Searching for a Way

A/n: hello! Ichiyume here, by the way this is my first time writing a fanfic, so please give all the help u can! To summarize it up, the story takes place just a bit after Advent Children, they all live at clouds house for the time being(I made it big) and when Vincent tells them he is leaving to find a way to get rid of chaos, the demon inside him, Yuffie ends up going with him. What will happen? Read to find out! And I am begging all readers to submit a review! Ill give u a virtual cookie…well anyways, on with the fic!


The sun was setting on the evening sky over the hills, its fiery orange glow gently slipping over the horizon as the night invaded silently, the stars twinkling like diamonds. Yuffie sat outside, humming to herself on the grass when she saw the torn red fabric of Vincent's cape in her face.

"What's up Vinny?" Yuffie asked in her cheerful manner, pushing aside the fabric blocking her face from the view of the sunset.

"Tifa sent me to tell you its time to eat," he grunted, pulling his cloak away from her. He stalked off to the house with Yuffie on his heels. Vincent flinched slightly at the headache the demon inside him was giving.

Yuffie noticed and looked at him questioningly. "Hey Vinny, that jerk in your head bothering you again? Man, that must suck to have another voice ranting on and on-"

"Shut up child," Vincent told her coldly. "You know nothing of the matter." His crimson pools bored into her, forcing her to look away. Yuffie picked up speed and jogged towards the house. Something told her to not poke fun at Vincent at the moment.

Is it your hobby to chase everyone away again? Chaos, the demon inside him asked.

She doesn't even know when to keep her mouth shut. Neither do you for that matter.

Yes well, you can't kick me away, now can you? Chaos retorted.

That is until I set out tomorrow. I will find a way to get you out of my damned head once and for all so I can actually be alive!

Fine. Though your attempts will be in vain, go ahead and try.

Vincent quickened his pace to the house. He planned on telling them he was leaving at dawn tomorrow during dinner, in hopes they would not accompany him. How wrong he was though.

It was now evening and they had finished dinner and were talking by the fireside. Tifa and Cloud were busy preparing to make room in the house for the baby that would be born soon, Red XIII sat by the fire, Barrett and Cid were drinking their 5th beer, and while Yuffie and Cait Sith were laughing about something he couldn't here. It was now or never.

"Excuse me, but I need to inform you all of something," Vincent said firmly, getting everyone's attention.

"What's wrong Vince?" Cloud inquired, scratching his spiky haired head.

"I am leaving at dawn tomorrow to search for a way to part Chaos from my mind," he told them. "I do not know when or if I will be back."

"Vince! Why didn't you tell us?" they protested.

"This was something I must do on my own," Vincent said in monotone.

"Absolutely not!" Tifa objected. "This mission is going to lead all over the world for crying out loud! Do you think you can handle all those monsters solo? You have to take one of us with you, or we will bar the doors!"

Vincent sighed. Pregnant or not, Tifa was persuasive. If he didn't take someone, then he would be lucky to ever see the light of day again. "Are you saying you will join me Miss Strife? Surely you don't plan to travel in your condition."

"Well, you have options other than me and Cloud you know. Why don't we narrow things down, eh?" She asked him casually, hands resting on her huge stomach. "Like I said, Cloud and I are out since we have a baby due next month. Barrett and Cid are out because Barrett is taking care of Marlene and Cid would waste all of your Gil on his drinking problem. Red promised to stay and baby-sit when the time came, so that leaves Cait Sith and Yuffie. Take your pick."

To Vincent, The choice was obvious. As annoying as Yuffie was, Cait Sith was worse than Chaos. He pointed at Yuffie, who promptly screamed. "I'm stuck with vampie? He's gonna suck my blood out when I'm asleep!" She whined.

Vincent inwardly rolled his eyes. "Yuffie, would you rather face the wrath of Tifa?" He had her there. Yuffie sighed and brought her arms up in defeat. "Alright I'll go. As long as we are on land as much as possible. I hate motion sickness."

"We leave at dawn Yuffie, I suggest you pack and then rest." He did not like this much more than she did. Yuffie in his mind was an annoying child who would get in his way, or drag him into trouble. Yet some part in the back of his mind was enjoying this fact.

Brighten up already, host. You must admit she is kind of cute. Chaos told him.

There is an age difference of ten years for god sake! Get that thought out of your sick, twisted mind already! Vincent shouted at him mentally. Though he was afraid to admit it, Yuffie's appearance did change for the better. Her chocolate hair grew out a bit to her shoulder. Her body filled out perfectly and her waist stayed slender, as did her legs. Though Vincent quickly shook these thoughts from his mind. "Have to do something about that perverted demon," he muttered. An awkward silence settled in.

"Um, I'm getting up early tomorrow anyways; I'll see you two off!" Cloud said, breaking the silence. Vincent just sighed and went up to his room to pack, Yuffie up ahead of him in her room (she had disappeared like, a half hour ago when Vincent told her to go pack and rest.). When he noticed her door open, he glanced inside on his way to his room and found she was already done packing and softly asleep on her bed. Though something seemed different with her than usual. She was tossing and turning and her face was sweaty. He was slightly concerned. What event could cause such distress in her sleep? He quietly crept in her room and tapped her shoulder. She awoke with a scream and came flying up, her head knocking into his and forcing him backwards. Gasping for air and rubbing her head she looked at Vincent apologetically.

"Sorry Vinny," She stated, flushing inwardly that he actually came into her room. "You weren't trying to suck my blood were you? I knew you were a vampire!"

"Actually, Yuffie, I saw you tossing and turning. I thought it would be wise to check on you and make sure your okay."

She looked at him with a shocked expression. "You mean to say that you actually cared about me? Wow, that's a first! Well, thanks a bunch Vinny!"

Vincent smirked at her playful behavior. But that didn't amused expression was quickly replaced by a serious, concerned face. "Now are you gonna tell me why you were having that bad of a dream?"

"Um, I have to go, uh . . . pack provisions! Sorry, we can continue this talk later!" She told him nervously. Yuffie edged around him and went down to the kitchen to ask Tifa if she could back some jerky and dried fruits. This behavior deeply puzzled Vincent. But he knew one thing for a fact: that her terms of talking about it later probably meant that she would never tell him unless Death Penalty was at her throat. He sighed and rubbed his forehead. That girl had a hard skull! Vincent decided not to worry about it until later. The best thing right now would be to prepare for the journey ahead. He went to his room to pack what belongings he had and then get some rest before tomorrow.


"Thanks Tifa!" Yuffie exclaimed as she swung a bag onto her back. "Are you sure you didn't over pack?"

"Well . . . you got to be ready for anything, right?" She said shyly, rubbing her swollen stomach proudly.

"Yeah, let me know when the baby is born, okay?" Yuffie s asked cheerfully. "Oh yeah, who's its god mother gonna be? Huh? Huuuuh?"

Tifa chuckled. "If you are offering, that would be nice Yuffie. Just don't turn the poor kid into a mini Yuffie . . . Leviathan help us then!"

Yuffie squealed with delight. Tifa quizzically raised and eyebrow at this. "Since when have you done anything girly?"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I'm not a total tomboy!" Yuffie protested. "Well, I've got to get some sleep. Got a long day tomorrow eh?"

"Yuffie, I heard you scream and then a grunt that sounded like Vincent, then a small crash. Is everything okay?" Yuffie froze in her tracks. How the hell was she gonna explain this? "Well, uh, you see, I was having a bad dream, and I felt someone tap me, so I screamed at sat bolt upright, when Vinny's head was in the way, and the impact made him fall over. Heh Heh." Once again Tifa's eyebrow shot up. "You mean to tell me that Vincent Valentine, the guy who is annoyed by most of all – aside from Cait Sith- was worried about you enough to check on you?"

Yuffie wrung her wrists behind her back, letting the provisions gently hit the floor, her face almost a burgundy color. "Yeah, well, who knew, eh? Well, see yah in the morning" With that said, Yuffie bolted upstairs, almost knocking over Cloud on the way, and went straight into her room, not hesitating to violently slam the door.

"What was that all about?" Cloud exclaimed, recovering from almost landing flat on his face. Tifa put her hands behind her back and stared at the ceiling for a minute. "Well," She drawled. "I think she likes Vincent," She blurted out as she went over to his embrace. If Yuffie was shocked, then cloud was utterly frozen. He looked down into Tifa's beautiful wine red eyes and chuckled. "Well, let's see what happens. But my money is on Vincent likes her like that, but he is afraid to let go of Lucrecia. Either that or the difference in age." Tifa giggled. "I'm banking on Yuffie wants to tell him, but something is holding her back . . . probably the fact that Vincent might go after her with Death Penalty." Cloud raised an eyebrow. "Is that a bet that's tugging at me?" He asked her playfully. "The usual?" Tifa asked. Cloud laughed and held her closer. "The usual!" Cloud kissed her on the forehead and they went up to bed.


"Yuffie! Get up!" Cloud screamed into Yuffie's ear. He sighed in defeat. Why did she have to sleep like a rock? He grabbed her arm and unceremoniously dropped her on the floor. That woke her up fast. "CLOUD, GODDAMMIT, IF YOUR GONNA WAKE ME UP, DUMPING ME ON THE FLOOR LIKE A PILE OF GARBAGE IS NOT WHAT YOU DO!"

Cloud sighed. "You sleep like a rock Yuffie. How do you wake up in time for anything anyway?"

"Simple," Yuffie growled. "When I'm here, I feel safe, so I let my guard down. When I'm traveling, I never know what will happen, so I'm alert 24/7. Okay?"

Cloud chuckled. That explains why you're leaving in 20 minutes, right? Yuffie screamed. "Get out now Cloud! I have to get ready and I mean quick, so out, out, out!" She shoved him out of the room so she could get dressed (Basically she is just wearing what she would wear in advent children) She bolted downstairs with her bags. And it was 5 minutes from leaving. Vincent smirked when he saw her literally fly down the stairs after the 'wake up call' Tifa sent Cloud for. "Come one," Vincent told her, pulling Death Penalty into its holster. Yuffie strung Conformer on her back and shouldered her satchel that held all necessary items for the journey. "I plan to be in Midgar in three days or sooner. Let's get going." Vincent walked out the door, nodding at Cloud and Tifa to say goodbye. Yuffie gave Tifa a hug, careful of her rounded belly. "You make sure to tell me when the baby is born. I have my PHS with me, so contact me anytime you need to. And to you Cloud, I hope your not waking up Tifa like how you dumped me out of bed this morning, or else I would be sure to whack you with my Conformer a good few times!" Cloud chuckled, scratching his spiky hair. "Never have, never will!"

Yuffie smiled and ran after Vincent waving a last time. When she finally caught up with Vincent, she saw the sun just letting its orange glow over the horizon. It was going to be a long day. They mostly walked in silence, Yuffie with her eyes intent on Vincent. He seemed a bit troubled. You know, he is kind of cute . . . what is up with me? This is VINNIE we are talking about. Although he has been caring about others more than he did when we kicked Sephiroth's butt again . . . I wonder what's gotten into him.

"Vincent?" Yuffie asked nervously, averting her eyes to the ground.

Vincent turned around, a questioning look on his face. Yuffie had never called him by his real name. "Is something wrong Yuffie?" He let his pack gently slide to the ground, and came a bit closer to her. Yuffie rubbed her arm behind her back kept her eyes downcast and one of her feet rubbed the dirt road precariously. "Uh, I guess you could say that." Vincent looked at her seriously. "Just tell me. Your eyes are downcast and they are glancing all over. That is a sign of confusion. You're rubbing one of your arms behind your back, so you're nervous. And your foot is cautiously rubbing around in the dirt. You only do that when you feel like you are vulnerable. Something is seriously on your mind, and you better tell me now or I will find out sooner or later."

Yuffie looked stunned. "How do you know my habits?" she asked suspiciously. Vincent scratched the back of his neck with his human arm. "Don't forget Yuffie, you learn things of the sort when you travel with others.

"Psh! You're falling for her, I can just see it!"

"Shut up, you damn demon! I can't wait to get you out of my head!"

"That Tifa, or whatever you call her, couldn't name her habits like that. Hell, none of your team mates could do that. You like her, admit it!" Vincent didn't respond to him.

"You see, it concern's my family," Yuffie began. "Just recently, one of my father's handmaiden's gave birth to a baby boy. My father loved her, so when she died in child birth, he died with her. True, my family now has an heir to the throne, since men have priority over the crown, but I've lost my mother and my father. I found out a week ago, that was why I was having a nightmare. Relatives are gonna keep Wutai in order until the baby is old enough to rule, but . . . you understand my point by now."

Vincent looked shocked. He never realized how delicate and frail her condition was. She was now an orphan, and she couldn't take much more of people close to her dying. He saw a small droplet of water hit the dry road. She was crying! He was speechless. As much as he hated to make physical contact with others unless it was necessary, but seeing one of his companion's suffer like this overpowered that. He went over to her and pulled her into a tender embrace, noticing how small and light she was.

Does she even eat? She feels as light as if she was being starved for weeks! But then again, she probably lost her appetite for a bit when she found out about her father . . .

Yuffie softly let out tears in the folds of Vincent's cloak. She absolutely refused to openly weep in front of him. All she needed was to let out her tears that had been bottled up for a week. After five minutes, she reluctantly pulled away, wiping her eyes. "Thank you," she told him gratefully. "I've needed to do that for about a week." She picked up her pack and gave him a weak smile. "Let's move on now. It's almost noon!" She ran down the road and called down to him, "You wanted to get to Midgar in a few days right? Then let's go!" Her cheerfulness had returned.

Vincent sighed, picked up his bag and followed after her. This would be an interesting venture.


It was nightfall, and both Yuffie and Vincent decided to camp for the day. After the fire had been made, they ate a small portion of the provisions Tifa had given them. When they had laid out their bed rolls and started to go to sleep, Yuffie turned to Vincent and told him, "Thanks . . . Vincent." Shortly after, she fell into a dreamless sleep. When they awoke in morning, they set out immediately after they had eaten and repacked their bedrolls. They didn't get too far, because they were attacked by 6 monsters. Vincent took out Death Penalty and shot down two while Yuffie held some others off with her Conformer.

"Hey Vinnie, a monster is behind you!" Yuffie yelled at him. Vincent turned and fired immediately, killing it. A cry of pain came from Yuffie as a wolf sunk its teeth into her shoulder. Vincent fired at it with amazing precision. The fight was over after that. Yuffie sunk down to her knees, wincing at the pain from her shoulder. She went through her bags and got out a cure materia, when she noticed something. A tooth from the wolf had actually stayed in her shoulder when it died. If she used her materia now, it would still be in there. "Um, we got a problem Vinnie," She told him weakly. The monster's tooth found a way to still be lodged into my shoulder when it died."

Vincent went over to her and dug into his pack, and pulled out a small knife. "I need to use this to pry it out. It will hurt, so you must brace yourself." Yuffie nodded. She bit down on her lower lip her eyes shut. She felt the knife slide into the wound and push out the tooth. "OWWW," She cried out. Vincent quickly picked up the cure materia and used it over the wound. She tested her shoulder and quickly put it down by her side. "It will be sore for a bit, but a night's rest should take care of it." Yuffie put Conformer on her back and used her good shoulder to sling her pack over.

"Let's move," Vincent told her. "We have to be within twenty miles of Midgar by tonight." Yuffie checked something on her ankle that he couldn't see (She covered it with her hand) then nodded and followed him. Yuffie looked at the hills around her for a few minutes before yelling, "BORED!" She looked at Vincent leadingly. "Vinnie, just say something! I'm bored out of my mind!"

Vincent sighed. He knew it was only a matter of time before she would burst out like this. "Something. Happy?" Yuffie pouted and kicked the dirt road. "Isn't there anything you wanna talk about?"

"If I ask, do you promise not to get touchy about it?" His blood red eyes crossed her storm grey ones sternly. "Sure thing, just ask!" He stopped walking and looked her straight in the face, his eyes boring into her. "If your father did so much to wreck Wutai, why are you mourning his death? You always act like you hated him." Yuffie faltered for a moment, pondering this before answering.

"Before mom died, he was great. He kept things in order; he was always happy and kind, thinking about the country. When Shinra came . . ." She clenched her fists in rage. "Everything changed. He got worse when war came upon us. The father I remember was long gone at that point, but I mourn the death of the father I once knew, not the one that brought Wutai crumbling to its knees." She averted from his gaze temporarily, and then looked back up serenely, a sweet smile on her face. "Anything else bugging you Vinnie? Don't you have any clues or whatever to how you gonna get that jerk out of your head?"

"I uncovered a text at one point. It wasn't all that helpful, it just told me to start in Midgar, and if I don't find the right way to rid this damn demon from my head, I will be blown into oblivion."

Hey, I heard that!

Good. It's about time you did.

"Vinnie! Your actually gonna take a risk like that?" Yuffie had jumped out in front of him; her arms barred his path, her eyes seething with worry. Vincent just sighed and pushed past her arm blockade. "Yes Yuffie, I am willing to risk my life to be free of the evil lurking inside me. It's the only way I can atone for my sins . . . for Lucrecia . . . beautiful Lucrecia . . ."

" . . ." Yuffie was actually speechless for the first time in years. He still couldn't get over that girl. She watched him intently as he kept his gaze lowered, sadness fixed on his face just barely visible. But the emotion snapped out of him the second it hit him.

I am a monster. I feel no emotion.

"Vincent . . . the more you think of it, the worse it gets on you. Just move the hell on already." Yuffie spoke. Her voice was firm, her chin raised, challenging him to retaliate. A challenge he accepted. Vincent slapped her across the cheek, anger rising in his crimson eyes. "Shut the hell up on matters you don't know you damned child," he told her coldly. "Matters I don't know? Matters of losing someone you love and you can't do anything about it? Matters of seeing someone you truly love and care about die right in front of you while you are helpless to save them? I am all too familiar with that Valentine, so maybe you should snap out of the thought that you're the only one who knows about that kind of pain." She shot what felt like shocks of lightning from her storm eyes, eyes that burned with fury that made his seem like a small annoyance. She sighed and stepped out of his way. "Lead on." Vincent walked on, thinking over the past few minutes they just went through.

You hit a nerve, that's for sure.

What do you care?

Does it matter? If this actually works, I'll just take the girl myself.

You better not you damn demon.

Apologizing might ease your situation idiot.

Since when am I supposed to listen to a bastard like you?

Since this 'bastard' knows what he's talking about.

They set up camp late that night, though they had gone seven miles longer than planned for that day. The shinobi ate less than yesterday and then went to bed immediately after. Vincent took a little longer to sleep though. He glanced at her ankle where she reached earlier and saw an anklet made of string that varied in shades of green. The ties had small silver charms on it, a crescent moon and a Wutaian flower. It didn't take him long to figure out it was her mother's.

That's why she checked it after the battle. She didn't want it to be damaged.

He decided to apologize once in town. He needed time to mull things over. They awoke later than usual that day, but if they maintained the same as yesterday, they would reach Midgar by mid afternoon, giving Vincent time to study files that might give information on how to get Chaos out of him and Yuffie time to rest and get in contact with Tifa on her PHS.

After going through three battles, two wounds on both of them, they made it to Midgar in one piece by 4 pm. They immediately headed to the inn first to get a room to stay in. When they got in their room, Yuffie picked the bed by the window and flopped on it with a grateful sigh. "So where are you gonna start researching?"

"I don't know. This visit could last a few days. I might require your help tomorrow, but for now, rest and get in contact with the others and check up on them." Yuffie nodded in agreement. With one swing of his cloak, Vincent left the room.

What happened to apologizing?

Later. When I come in tonight, I will apologize.

Yuffie excitedly pulled out her PHS and called over Tifa. "Hello?" came Tifa's voice. "Hi Tifa!" Yuffie exclaimed into the device. "Me and Vinnie made it in to Midgar in one piece."

"That's good to hear. The baby will be out in a week! I'm so excited!" Tifa informed her cheerfully. Yuffie squealed. "You better call me right after it's born, you hear me?" Tifa giggled. "Oh! I almost forgot . . ." Yuffie heard a click, and then she was actually able to see Tifa's face, smiling up at her. "Whoa! Tifa, this is really cool!" Tifa smiled triumphantly. "How do I make you see me?" She asked eagerly.

"The blue switch on the back," Tifa instructed. "Cloud added these a few weeks ago." Sure enough, Yuffie found a small blue switch on the back. She heard it click then looked back at Tifa. "Did it work?"

"Yup! But I need your opinion on something." Tifa pointed the PHS to her pregnancy. "Oh? What do you need an opinion on?" Tifa pointed the PHS back to her face. "What do you think of the name Kai for the baby? I thought it was a good universal name. Just Kai if it's a boy and Kailen if it's a girl."

"They sound good to me," came Yuffie's approval. Tifa giggled. She turned her head to the side and yelled, "She likes them Cloud!" Yuffie heard a distant,"That's good!" And a blonde spiky head popped into view.

"Hey Cloud, how've things been with preparing for the baby?" Yuffie sat up on the bed. "Hard! Tifa has way too many cravings for me to keep up with!" Cloud sweat dropped and earned a small elbow from Tifa. "Do you wanna have the baby? I would trade any day!" Cloud gave her a small smile. Tifa sighed. "Alright, well, we gotta go now Yuffie. Tell Vincent we say hi."

"Will do Tifa, bye guys!" Yuffie waved before flipping the switch on the back and headed in the shower.


Tifa turned off the PHS and stuffed it in her pocket then turned to Cloud. "I think I forgot to mention something to her," She told him playfully. Cloud raised an eyebrow. "I forgot to say that Red never said he would baby-sit when the baby was born." A smile played across his face. "You really shouldn't be playing matchmaker like this." Tifa leaned her head on his shoulder. "They just seem so perfect though. It may not look it at first but if you really think about, the only time Vincent was even near normal was around Yuffie. And Yuffie always seemed to act a little bit different around Vincent. She always hid her face and leaned against something if he was within three feet of her."

Cloud's brow furrowed as he scratched the back of his head, thinking over the information given. He just smiled and kissed her. when he pulled back, he told her, "This will be an interesting adventure for those two."

Yes! The first chapter is done! Took me long enough, I know, but this is my first fan fiction, so please review. Flames are welcome, as long as they aren't the bitch slap in the face kind. So see the pretty review button. You can just hear it calling 'click me' right? Ichi out!