Disclaimer and Author Note

I own neither "The Da Vinci Code" nor any of its characters. No infringement is intended.

I shall warn you that some parts of this story contain M rated theme. I'll put lemony warning whenever I post something that reaches this rating patamar, so those who think will feel offended shouldn't read those specific parts. I rated this fic T because most of it doesn't contain inappropriate scenes. Let me know if you don't agree.

One last thing I want you to know is that I'm Brazilian. Thus, English is not my native language, my vocabulary isn't as good as yours, and some grammar mistakes may appear. I ask you to forgive me in advance.

If you find any kind of mistake let me know so I'll able to correct myself.

That's all. Let's go to the story itself, and have fun!


P.S. This story is already fully written, so I'll try to update on a daily basis if I feel you are enjoying it.

Summary: This is another fanfic for Robert/Sophie shippers. My vision of what could have happened in Florence. If your intention is reading mystery, adventure or thriller, you may skip to another story, for this one is pure fluff. I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Chapter One: When Can I See You Again?

"When can I see you again?" Sophie had asked after placing a soft kiss on Langdon's cheek.

It had just dawned on her that he was going to leave the following day. She hated the thought. After spending with him what seemed an endless series of events, going from horror and ignorance to surprise, shock and understanding with his help, she realized how much her life had changed in all possible ways in a matter of hours. What would have happened hadn't he agreed to follow her instructions that fateful day? No matter how much time she spent pondering this question, Sophie simply couldn't picture anything different from what have happened to them. The same way she knew the riddle wouldn't have been solved without him, she couldn't imagine her life without Robert anymore.

"Sophie, you are out of your mind," she had told herself while gazing at the horizon from the peaceful spot she shared with Langdon at that small rise on the bluff just outside the Rosslyn Chapel. "You barely know this man." A voice inside her head had told her it wasn't really true. She had known him for mere 24 hours at most. Nonetheless it felt like it was months, even years. After all, the events they had gone through together were to be a lifetime experience, something most people wouldn't even imagine possible. It had surely created a very strong bond between the two. Even then she had asked herself if it was reasonable to feel that way. No matter what, beyond reason, she knew the feeling was there. Reasonable or not. She only hoped Robert felt the same.

Langdon hadn't even had time to savor the sensation Sophie's lips had left on him. He knew this question would come. He had been wondering the same, trying to think of something he could say that wouldn't sound too desperate. He was utterly sad to have to leave Sophie. How could he return to Paris without her? He didn't want to say goodbye. A glint of hope arose inside him when he remembered the conference that would take place in Florence within a month. He knew that it would be the perfect occasion to meet Sophie again. He just didn't know how to put his thoughts into words. He wanted more than anything to ask her to come with him, but how could he make the invitation seem perfectly natural? What if she didn't feel the same? Fortunately she saved him the problem. And the most important: she wanted to meet him again!

Langdon looked deeply into Sophie's eyes, as if making sure she really meant what she was saying. Had she noticed he had been wondering the same thing? "When?"

Sophie waited, asking herself why the professor seemed so uncomfortable. Would he want to meet her again? A brief moment of anxiety was relieved when he finally answered.

"Well, actually, next month I'm lecturing at a conference in Florence. I'll be there a week without much to do."

"Is that an invitation?" she asked half surprised half delighted.

"Now you've done it, you fool. You ruined everything. What will she think of you?" Maybe he could still mend it"We'd be living in luxury. They are giving me a room at the Brunelleschi." Sophie's expression was still unfathomable. "No, look what you've done now! We'd be living in luxury!" That had sounded awful.

Fortunately Sophie didn't agree. Even then she wanted to play with him a little. "You presume a lot, Mr. Langdon."

He was helpless. "What I meant-"

"I would love nothing more than to meet you in Florence, Robert."

"Has she said what I listened or I'm just imagining things?"

"But with one condition," she said serious.

"That was too good to be true."

"No museums, no churches, no tombs, no art, no relics."

Langdon sighed relieved. "What then?" "In Florence? For a week? There's nothing else to do," he stated, playing the innocent. "Unless you want-"

Sophie's response came come in a way Langdon hadn't expected. Her actions had been faster than his thoughts. All of sudden she had leaned forward to bring her lips against his. Only that time he had time to respond. "Her lips feel so soft!" He seized her gently and brought their bodies together. Both felt the instantaneous chemistry that made them deepen their contact and not want to let the other go. It was Sophie who broke the kiss.

The faint disappointment Landon felt when she pulled away was washed away as he looked at her and understood perfectly what she was thinking right then. Her eyes couldn't have lied. He took Sophie's tiny hands in his and managed to speak. "Right. It's a date."

That moment had taken place nearly one month before, but Sophie never got tired of recollecting it over and over. Never a month had passed so slowly. No matter how hard she tried to concentrate on other things, she couldn't help looking at the calendar every couple of hours and cursing the time that seemed to be fooling her. Finally the day had arrived when she would see Robert again. Despite her anxiety, she managed to rest a bit on the plane that took her to Florence. She was supposed to arrive there half an hour after Langdon. They would meet at the airport. "He can be anywhere now," she thought excited, an eye on the baggage carousel and the other on her surroundings. Why was her luggage taking so long to show up? It seemed everyone had collected their things except her. "Merde!

"A Princess shouldn't curse."