Hello, everyone! I regretfully inform that this one is the last chapter, and I'm sorry it's so short…I hope you enjoy reading not only this piece but also the entire story. Thank you for your kind reviews, they are greatly appreciated.

All the best, Aline.

Summary: This is another fanfic for Robert/Sophie shippers. My vision of what could have happened in Florence. If your intention is reading mystery, adventure or thriller, you may skip to another story, for this one is pure fluff. I hope you enjoy it anyway!

When Can I See You Again?

Chapter Eleven: Promises

Langdon and Sophie had decided on not going out that day. The only time he left the room was at morning to go to a travel agency near the Brunelleschi and ask them if it was possible to change his plane ticket from Boston to Paris. If it wasn't he would just buy himself a new ticket. Luckily there wasn't any problem with the change. Their plane would leave at seven o'clock. Sophie had gone back to sleep when he returned to the room. She looked so peaceful that he didn't have the courage to wake her up. He just relieved the feeling that, from then on, he would see that angelical face every morning. After admiring her for what seemed like an eternity he pondered that it would be a good idea to pack so he could help her with her packing later and they would have more time to spend with more interesting tasks.

Sophie woke up a little later, confused with Langdon's absence. "Robert?" she called, looking around.

"I'll be right there!" he told from the studio. He had been preparing their breakfast table with food a concierge had just brought.

She got up, wrapped herself in her bathrobe and went over to him. "I'm faster," she said playful, kissing him on the cheek. "I'm sad this is going to end."

"What?" he asked as he pulled a chair for her to sit on. "My gentleman manners?"

"No. I hope not, at least," she grinned. "I mean the wonderful food."

"So you are saying I'm not a good cook?"

"I say nothing."

"So I might say you are going to have a good surprise."

They ate with gusto. Either their hungry were very big or the Italian bread, cake, fruits and even the milk they drank was delicious. Maybe both. They said almost nothing until the table was almost completely empty.

"We never know if we can trust plane food, can we?"

"It's not that bad, Robert. Besides, we still have lunch ahead of us."

He placed the napkin he was using back on the table. "That's true."

"I'm so excited about everything, Robert! I want to tell the news to my Grandmother and my brother.

Langdon felt suddenly nervous. "What if they didn't approve our engagement?"

Unknowing, she answered his question. "My grandmother will be very pleased," she told. "She loves you!"

"She does?" he sighed in relief. Even so he wanted to be sure it would all turn out fine. "Don't you think it will be too much of big news to tell them, the moving, the engagement?"

"No, Robert. I know they will be satisfied as long as I'm happy," she assured. "There is nothing to worry about."

He reached across the table for her hands. "And when will that be?"

"I was thinking of going to Scotland before we go to Boston for good. You will come with me, won't you?"

That was a silly question. "Of course I will. This way I'll be able to ask for the official permission to marry you," he said bending down to kiss her hand.

She remembered something. "Did you manage to change your plane ticket, Robert?"

"Yes, thankfully."

They talked for several minutes until Sophie decided that it was time for her to change into decent clothes. Even though they wouldn't be going out until later she didn't want to spend the rest of the day wrapped up in a bathrobe. Their lunch was served in the room as well. According to Langdon, they'd better make the best of their last Italian meal, so they ate until they were stuffed with delicious food. By that time all their things were already packed.

"What time is the taxi coming, Robert?"

"Five o'clock."

Since there wasn't much they could do until it was time for them to leave, she made herself comfortable on the bed, turned the TV on and asked him to lay down close to her. Even though they had cable TV, it was very difficult to find something good to watch. Not to tell that almost every station had people speaking Italian. After some unsuccessful attempts she gave up and turned the TV off again.

"I promise we'll have better TV shows in the USA," Langdon told.

She cuddled up to him. "I don't really care."

Before Langdon knew they were once again sharing a very passionate kiss. They made love one last time in Florence. This had been an incredible week, filled with moments none of them would ever forget, and that would make them smile for years to come. As they later liked to say, it had been their first honeymoon, and probably the time when their first child, Gabriel, was conceived.


So this is it, guys. I'd love if you took some minutes to review and tell me what you think about this chapter in particular, and the story in general. Please, tell me everything! The bright and the dark sides, everything. You can even blame me. Seriously, I'd like to hear from you, as you are the ones I write for, and your opinions mean a lot to me. They help me see what I'm doing right and what I'm doing not so well. And, of course, they encourage me to write more.

Once more I'd like to thank you for keeping up with me.

Till next time, maybe?
