Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me... oh yeah and the songs used (Kick Push in the previous chapter and Shake) do not belong to me either so there! Enjoy chapter two! Although, I think ch. 1 was better... I dunno, you decide.

The trio went down to dinner. Harry with the hopes that he would soon find a new girlfriend, Ron with the hopes that the house elves would send up the food he had cooked earlier, and Hermione, well she really wasn't hoping for anything. As they all sat down to their meal, they found that the elves had actually sent them some ketchup as well.

"Well, that's a first. They've never sent up ketchup before," Hermione smiled. She loved ketchup. She picked it up and began squeezing the bottle to put it on her rather disgusting looking eggs.

Ron and Harry sat across from her. Harry took one look at the food and decided he was just going to eat some tamales he had made for Christmas. Hermione was still trying to get the ketchup out of the stubborn bottle.

"So Harry, where do you think we should go looking first? The library does have a lot of girls and everything but it'll be hard to hook up with them because we'll have to be quiet," Ron asked.

"No se, I mean we could also try looking around in the dungeons. Those Snape fan girls should be there. Siembren están ahí." Harry replied. Just as if his name was curse Snape appeared out of no where.

"So here are three young and eager Gryffindors. Thinking about having a bright future, you three?" before he let them answer he starting to talk again (blegh Snape. he points his wand at the writer "What did you say?" ummm nothing. Bow down to the almighty Snape). "Well I wouldn't bet on it. Those homework assignments were specially designed for your failure." evil laughter "Especially yours Hermione, last time I read one of your essays I almost barfed. It was awful. Well, unfortunately for me, I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Like it's not unfortunate for us?" Hermione muttered under her breathe as she still tried to get the ketchup out. "What is with this freaking ketchup!" And she began to shake the bottle violently, while the Seamus and Dean began chanting mockingly,

"Shake shake just shake shake just shake shake just shake chica shake shake" Hermione glared at them while still trying to get the ketchup out and "accidentally" ended up getting it all over their robes.

Meanwhile Pavarti and Lavender were having a heated argument about Firenze, and who he liked better.

"He likes me better! He gave me a hug yesterday and told me I had the best essay in the class"

"No I had the best essay!"



They started attacking each other and yelling and yeah… well typical cat fight, you know with the pulling of the hair and robes flying everywhere. The guys around them were scared yet curiously enjoying themselves. Ron of course had to pop into the fight with his Spanish that he had learned.

"Dale huevo, dale huevo," Both girls grabbed the cold eggs from Ron's pan and started flinging eggs at each other. Dean and Seamus had also started their own food fight. Pretty soon it was chaos in the Great Hall. Hermione dragged Harry and Ron away before anything else happened and a Professor would start asking them how it all got started. She dragged them as far as she could which was all the way to the dungeons. Nobody should have been there; it was after all dinner time.

"That fan girl's fine!"

Ron and Harry were ogling at the fan girls that were hanging around the dungeons. Harry was right. There were lots of girls there. Hermione however, was a little more nervous about this whole thing. Those girls were after all, Snape fans.

"It's Hermione! I knew there was something going on between her and Snape Get her!" one of the fan girls shrieked.

"Oh no, but this one's a killer!" She grabbed Harry and Ron's arms again and started running to anywhere but there. They raced through halls and did see many other girls (not fan girls but normal everyday Hogwarts girls) and Harry and Ron were still checking them out even though Hermione barely let them.

"That girl's fine"

Hermione accidentally bumped into Filch and stared at him wide-eyed.

"But- but this one's a killer!" Mr. Filch would probably give them a super detention if they didn't get away now.

She ran until they reached the Slytherin common room entrance.