It was a normal week like any other for Chihiro, except for the fact that this week was the Spring Dance.

"So Chihiro, did you and Jim get well acquainted yet?" Kira said. They were in the cafeteria with Gus and the others like always.

"Well...yeah, I guess you could say that." Chihiro's expression turned from unconcerned to embarrassment as she recalled the fact that Jim had witnessed certain things in her house. She wondered just how he was able to recover from that. At that moment, however, she caught an awkward glance from him. He turned away quickly and shivered, quite frightened to even associate with her at this point.

"So what are you wearing?" Kira asked.

"Yeah what are you wearing?" Gus said, readying himself to be smacked by Kira. Once he let his guard down though, she let him have it.

Chihiro laughed and answered, "Well, I'm not sure yet."

"Then lets go shopping!" Mila and Kira said in unison.

"Jeez, your just looking for an excuse to go buy stuff." Jun said.

"I'll come along if you guys need a second opinion." Gus said chuckling.

"Pervert." said Mila.

"Gus, don't even try. And Jun, I don't need an excuse to shop." Kira said proudly, placing her hands on her waist.

After school ended, they went to a small clothing store amongst a long strip of local shops, businesses, and restaurants. Mila and Kira jumped out of their booths simultaneously.

"How do I look!" They said.

"Like crap." said Jun. "Can't we go home already?"

"Shut up!"Kira growled.

"No we aren't going home yet!" Mila added. "Not until I try all these outfits." She said, holding out several hangers with different brands of clothing.

"Come on out Chihiro!" Gus said

"Gus, I swear if you do anything perverted you will not live to see another day!" Kira shouted, as she left the changing booth.

Chihiro looked at herself in the mirror. Kira picked out a nice dress for her. It was a short, hot pink, empire waist dress with small petal-like sleeves to cover her small shoulders. There was also a green sash with pink floral designs on it. Despite Kira's antics, and despite the loud color, Chihiro liked it. She liked it so much she thought to herself that maybe she should go to the party and have fun with her friends. Chihiro quickly changed back into her normal clothes and then peeked out of the dressing room. They were all waiting for her to come out.

"Chihiro," Kira said as she stepped out of the dressing room, "I wanted to see the dress on you. Are you too embarrassed?"

", I just,"

"Do you not like it?"

"No! I love the dress! I think I really will buy it!"

"Then let me see it!"

"But..."Chihiro mustered her courage and came out from behind the door. "Will you go to the dance with me, Kira?"

"What?" Gus said, incredibly disappointed to find Chihiro in her uniform rather than the dress Kira gave her to try on.

"That's my line!" Kira said. "What about the date I set up for you? He's going to be hurt if you just push him to the side."

"I already talked to him. I wasn't planning on going to the dance in the first place."

"But why?" Kira asked. Chihiro looked at Kira and felt embarrassed and ashamed. She felt like pulling Kira aside to talk to her but figured it wouldn't matter anyway since all her friends should know about it.

"I didn't want to go to the dance at first because like so many other times, it would feel lonelier than being alone." Chihiro said, seeing a confused look in her friends faces.

"But what about us?" Gus said, seeing clearly where this conversation was going.

"I'm sorry. I never said anything because I didn't want to hurt your feelings." Chihiro looked at their faces which were now tinged with upset looks. But not Kira.

"Chihiro, I'm glad you finally opened up to us." She said, smiling. "So why are you asking me to go with you all of a sudden?" She chuckled. Gus grinned and realized why Kira had always picked on Chihiro so much.

"Chihiro swings that way huh?" Gus remarked, but was followed by a stern punishment from Jun and Mila.

"Can't you see they're having a moment and you just ruined it?" Mila said.

"Why did you hit me? I can understand Mila hitting me but Jun? Why man, why?"

"It looked like fun." He laughed.

Chihiro and Kira chuckled at their friends and looked at each other. Chihiro thought for a second about Kira's question.

"You know, it's lonely to go with a person you don't want to be with. That's why I said no to Jim. I also don't know him very well either. But I want to go with Kira, because you were so good to me, even though I was always so aloof and...well you know what I mean."

"Then I gladly accept!" Kira hugged Chihiro tightly, nearly choking her. Mila joined in too.

"You guys are so funny." Jun laughed. "You know, we should all go as a group, that way Gus won't be left by himself."

"Hey! I know how to get a date! I'm not that clueless you know!" Gus shouted with both fists up. He knew it was true though.

"That's a good idea though. I mean, we might as well anyway." Mila said. Chihiro looked at everyone, amazed that they didn't stay upset with her. They all looked at her, expecting her to be embarrassed, but instead she smiled and teared up.

"Thanks everyone for being my friends!" Chihiro managed to get those words out before she started bawling.

Please accept my sincerest apologies for being so late in updating this chapter. I had some major writers block for a while...but again, I WILL FINISH THIS.