AN: Ok, so a HUGE thankyou to my loyal reviewers!!!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own GG or the lyrics to SR-71s "My World"

...But in my world, there is only you...

Rory stretched languorously as she woke up on Monday morning. She had spent the rest of the weekend lounging around the house with her books, an old style weekend, doing her homework and worry in the back of her mind about the inevitable showdowns on Monday.

Finn would be there soon to pick her up so she hurried to shower and change into her uniform, whistling in tune to matchbox 20s "How far we've come" as she brushed out her hair.

"You sound happy" Lorelai grumbled as she passed the door.

Rory smiled ironically at her reflection.

"I'm feeling pretty good" She replied determinedly.

She could tell when he arrived, that Finn didn't know about the bitter argument Rory had had with the Icon on Saturday night, Finn wasn't one to be able to hide his emotions very well. He simply handed her the helmet and took off.

As they pulled up in front of the school Rory steeled herself. She knew the Icon would be there today, despite what was happening between them, he wouldn't let them put up anything but a united front on a day like today. Louise and Madeline were waiting by Louise's car when the bike pulled up and waved to Finn and Rory. When she looked towards the school she saw the Icon kick away from the wall he'd been leaning against, ready to meet them.

"Shall we?" Rory asked.

Finn offered her his arm but she shook her head and rearranged her bag. She didn't need saving. She greeted the Icon simply and curtly and he nodded in response.

There were whispers across the campus, most of the student body had seen Logan arrive that morning, knew he was back and they were buzzing with what that could mean. As they were about to enter the school they heard a girl cry out to them.

"Wait for me!"

Rory turned, surprised to see Paris, of all people, running towards them. She came to a stop and took her place with them. Rory was the first one to step through the doors and they strode down the hallway together.

Tristan looked up when he saw Rory walk in, her mask firmly in place. Feeling his eyes on her she stared over at him blankly. Luna nudged him questioningly.

"Why do I feel like there's about to be a showdown?" She whispered to him as the group passed them.

Tristan shrugged and turned to watch. He had seen Huntzberger earlier that morning, which was strange because the last he'd heard Logan had been enrolled at Exeter. It hadn't meant anything to him of course, when he'd recognised him in the hall earlier, Huntzberger was just another Hartford brat as far as Tristan was concerned.

The gang stopped in front of the bay of lockers where Rory, Finn and Louise's were while Rory put her books away.

"Maybe he didn't come bacK' Madeline said hopefully and the Icon rolled his eyes.

"Of course he did," Rory said, trying not to snap at her friend, "Can't you hear everyone? They all know he's back"

Madeline bit her lip and nodded, jumping as Rory slammer her locker shut.

"We should all get to class, this isn't Westside Story, there's not going to be any showdown" Rory said calmly. They had shown the school they were united, that was all that was needed for now.

She walked off alone down the hall, glaring fiercely at the ground, knowing that a showdown of some sort was inevitable and thinking back to their last one.

"You can try to make me the bad guy all you want Rory…but at the end of the day the blame doesn't lie with me"

That was what he'd said to her. She supposed he meant that what had happened was her fault but she wouldn't accept that, couldn't. She was torn from her thoughts as someone grabbed her arm and began steering her down the hall. She look up in anger but that softened when she realised it was Tristan.


"Hi" He said abruptly.

"Are we going to the janitor's closet?" Rory asked with a wink.

He smiled despite himself but shook his head, steering out of the school building.

"Tristan," She began, getting frustrated with him. "What are you doing? I have class"

"This is important"

She nodded and let him lead her to his car.

"Get in"

She climbed into the passenger seat as he walked around to the driver's side.

"So what's going on?" She asked, feigning carelessness.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that?"

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"You want to know about Logan Huntzberger?"

He nodded.

"Let's go for a drive," Rory suggested, "I'll tell you, but I want to get away from here".

They had driven around Hartford and stopped for breakfast at a café.

"Logan was kicked out of Exeter," Rory told him, "So Mitchum brought him back here and enrolled him in Chilton. It wasn't long after the boys arrived and he knew Finn so he knocked around with us"

Tristan nodded as they received their food. Rory took a sip of her coffee and sighed.

"Did you date him?" Tristan asked.

Rory nodded.

"In a momentary lapse of judgement I did" She admitted, "There was stuff that happened, it split the group…"

She trailed off and took a bite of her pizza bagel.

"Care to elaborate?" Tristan asked.

Rory sighed heavily.

"No, not really"

Tristan raised his eyebrow.

"Look," She said conspiratorially, "I'll tell you what you'll hear around the traps. Logan has been in jail, well, juvie anyway…for months now. He's just gotten out thanks, I assume, to daddy's money and words in the right ears"

She leaned back and took a long gulp of her coffee.

"What did he do?" Tristan asked.

"He shot someone"

Tristan's eyes widened as Rory looked down at the ground.


"No…not murder"

She brought her hands up to her face and rubbed her eyes.

"Anyway," She continued, "by that point the group was divided and we shut him out. Now he's back"

Tristan nodded and they finished their meal in silence.

When they got back to the car Tristan automatically opened the door for her and turned to smile at him.

"What?" He asked, uncomfortable.

She didn't answer, instead she grabbed his tie and pulled him towards her, crushing her lips against his. Surprised he almost stumbled before he managed to regain ground and wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she brushed her tongue over his soft lips. She felt her shoulder bump painfully against the car but didn't care as she felt that old, familiar warmth spreading through her.

If only standing on a Hartford side-street, making out with Tristan could erase everything that was set to blow up soon enough.

They made it back to school for the period before lunch, which was, coincidentally, the creative writing class they shared. They found an empty classroom to use to work on the play. Rory sat on the teacher's desk, reading over that they had managed to write so far, which was a whole lot of nothing.

"We have nothing" Rory said calmly.

"Mmmm" Tristan replied, moving to stand in front of her.

She looked up into the smirk she remembered.

"And what you have in mind, isn't going to get us anywhere" She reprimanded.

He sighed heavily but didn't move; instead he leaned closer towards her, leaning his arms on the desk on either side of her.

She didn't falter, didn't back away, instead she took the initiative yet again and leaned into him and another bruising kiss.

They finally broke apart when they heard somebody clearing their voice in the doorway.

"Unless that's a scene in your play, and if it is we may have to censor it, get back to work"

Rory and Tristan laughed as Sonia Orchard walked away to check on the next group.

"This is a scene from our play right?" Rory asked playfully.

Tristan smirked.

"If it's not then it should be".

"I'll meet you in the cafeteria" Rory told Louise as she passed her in the hallway, making her way to the locker.

"Ok! Don't be long!"

Rory stuck her head inside her locker, feeling like screaming, she was tired and irritable and despite her pleasant morning with Tristan, wasn't in the mood to see out the rest of the day, but she had to.

The hallway emptied quickly, and she wasn't surprised to someone come to a stop behind her.

"Huntzberger" She greeted him without turning.

"Gilmore" He replied.

Still with her back to him she asked him what he wanted.

"I just want to clear the air" He replied and she laughed, slowly turning around.

He looked different, she hadn't noticed on Friday night, but he did. He'd always been quite well built but he looked thin now, his face almost sallow, mind you she thought, he probably wouldn't have been dining on caviar in juvie.

"Logan, I accept that you're out of jail. And I accept that you've come back to school. Now I just want you to respect my wishes and leave me alone so I can finish out my year in peace."

It was ironic she thought, the entire student body cramming into the hallway that morning expecting a show, when the real spectacle would always happen when nobody was around to see it.

He grinned at her but it soon faded when he noticed how tired she looked.


Her eyes flashed at his use of the pet name he'd made up for her.

"I'm sorry I was a dick the other night. I know I fucked up, I know you all hate me, but I want to make it right"

Rory nodded coolly, unemotionally.

"You realise that's never gonna happen, right?"

Quickly she turned on her heel and started to walk away when he grabbed her arm. She wheeled around in his grip.

"Fucking let me go" She whispered menacingly.

He smirked at her and back her towards the wall. She glared at him fiercely.

"Come on Rory, you used to be good in situations like this"

"If I still had my knife I'd cut it off" She whispered.

Ah yes, he remembered, the switchblade Renny had given her.

"Didn't you bury it with him?"

"No," She replied, "I used it to torture the voodoo doll I had made of you"

"Aww that's sweet Ace, still got that quick wit I see"

She smiled sarcastically and pushed him away from her.

"Logan, I don't have the energy for this bullshit, just leave me alone. You want to make things right? Then just leave us all alone"

AN: I was really pleased with the reviews I got for the last Chapter, it restored my faith that despite the disjointed and deliberately vague way I've been writing this, you guys are following it. Thankyou.