans of where it's going...)