Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, any of the characters, or anything related to Naruto with the exception of this story.

Defiance of Fate

Konohagakure was a peaceful village, despite it being a hidden village. The reason for this peace was Konoha's shinobi. Konoha is famous for the sheer size and power of their shinobi. Because of this many people thought to be almost impossible to conquer Konoha.

And they were wrong.

For now Konoha lay in ruin as shinobi clashed in the street. It was an all out war between Konohagakure and Otogakure. At first it seemed as though the battle was in Konoha's favor, with superior numbers and seasoned shinobi at the ready.

And while this would be true under normal circumstances, this was not a normal situation. Oh no. While Konoha had their shinobi, Oto had an army of ruthless shinobi with curse seals and various "enhancements" to their person.

Thus, Konoha was losing. Badly. But they fought on, not willing to give up and hoping for a miracle.

"Shit!" yelled a young man as he took down another sound shinobi with a kunai to the throat. "They just keep coming!"

As soon as he said that he was attacked from behind by another oto-nin.

As the nin tried a kick to his head the young man dropped down to deliver a sweeping kick to his remaining leg. As the oto-nin was falling the young man brought his fist up in an uppercut to his jaw.

But as he was about to connect, his opponent threw him self back and brought his legs up to his chest and delivered a kick that hit the Konoha shinobi in the chest, sending him flying through a crumbling wall.

As the dust settled the oto-nin saw the young man lying in a heap under some rubble. He smirked and walked forward to finish him off while saying, "He he he. I' am a lucky guy. I get to make you pay for killing Orochimaru-dono." As he said this his smirk grew to a twisted grin. At his words the young man looked up and gave him a foxy grin and said, "Oh really?" and then disappeared in a poof of smoke.

The oto-nin was so surprised that he didn't hear the attack until it was too late. With a cry of "Rasengan!" the oto-nin was carried off by a massive ball of chakra. As he watched his opponet sail away the young man thought, "Kage Bunshin, works every time." He thought as he said, "Make sure to tell Orochimaru that Uzumaki Naruto says hi when you see him in hell!" while grining his fox grin, his eyes full of dark amusment, and his clothes stained in the blood of his enemys.

Uzumaki Naruto had changed after the events in the Valley of the End six years ago. In time and under Jirayia's tutaledge he'd become one of (if not the) most powerful shinobi in the village He'd also mellowed out some, losing the obnoxious and attention grabbing persona he had as a genin. But by no means was he a quiet emotionless person. He wasn't obnoxious, just cheerful. He wasn't loud, just eccentric. And he wasn't hyper, merely energetic. While he had matured a great deal, people often complained about his inmaturity (which he always responded with, "But aren't all men in some way?")

He'd also changed physiclly. He'd gone from being 4'8 to a astounding 6'2. He'd also grown more muscular, losing all his babyfat and becoming well toned. His face went from being a round childs to that of a rugged, handsome young man. He let his spikey blond hair grow to a ponytail that reached his midback, and his sky blue eyes remained the same.

And to the relief of everybody he got rid of his orange jumpsuit, though it was said that people all the way from Suna could hear the following argument between master and apprentice.

His new attire consisted of a black sleeveless muscle shirt with the Uzumaki spiral on the back. His pants were black with red stripes going down the sides of the pants. He had bandages starting at about halfway up the calf and coming down to his ankles where he wore black shinobi style sandales. The pants also had multiple pockets to put scrolls, kunai, shuriken, and what ever else he had. Over his shirt he wore a open jonin flap jacket with a black trentch coat that had the Uzumaki spiral as well, while his forehead protector now had black cloth and was still on his head. He also wore Tsunades's necklace over his shirt.

Everyone was glad for the change, saying now they didn't get a headache if they looked at him for too long (he'd always laugh when told him that and say with a mischievous grin, "You don't say?").

About a year after his return he took the chunin exams and passed with flying colors. Then a year later he managed to make jonin, before everything went to hell.

As Naruto looked at the path of destruction left by the rasengan he was planning his next course of action. "Should I try and find the others,stay here, or should I try and renfource one of the othe zones?" In preperation for the attack Konoha was divided into separate zones to defend, with each area having different numbers and ranks depending on the zones location. "I know obaa-chan said stay in your zone, but I' am the only one left. Besideds, I' m worried about Hinata-chan." Naruto wasn't sure what to do since Tsunade never said what to do if everyone in a zone was killed.

However a explosion sounded down the street. "That's Hinata-chans zone." He thought with growing fear and dread. He ran as fast as he could to see what was happening.

Hinata was not having a good day. For one she was tired and running low on chakra, and two all her comrades were dead leaving her to fight a powerful opponet she didn't think she could beat.

When her zone was attacked she was with three other chunin named Joukei, Hibiki, and Dengon. They had been ambushed by six oto-nin, six chunin and one jonin, whose initial attack (consisting of multiple kunai with explosive notes) killed Hibiki. After the first attack the chunin ganged up on them 2 to1 while the jonin stayed behind to watch.

Hinata's were overconfident, which led to their downfall since they didn't expect anything from her, until she activated her Byakugan gave a Hakke Kusho to the chest for one and threw a kunai in to the skull of the other after a small struggle.

Just as Naruto had changed so had Hinata. She had changed from a timid little girl into a young woman. After Naruto left Hinata started training to become stronger. She would train with Kurenai, Neji, even Tsunade sometimes and eventually made chunin.

She had greatly grown emotionally and mentally. She was no longer a timid girl who doubted herself. Now she was more confident (though she still couldn't confess to Naruto) and believed in her abilities, but she was still shy around strangers and didn't like being the center of attention. Though she still didn't speak much (and when she did she spoke quietly), when she did she spoke with confidence and clarity.

Another thing that grew was her feelings for Naruto. While he was away if she wasn't training or on a mission she would think about him. Every night she would pray to what ever diety was listening to her to bring Naruto back safely to her. She knew in her heart of hearts that she loved him. She never forgot his words during the chunin exam. Every time she was ready to quit his words would come back and give her the strength she needed. She trained to help herself and so Naruto would notice her. That was her dream, to gain acknoledgement and to have Naruto's love.

Over the years she had grown and was now taller then Sakura, Ino, and Tenten. She had developed a body that men longed for and woman would kill for.

Pale cream colored skin, lavender colored pupil less eyes that men found exotic, long indigo colored hair that ran down her back, with long strips that framed her face and grew down to her breast which were borderline C or D cup, a natural grace, and a kind attitude made her a man's fantasy girl.

Her wardrobe had also changed form her baggy clothes to more form fitting one. She wore a long sleeve dark purple chinese style shirt with white sakura blossoms falling around a white sakura tree. She was wearing black pants that were not to tight or to lose and came down to her ankles with her kunai pouch tied to her right leg with bandages, while she wore black shinobi sandles. She also wore a beige unzipped light windbreaker with the Hyuuga crest on the back.

While Hinata's was quick and easy the others didn't do so well. Dengon was no match for the team work his opponets had. After they incapacitated him with shuriken in his legs, he knew his comrades wouldn't win with 6 to 2. So while his opponets prepared to finish him, he excecuted a final jutsu before the oto-nin could stop him. With his final breath he said, "For Konoha! Shigai Adauchi!" and blew himself up killing not only the two chunin he was fighting, but also one of Joukei's opponents and maiming the second one.

While his opponet was down Joukei finished him with a Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu, leaving a charred burning corpse.

But before Joukei could even blink the jonin was in front of him and knocked him in the air with a palm thrust. While he was in the air the jonin smirked and calmly said, "Seitai Bakudan no Jutsu." As he said that Joukei blew up in a large explosion, sending blood and gore everywhere.

The jonin just smirked and looked at Hinata, who was shocked and disgusted at the horrendous display. As he looked at her he calmly said, "A Hyuuga huh? This will be interesting. My name is Bakushinchi. I will be your excecutioner today." And with that he dissapered. Hinata's eyes widened at his display of speed, and wouldn't have dodged his palm thrust if not for her Byakugan.

After jumping to the right she tried to follow up with a Juken strike to his arm to close his tenkutsu, but he manuvered his arm around to try and strike her again as she jerked to the right and jumped back causing his palm to hit a building behind her.

With the Byakugan active she could see that he focused a large amount of chakra into his hand which transferred into the building and dissapated.

"You gather chakra in your hand, and then hit your target releasing the chakra into their body. But why didn't it-" "Explode?" Bakushinchi cutting her off with a smirk. "Because I don't just gather chakra. I've learned how to use my chakra to create a living bomb. I call it Boutou. By focusing my chakra in to my hands I can as you said, release my chakra into the targets body by hitting them. But it only works on humans and other organic material. The reason why is that the human body has several required minerals that I need to make it work." he finised with a grin.

"So it will only work if he hits me. Since his attacks require a lot of chakra all I have to do is where him down then finish him off." She thought untill Bakushinchi innteruppted her thoughts. "I know what your thinking. You think that you just have to wear me down and then finish me off when I' am too tired to move." Her eyes widened at this as she thought, "How did he know…" He started laughing at the expression on her face. "Ha ha ha ha haaa. I knew because that's what every other opponet I faced thought before I killed them. Do you honestly think I would just tell you my weakness?" He smirked at her. "I know that Hyuuga are close range fighters. You have to get up close in order to hurt me. And when you do I'll just kill you with my Boutou." He finished while a dark gleam came into his eyes.

She stared at him, fear preventing her from coming up with a plan. "What do I do! He's right, I have to get close enough to use my Juken, but if I do he'll use his Boutou. I can't attack from a distance since I don't know any long range jutsu!" She looked at him in fear as his grin started to turn malicoius at her expression. As she watched him she realized what he was doing."He's trying to frighten me into acting irrationally. I need to calm down and think of a plan." As she thought this she closed her eyes, and since her Byakugan was still active she could still see in case he tried something. "I know! I'll go in and let him attack, and when he leaves a opening I'll use Hakke Rokujū Yonshō to seal his tenkutsu and finish him." Hinata knew this was a risky and even suicidal, but it was all she had.

Bakushinchi watched her in amusement as he could feel her fear. But almost as soon as it came it left to his annoyance. She then closed her eyes and looked as though she were concentrating. "So she figured out my plan huh?Dosen't matter. She'll still die by my hand." Almost as if she heard his thoughts she opened her eyes and glared at him with a look of determination.

"Well, you look confident. Let's hope that your confidence is not unfounded." Her response to his barb was to settle back into her stance. "Humph. Have it your way little girl." And with that he charged forward starting his assault anew.

Hinata just stood there, waiting for him to attack.

When he did she was ready. Or so she thought.

She was expecting him to go for a direct thrust, but was shocked when he disappeared and reapeared behind her. He thrusted out his palm faster then she could dodge, knocking her in the air, her expression of complete horror as he said, "Seitai Bakudan no Jutsu," and watched in maniacal glee as the air was filled with blood.

Author Notes:

All right, for those who are curious as to why I reposted, as you should be able to tell I fixed some of my mistakes. Reviews and constructive criticism are still welcome.


Konohagakure: Village Hidden In the Leaves

Otogakure: Village Hidden In the Sound

Shinobi: ninja

Konoha: leaf

Oto: sound

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu: Shadow Clone Technique

Rasengan: Spiraling Sphere

Joukei: Sight

Hibiki: Sound

Dengon: Words

Byakugan: White or Evil Eye

Shigai Adauchi: Corpse Retaliation

Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu: Fire style: Grand Fireball Technique

Seitai Bakudan no Jutsu: Living Body Bomb

Bakushinchi: Center of the Explosion

Boutou: Boom

Hakke Rokujū Yonshō: Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms